Sunday, June 10, 2012

And still a few more Haiku from July of 2011

Never Share Information You May Think Helpful Via Email
As the Recipient May Assume Many Untrue Things

Email a plenty

Grievances revealed record

Assumptions so vile

Sent an email recently that was ill recieved, the recipent fast revealed their true self.)
*Note this was written after having tried to share some information that seemed to be beneficial for someone, who then became very angry, unjustified.
The Truth is Always Revealed  
War rages for you
Blown sand reveals a cold heart

Forgotten tears hide.
Those who claim to care, many times reveal their true selves when circumstances shift, and they must wear anothers shoes.)
**Note this too was written after an individual revealed their true self when circumstances changed.
Procrastinating Not Expecting the Same
Impatient you scream
Holding a grudge you pretend

Expecting others to be patient and wait, failing to do the same for them without screaming and raging.)
Is it Really Our Time?  
Hurry we must sleep Cleared field, heart of stone you own
Impatient you scream
Always in a hurry, yet impatience only leads faster to the grave where we all will sleep till judgement day.)
Companies Coming...
Please Help Me Clean
Clutter piled so high Why forever is the mess so great?
Empty hands no heart
Unexpected guests, coming today, yet once again the clutter it's piled so high, idle hands point in dismay...)
What Your Words Reveal
Depth of the rich sea Revealing rolling waves of stone
How your words reveal
(When we reach inside and pull out words to share with another, we reveal much about our heart condition, some of us have hearts of stone. Or uncompassionate.)
Your Words Reflect Your Heart Even the Depths
Still waters reflect Images sparkle your edge
Hate revealed you tell
Dark waters shine bright, light glimmers along the edge, looking down can you not see your own face?)
A Mistake is Often but One Word
Creating chaos
The wind blows, the storm rages
As so oft we see
Often our words create chaos and distress where none was, hindsight it is truly twenty twenty.)
Simmering Hate
Raging as the wind Simmering coals reveal you
Eyes of night tell all
Hate is always just under the surface of those who know not true love. No one can truly love lest love truly dwells within.)
Love of Money
Greedy wishing to gain
A beetle devours your soul
Casting away flee
Seeking money alone never true happiness brings.)

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