About Writing
So, I've been writing just a bit, well maybe a lot you could say. However, I've not found much to say. I've searched my mind for topics, looked around and listened hoping some new topic of which to write.
I've been searching far and wide, rambling in poems, and rehearsing old information over and over again in my mind. Listening as often as possible to the news, watching the headlines-
The more I've written the less I've found I have to say. It's interesting at times how that works, perhaps, the mind really needs to be emptied every now and then. Lots of clutter comes into the mind, writing seems to be a great way to begin dusting off the cobwebs, and sifting the clutter.
The more I sift however, the more I find there wasn't too much up there anyways. The compulsive writer must find something to write about often or the mind fills up with voices struggling to get out. However as the writer writes, the noise, and the chatter begin to settle down.
As the noise begins to settle down, the writer will become more focused on the trivial matters around. Things like neglected household chores, or perhaps will notice the yard needs to be mowed.
If the writer's preference for writing comes from poetry then the writer will perhaps become inspired by surroundings, sights, smells, sounds. Life comes alive once again, the air begins to vibrate, and words begin to trickle into the writers mind.
Pretty soon the compulsive writer has forgotten the neglected chores, the high grass in the yard, has forgotten that dinner never quite got started. Because the compulsive writer has once again become enthused with the printed page, the sound of words rustling making such a rumbling noise the writer must sit down and begin to type, to scribble the compulsion it must be filled.
Compulsive writing soon becomes somewhat of a habit; the reason for this habit is because of the fact being someone has mistakenly told someone to think about writing. This was further indulged when someone began to give someone else money for writing. Just a few dollars, not enough to really make a significant difference, however it was just enough to create a compulsive writer'"
Writing can become quite therapeutic, for many individuals especially those who find it hard to put into spoken words information they'd like to convey.
For me, Associate Content has renewed a desire in my life to write more, and to write better.
Although I've not written nearly as much as I would have liked since I first began here, I have written a little. The little that I have written has helped me as I've had to deal with several major traumatic events in my life in just the past five years, if it had not been for Associate Content encouraging me to write, via way of actually paying me for a few article's and for others making comments on my article's I do believe my mental state would not be quite as stable as I believe it to be currently.
So thank you very much A/C for being the first place to have ever really paid me any amount of money to speak of. I sincerely appreciate it. Because of your encouragement I will do my best to improve, perhaps I'll even become a compulsive writer, and write many things, article's, poems, books, and such as that-
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