Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Broad River Greenway Tragedy (this was written in 2011)

This was techically a "local interest" news assignment article. This happened exactly one week, after my daughter came very close to drowning.

A friend of mine has grandchildred who went to school with this young boy. This child (Nathan Beck) was eventually found, he had drowned.

The Broad River Greenway Tragedy
Nathan Beck, Age 14 Missing

A few days ago, when I had originally accepted this assignment I had thought to write something about hit and run cases locally. Including the still pending case concerning the death of my oldest son, it has been four years since his death, and yes someone was charged in that case. (Someone who has went on to receive a probation sentence because of DWI, this sentence given very recently. )

I had also thought to write on the severity of the economic conditions in the area where I currently live. Including making mention of the growing homeless population, which is a direct result of the economic climate of the past few years.

Other topics I had considered writing about, was the local auditions that were held for movie extra's. I'd even thought about writing about the lack of sidewalks in this area, and how it would make walking much safer for people, and also would make it easier for people to comply with their doctor's suggestions of walking to get fit, or to get into shape.

However, of all of the possible topics that I could have written about, I have instead chosen to write about a very sad topic. About a child, who has been lost to the currents of the Broad River, swept away with barely a trace. It is heartbreaking and it could easily have been anyone's child including mine. As only one week and one day prior my children were at the Broad River Greenway, two of them were caught by the current thankfully; their friends were able to catch them in time.

This child, who is missing for about a week now, tomorrow will be one week. (Sunday, April 24)
He is fourteen years old, so he is not a small child, but still he is a child. He had played in this river most of his life, he could swim. He was not afraid of the water. However, the water was moving faster than usual due to several storms that had passed through. He was caught by the current, the current pulling him away, and breaking the hearts of his family and friends.

This case hits very close to home, not only because I have lost a child, but also because this child who is missing, was good friends with several of my best friend's grandchildren. The missing child's name is Nathan Beck. Please pray.

*Update to this story, this child was found, tragically he had drowned.
Please be remember to be very careful around water.

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