Saturday, June 9, 2012

Diabetes, a Blessing, a Curse (another article that I wrote back in 2011)

Diabetes, a Blessing, a Curse

A few years ago, my husband was diagnosed with diabetes.He had not wanted to go to the physician due to the fact he suspected that he would be diagnosed with diabetes.

My husband had good reason to suspect that he would be diagnosed with type diabetes. Because he was obese, not only was he severely obese, there is a family history of adult onset diabetes within his immediate family.

His mother was diagnosed with diabetes in her early fifties. I believe diabetes may have played a significant part in the immature death of my husband's mother.

Besides, his mother, my husband's maternal grandfather's leg was amputated due to complications with diabetes. His grandfather also eventually went blind.

Diabetes is a very serious condition. It needs to be taken serious, because if not, many complications will invade the lives of the diabetic, and the immediate family.

With the diagnoses of diabetes, my husband has learned that many things he once took for granted. He no longer can. Because his diabetes is currently still uncontrolled even with medication, and exercise, he is slowly learning the foods he can safely eat without running his glucose levels up.
Since the diagnoses of diabetes, my husband has learned that the things he once took for granted he no longer can.

For example, he must be careful in the types of foods he consumes. The diagnoses of diabetes may be a blessing for some who will take note of their health, and begin to take steps to improve their health.
I have a friend whose diagnosis led to drastic changes in her life for the positive. She lost weight, through diet, and exercise. She began paying close attention to her glucose levels, and also carefully monitored her intake of sugar and calories. She switched to whole grains as much as possible.

She no longer has to take any diabetic medications. Her appearance has changed and she looks about twenty or thirty years younger. For her diabetes was a blessing, because she no longer takes her health for granted.

However, my husband has not taken the news of diabetes so well. He has instead not taken the diagnoses as seriously as he should. Perhaps, this is partially due to the extreme amounts of stress our family has undergone since his diagnoses.

Stress is not good for anyone, it is however, even worse for someone who has any kind of health problem. Diabetes being one of the worst, due to the fact stress can elevate glucose levels without even consuming one particle of sugar.

Now, in my husband's defense he did at the beginning take his diagnoses serious. He cut back on his consumption of foods, and cut out all soda's. He also began a regular walking program. He lost weight, and was well on his way to an improvement in his health, his physician was well pleased.
He was also beginning to feel better, despite the foreboding knowledge that the company he worked for was relocating. Besides he'd been told he may be allowed to transfer with the company, however this did not happen as his job was eventually terminated completely.

It has now been a little over 4 years since my husband was diagnosed with diabetes. His prognosis is not good as my friend, as his diabetic condition is uncontrolled due in part because his diabetes is affected by stress.

Currently our lives are extremely high stress for many reasons, partially due to diabetes, and partially because of economic factors.

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