Sunday, June 10, 2012

Easy Marriage, Easy Divorce

Easy Marriage, Easy Divorce
Who Will Pay?

The night was still and silent, the stars softly glowing.

When suddenly once again, was I awoken, as rage was growing.

A fuss, an argument, a fight'"

Soon, we've taken flight.

Gone far away by break of day'"

All my possessions left to another as the dawn swiftly turns to gray --

Each believing their self to be in the right, the raging chill soon spans many years.

Yet, the "black ice" it never melts till in the grave lay silent solemn forgotten tears --

Raging parents, raging because of circumstances, raging because of self-willed sin'"

Raging each assuming it is the other, never knowing neither can win.

Slamming doors, cruel words slung again and again, the night air heavy and thick.

As another child learns too soon of what is sick.

Uncontrolled rage, anger justified, anger unwarranted, accusations slung at will.

How blind the raging couple who see not their marriage it is ill?

Each believing the other is in error, seeking revenge, each seeking their own.

The years pass swiftly as each bitter heart finally settle's alone.

Years of rage, years of bitterness, the golden years turned instead to rusting brass.

Long ago was the floor swept clean, of the sparkling broken glass'"?

Love long forgotten, bitterness rooted well, soon a harden heart lies silent in a lonely grave.

Tingling teardrops echo as the wind blows across the frozen ground that anger did pave.

Shattered, trust, shattered faith, words spoken in haste'"

How soon many lives linger among the waves of waste --

Thinking only of their own pride, their own need, forgotten is the love that was professed.

Believing themselves to be justified the last door is finally slammed, and idle words are spoken, but none confessed.

Watching the children see, listening the children hear, soon the fruit of pride will sprout.

As each child leaves the "nest" they know not how to work things out.

So a trail of bitterness, a trail of tears, a trail forged many years before becomes a path well-known.

Yes, well worn is the path that was high-lighted and to the child shown.

You see divorce it is now common, so common in fact no longer do the tears fall, they are now as "black ice"

How soon, an idle word, an idle gesture, becomes a binding vice.

Every word we speak we shall one day give an account.

Every deed we do it is recorded without a doubt.

Our idle actions, though others may not see forever will these mark the lives of someone.

Perhaps, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness should be extended that a family might be won.

Pride, negligence, self-willed indulgence, believing ourselves justified we forget someone is watching, someone will cry.

Destroying a marriage, how is it we embrace the ungodly lie?

Walking away, we are told by society it is our right.

Yet, divorce it is the most fatal slippery "black ice" that will lead many to a bitter and harsh plight.

The rhyme it is of anger, it is of "justified" divorce.

The rhyme, says it all, love covers all, anger it fuels a bitterness of raging force.

Considering divorce, look ahead, and see your children, see you heritage, see their soon twisted broken heart.

Consider my friend, the depth of your choice, as forever will your family struggle, yet will it ever be easy to part.

Parting ways, it is the common way; it is how it's done.

However, my friend how much harder is it for the broken family to be won?

Listen carefully, my dear if you've said "I do", it is still for better or worse, for richer or poorer -- and all the rest.

It was a binding covenant till death, do you each part, together you must ride every stormy crest.

Hold tight to the one, whom you said you love, because you're being watched, someone wants to know if love is real.

My dear, before in anger you slam that door turn around and look and see life's fast turning wheel.

What you do in haste, your child will do with ease.

Beware, take care, prideful sentiments, justified anger, it is not you who is soon to be laugh as you do as you please.

You see not only are your children, family and friends watching but so too is all of Heaven, and the Devil who will shout with glee as from your covenant you flee.

Reasons abound justified and true, yet how much more bound will you be as the ink dries on the paper that claims "you are free".

Do as you please, but divorce it is not free.

Forever my friend, will your family be a broken tree.

A bitter broken tree, bearing the fruits of pride, arrogance, justification, and rage'"

My friend there is another way, but it'll take much more time, and many a long page.

You see my dear, we are all justified, we all could leave in haste.

Marriage my dear, it takes time, patience, and love, true love my dear leaves no waste.

Hold tight my dear to the vow you vowed because someone's watching, someone wants to know if love is real.

Close the door my dear, hold it fast, because truly the vow you made shows to many God's compassion, God's binding seal.

When our vows, our wedding bonds we willingly break, we make a mockery, we bring disgrace.

Marriage my dear, it isn't to be entertained upon a wimp, it is instead to be only entered with much care, then cared for with much compassion and extended grace --

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