Monday, June 11, 2012

Earth Day...............a poetry assignment from 2012

Earth Day

Today is a bright and new day.
The sun has shined, the wind has blown
The rain has danced the rainbow smiles across the bay.
The harvest has been sown.

The pine trees wave as the wind tosses the ocean waves once more
The mountains tremble just a bit, perhaps a mere chuckle?
The snow falls, the ice melts soon summer heat will whistle from just outside the door.
The birds soar, the butterflies prance, and the bees fly from honey suckle to honey suckle.

A small child wanders out into a meadow.
A young couple smiles and says "I do".
The stars fade, and the night begins anew, and soon once again will come the snow.
Searching for lost time, the widow forgets the rue, as memories float across the skies so blue.

A grave once again, stands open, a casket is sown.
As a seed once planted now "the Harvest" will ever bloom
To dance on the streets of gold, or perhaps a soul to horrors untold has flown.
Sweeping the cobwebs away, life once again resumes.

Tears shine, and fade.
Laughter so loud, so silent-
As today we walk this Earth, seeking some new fancy to wade
How soon we forget, this world, to this Earth, we are only for a moment lent.

Lent but for a moment in time.
Treasure each and every day; leave every space in better shape.
Remember what you leave behind it is of no value, if sown upon the "material dime".
My dear friend, I've told you once, and yet I've lingered to say once again, from eternity there is no escape.

Choose wisely my friend.
Treasure your days, plan for the future, love with passion.
Yet, remember my friend the festivities of this day you celebrate will one day end.
Earth day, it is a treasure, a day to shine.

Yet, how dim is your treasure if this worlds treasures you worship, celebration of times, seasons and days.
Plant a tree, plant a garden, celebrate your world, keep your space clean remember only the outside is seen.
Earth as we know it will one day pass away, will we have shown any what "His" word says?
We laugh, we mock, how we forget every seed planted will sprout; will our "dust" be the final bursting seam?

Once and again Earth Day it is we celebrate, plant a tree, plant a garden, remember the final Harvest.
Clean up your space, inside and out, for someone's watching you.
Look away one, look away twice, your testimony follows you, someone's watching you, someone's riding your crest.
Earth Day will one day, be no more than a distant memory, this it is abundantly true.

As you stand silently, amazed at the beauty all around you, remember all creation shows "His Hand".
Today, through a darkened glass we gaze, tomorrow, brilliance we'll see.
Today, as yesterday, I extend to you a helping hand.

As you celebrate Earth Day, remember you can be truly free.

Freedom my dear friend, you say you have obtained, this I hope it is true.
However, my dearest and best, how can you be free if to this world you cling?
Share, prosper, and treasure the things you have, yet hold lightly to this world of rue.
Listen silently; listen closely, for soon will the final bell for you ring.

Time my friend marches steadily on, never waiting for you, nor me.
The mountains, shake, they tremble too, seeing what we cannot, the grass soon to be turned into the final fire.
The wind whispers, the storms scream, all creation shouts, all creation warns, yet, still many walk in pride never free.
Time my friend; it is fast coming to an end, will you this Earth Day, not tremble, and bow the knee, do you not know the situation for the lost it is dire?

Earth Day
Every day is special, no day however is more special than the day, that the lost soul has been set free.

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