Sunday, June 10, 2012

Faded Dusty Spring Flowers another poetry assignment

Faded Dusty Spring Flowers

Faded flowers, springs come and gone once again'"
Stillwater's puddles up in the streams that are now but a dusty river stain --

Spring time comes, bringing bright new aspirations, fleeting memories forge through new blossoms.
Baby's breath, whispers through to say "do you remember, do you remember me?" can you hear the droning hum --

Dusty flower petals broken and crushed perfuming the fast fading springtime air.
How soon before we'll slide that that final chair?

Slipping away, slipping away, time frozen as the air settles, realities stalled, as the mirror reflects our inward terror.
Death waits ever at our doorsteps; shadows linger as a soul is left with no remorse.

Fate sealed early evening before the sun ever did finally set.
Time frozen, echoes forever in the stillness of the night, is there no regret --

Hurt held tight, covered up and buried, who can see the pain?
Bitten lips bleeding forever, yet the blood it is but a stain --

Stains runs together how often the sun reflects the pasty shine that once flowed freely from our eyes.
New beginnings, early spring, treasured memories, yet how we forget the sum total of lies --

Left to die, left to die, in the early spring, a day of new beginnings, a day with no end.
Memories echo, through the terrors of the nights, so soon we find the branch that forever did bend.

The road goes on, the road goes on, yet still the shadows remain, the reflection it shines.
Tires spin, as tears freeze and dry, the clock it is frozen, the sirens echo even through as a vibrating tine.

A mirror, a reflection, an image a fright filled day a crisp surreal night.
Sudden death, pain held in ever so tight.

Perhaps one day the winds of time will shift, perhaps, one day time will pass.
How soon, till that day, how soon, till we truly forget at last?

Broken dreams as crushed flowers perfume the air.
Turn away; look away, for the shadow that was is forever gone away, as a high slung flair --

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