Monday, June 11, 2012

Assignment from 2011, "Write Christmas time poem"

Christmas Promises
Random Acts of Kindness

Silver bells, ice skating on the pond, bright shining faces
Everyone's happy as can be, great expectations reflected in so many places

Christmas cheer, snowflakes softly falling, a lightness felt as it is the end of the year
The last month, the final holiday, only a few more days and silent will fall the cheer.

Presents under trees, generosity seen all over town, laughter and smiles
Baking, shopping, and wrapping, everyone's happy to go a few extra miles

A few extra miles, random acts of kindness abound.
So many needs, so many hands suddenly appear wishing to lift another onto steady ground

Yet all year long, a frown is shown, a quick hastily dash is made to get away
All year long, we look the other way, as yet another soul lingers wishing so much just to play

Forever trying, forever falling, yet at last it is that kindness time of year.
Snowflakes fall, generosity abounds, the impoverished see a ray of hope, too soon begin to cheer.

Forgetting the sparkle the shine, it is but an artificial emptiness trying to fill a deepening void.
Everyone's smiling, everyone's being oh, so very nice, forgetting to remember others to avoid.

Funny it is really, oh so funny, everyone willing to spread Christmas cheer.
Christmas cheer, it comes but once a year…

Once a year, the halls are decked, the snow softly falls…
Silver bells sing, as sleighs run freely over the new laid snow, softly Christmas choirs call

Shining faces, smiling, happy, cheerful sounds abound all around.
Smudged faces lifted up as a hand reaches out to lift another from the cold hard ground.

Gifts are given with cheer.
Thankfulness abounds, as kindness is extended like no other time of year.

Smile my dear, for Christmas it is near.
Smile my dear, for the artificial lights will soon be but a distant memory, reflected in a shiny lingering tear…

Christmas packages, stacked so high, trees all decked out, everyone dressed so very nice.
How is it this time of year thaws hearts of stone, hearts of ice?

Christmas comes but once a year, but truly the kindness shown to a passing stranger, it is needed each and every day.
Stop, turn around look all around, and you will see, the sparkling eyes are never far away.

Every day, every week, every month of the year, look around the sparkle you see, it shines still.
Shines so bright, because every dream is remembered in a single fallen tear, as the air whispers a soft silent chill.

Christmas comes, Christmas goes, and no one notices as the snowflakes sparkle, shine, and fade…
Melting snowflakes, whispers of a "Happy New Year" echo as Christmas leaves behind a lingering charade…

Christmas trees, presents galore, tinsel, falling snow flakes, whispers on the fading shadows of the night lift their voices and sing…
Whispers sing of a better tomorrow, a brighter future, yet, how soon another year is ended, forgotten over and over are the promises, and resolutions that every New Year brings…

(Christmas Promises
All year long we forget about those less fortunate, yet at Christmas time we look for those we can cheer, why is it we forget them all year prior?)

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