Saturday, June 9, 2012

Has Your Livelihood Been Regulated Away? an article I wrote back in 2011

Has Your Livelihood Been Regulated Away?

Why should you care about the environmental rules and regulations that are written into law?

Well for starters, the rules, regulations, and zoning laws will affect your life very personally within due time. Especially if you happen to be a blue collar worker, however, the white collar worker will also find in time that what was regulated down to the blue collar worker will lead to his own economic difficult in due time.

The regulations placed on new businesses and old, by environmentalist, may seem like a good idea. To some perhaps, I mean if the environmentalist remains silent, there could possibly be a shortage of flies, mosquitoes, termites, or all the whales could die before we get to meet them all.

Also the environmentalist who looks out his window and sees all the cars, trucks, buildings, people etc- is completely convinced there must be too many people in the world, so this problem needs to be solved.

What better way to solve the environmentalists perceived problem of global over population of people. Than to make employment opportunities very limited, or tightly controlled. Hopefully to discourage more people from wanting to apply to any business not deemed environmentally friendly by the environmentalist who is very concerned with the "global warming, or global cooling epidemic" at any particular time.

While it may to a point be true that the Earth is globally warming in some areas, cooling in others, it is very doubtful that ensuring all your neighbors are unemployed or underemployed due to some regulation or rule, you worked to make law, is going to do anything to change the climate condition in your area.

In fact when more and more people become homeless, due to the fact there are no viable jobs for the blue collar worker in your neighborhood, the environmentalist, will find him or herself paying more in taxes to insure those who must apply for welfare are able to do so.

However after, after a time even the salary of the environmentalist will not be enough to pay for his unemployed, underemployed, or unemployable neighbor. This will lead in time to even more problems, because while the environmentalist is overly concerned about some fly or other, or with the condition of the whale, the environmentalist will be the first in line to want to exterminate his neighbor.

Yes, it is the liberal environmentalist who will stand ready and willing to pull the trigger to eliminate the pleas and cries of his neighbor, yet will march, and protest if his neighbor has employment that he has deemed to be unsafe for his environment.

While it is true we do need to be good stewards, it is a shame when the value of human life is so much less than even an insect, plant or animal.

How, I wonder will the environmentalist feel when the tides turn, and there is no one to stand for him? As no animal, insect or plant ever once led any protest in support of any human life. Not even once.

Human life is important, it is sacred, and it is a gift. Humans have the ability to work together for solutions to their individual problems, and to provide even for the least insect on the planet.

However, if it comes between, a plant, insect or animal, I suggest that the environmentalist think carefully, before working to regulate someone else's life. Because one day the things that have been regulated will affect the environmentalist and the affect may not be the positive that the environmentalist perceives.

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