Sunday, June 10, 2012

Depression (another article that I wrote back in 2011)


Do you or someone you know battle with depression? This question I've often heard asked on info commercials for various anti-depression medications, or even in regards to a medical facility that is being advertised.

However, something that is often neglected to be mentioned within these commercials and various advertisement literature is the fact being often severe depression is not the problem of just one individual.

Depression when it occurs, lingering longer than just a short-term case of the blues or depressed state due to circumstances, has already affected the individual family. If the depression is caused due to both circumstances within the individual's life, and tragic events, it will be very difficult for the depressed individual to seek help or even be willing to accept help.

When an individual is only mildly depressed or discouraged it is easier to help that individual because that individual is more likely to agree counseling is needful. However, if the individual is severely depressed, has lost focus, and is basically all around discouraged then it is likely the individual will not respond well to forced counseling.

Instead a better response to the severely depressed individual is to find time to encourage the individual. Find something positive in the life of the individual and expound on that. The depressed or discouraged person may need more positive reinforcement than the average person.

This will have serious repercussions for someone who may be solely involved in working with a seriously depressed individual. If it is impossible for more than one person to work with a seriously depressed individual then whomever may be working with the depressed individual needs to have their own support system well in place before proceeding to try to help someone else.

Depression is a very serious and life-threatening condition. It is also a disease that is often misunderstood by society. The commonly held belief that someone a just "snap out of it", or just decide to not be depressed is a serious error.

This belief will cause some depressed individuals sink further into depression because they will believe they should be able to just "will" themselves into a better mood. Depression however is more than just a bad mood, it is a medical condition. It may be a result of tragic events in one's life or it may be a result of physical illness or disease.

A few medical conditions that may trigger depression are uncontrolled or undiagnosed diabetes, heart disease, uncontrolled high blood pressure, thyroid conditions and diseases, chronic fatigue.

Tragic life events that may trigger depression are of course individual, however some things are universal, such as the sudden and unexpected death of a loved one. Job loss, long term unemployment, lack of financial resources, loss of personal possessions, diagnoses of a serious illness, and the list goes on.

The first thing a severely depressed person needs is not judgment or forced into counseling. If someone is forced into any kind of treatment plan, it is unlikely to work, especially if the depressed individual is an adult, who has the above mentioned belief that depression is something an individual can just "snap out of" at will. What the individual needs more than anything is someone who will just take time to listen to the individual talk if the individual wants to talk.

However, the individual needs to know that any conversation will not be transmitted far and wide. Gossip is not something that the individual needs. Gossiping about or teasing the individual is likely to be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. It is unwise. This may also cause the individual to become suicidal.

Serious depression is not something anyone chooses for themselves, it is nearly always if not always triggered by some major traumatic event in someone's life, and-or a physical disease or condition.

Professional treatment for the individual is best to be prescribed by the individuals medical care team, and not to a casual acquaintance. If the individual does not have a medical care provider either by choice or due to poverty, then it is very important to not just abandon that individual.

A listening ear can go a long way, also suggesting a daily walk may be of some help if the depressed individual will agree to going for a walk to chat. However, if the individual is truly sick, it is important to find a way to get medical care. If there is no money for medical care as a last resort emergency room treatment may be needful, or a walk-in clinic, which may be able to diagnose some medical problems such as undiagnosed diabetes, or uncontrolled diabetes, or high blood pressure or some hormonal conditions.

Treatment for depression depends greatly on the individual. An uncooperative depressed person you may not be able to help. However you will never know unless you try. Be a listening ear, and a kind voice. Sometimes that is all that is needed. This is especially true for the individual who may feel alienated or really be alienated from extended family members.

Depression grows in isolation; it also grows when the depressed individual can see nothing positive in their lives. Perhaps one of the best things that can be done for the depressed individual is to point out the positives that are in their lives.

Never tell someone who may be depressed that they can just "snap out of it" because you do not know for certainty what has led to the depressed condition of the individual. Depression, especially serious depression never occurs without a cause. There is always a reason for depression, whether it is circumstantial, physical or economical, there is always a reason.

Any individual may develop depression, however, just because one individual does, and another doesn't when facing or going through the same conditions does not mean that the person who does experience depression should be told "so and so, went through worse than.." Because there is no profit in comparing individuals against each other in matters that are largely related to how someone perceives a situation.

One individual may perceive the situation as pointless and hopeless, due in part to a continuation of serious tragic events in life, while another may see the situation as just a minor setback or stumbling block, due to a well established support system.

The next time you hear the phrase "do you or someone you love experience depression?" ask yourself, how would I want others to treat me, if I were the individual facing serious depression. Are you treating your friend or loved one the same way that you would want to be treated if you were the one who was seriously depressed?

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