Monday, June 11, 2012

Writing, a Viable Optiion for Income During an Economic Downturn (an article from 2012)

I was paid 3.94 upfront for this article.

Writing, a Viable Option for Income During an Economic Downturn

So you have applied to every business in town, and have still not found employment. You've even applied to places that you never dreamed you would, as you went door to door.

However, you either don't have the background, or degree for a particular place of business or the place is just not hiring.

So what are your options?

Seriously, you need to think of some options, because gas isn't free, and you can only walk so far on any given day.

Then if you're selling your personal property to make ends meet until you find a full-time job, sooner or later you will run out of things to sell.

Even if you pick up cans your neighbors toss out, and or save your own to cash in, you're most likely not going to make enough to make ends meet.

So what can you possibly do to stay afloat for just a little while at least?

Well there are a few possibilities that may be helpful for you depending on your skills, talents, and available resources.

If you have a computer with internet access, you will have more options than someone who does not have access to a computer or internet. *To do things online that is, without the need to expend time or energy walking or driving around town, either putting in applications, or doing various odd jobs.

(A public computer would not be as helpful, so you would want to have your own, or a friend who would be willing to allow you to use theirs.)

Now, I am sure many of you have heard that you can complete survey's or do any number of things online, however, there are many scams of various kinds available to the naïve.

So what can you actually do and really get paid?

Well, for starters you can do what I am doing tonight, you can write for content sites.

You can write on any topic that you can think of to write on.

If you can think it up then more than likely with a little research you can find someplace to write on that topic. You can even start your on blog to write on any topic that tickle's your fancy.

So how do you go about finding places to write, well for starters, what are you reading online? Look at the site you are on, look for the sitemap, then look and see if they have a link that says something like "write for us", or something similar, or a contact us link. If in doubt, just send a query letter and ask.

You can also look for "writer's forums" you will find lots of others on these forums who may freely give information to you of places to write for pay.

As you find places that pay for writing you should remember to tell others who may be looking for places to write, because as the internet grows it can be hard to find places that will really pay, or who are even worth writing for.

So as to not make this particular article too very long, I'll start ending here, and leave you with a few links, you can check out. I hope that you will find these to be helpful, and useful, especially if you are looking for a way to make some money in today's economic climate.

Depending on your talent, motivation, and determination you may do well, or you may not. However, you will not do well at all if you don't even try. You may not make millions, but then again some people have done very well writing, and you could be someone who will.

Remember determination, and diligence, will often take you much further than the average talented writer, who lacks motivation, determination, and diligence.
Now to get you started in the right direction,

You can sign up here, to be a yahoo contributor, for

"Yahoo Voices"

You may be able to write for


You will have to apply to write for so it is not as easy as a general content site,

This next link is for Helium, it is a good site to get ideas, when you may have a night of writer's block.

This is a link to Demand Studios, you can get a weekly check for your writing, writing as much or as little as you like.

This is a site that I found that has a lot of links you can check out for possible writing jobs you can do.

Remember that with diligence, attention to detail, and determination, you may really be able to make a little or a lot writing. If you do very well, then you may not need to return to a factory job, or other industry, unless you just want to, for the social contacts, and the insurance benefits.

Even then if you do, you can still write on your days off, mean while writing may be one viable option for you in a weak economy.

Something else you may find helpful, is to look for writer's forums, a Google search may be helpful to find these forums.

Below are a couple of links where you will find helpful information.

Accentuate Write, a forum for writer's to discuss and promote writing. A lot of very helpful people are on this forum.

Faith Writer's

This site has a forum where you can talk to other writers; it also has an area where you can sell eBooks, and writing contests.

I should mention that you can put eBooks online without a hosting fee that is something I did not know when I put my first eBooks online. *I am still learning how to format eBooks, I am not very happy with the ones I've put online so far, so that is a bit embarrassing, but maybe one of these days, I'll figure out how to fix that problem. Hopefully sooner rather than later-

Now since I mentioned eBooks, I should at least give you a link to a couple of places where you can put books your write online completely by passing the middle man, or traditional publishing house.

A site many of you may already know about, but not thought of, is Amazon, yes Amazon, you can publish your own books there. Either as an eBook or as a print on demand type book. You can go to their site and find all the information you need to do that.


Smash words


This is just a very few links that you may find helpful as you either switch to a freelance writing career, or as you pass the time between job applications, and interviews. Maybe this will help some of you to make a few dollars for gas, or groceries, or maybe even the rent or power bill, depending on your persistence and ability, and determination.

(Writing, a Viable Option for Income During an Economic Downturn
Writing may not be your top choice as a career, however, if you're out of work (unemployed) it may be a very real and viable option to make due, until you are able to find employment.)

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