Monday, June 11, 2012

Sugar and Spice a poem from 2011

Sugar and Spice 

Sugar and spice, and all that's nice-
Sugar and spice, why must we be nice?

Sweet as sugar, we must be nice.
But why, when the world to us is cold as ice.

Listen carefully; remember well, we must because it is right.
Always, we must be sweet, we must be nice, for soon it will be ever night.

The icy stares, the cooling wrath of envy walks all around, yet still we must not be cold.
Ever so sweet we must be, for we may never grow old.

Standing alone, we must remember to be ever faithful, ever true.
So many confined in ice stand ridged and cold, life for the having been of much rue.

Sorrows confine, walls define, and reflections harden as eyes glaze…
Looking all around it is so easy to never see the individuals face, as heavy hangs the haze.

Yes, my child life it is unfair, and many slights, many hurts will you in this life find.
Still yet, my child you must forever be the one who is compassionate and kind.

Ridged ice-cold faces line are path, each and every day.
Yet, still we must walk with grace, and pray.

Their shoes we've not worn.
Their sorrows we've not born.

So with compassion, grace and kindness we must lend a bit of warmth, lend a bit of light.
Our days though they be numbered, soon we'll forever take flight.

My child, remember sugar and spice, and all that is nice.
Sugar and spice this you must be, if you wish to melt the harshness of those incased in ridged rows of ice.

Ridged rows of ice, seeing only through a heavy haze-
My dear child, do you not know the lost cannot even see your face?

The darkness it abounds so heavy today, it is so cruel, it is so very dark, the black clouds swirl.
My dear child, your light it must shine; shine ever brighter, for the smoke has begun its upward curl.

The darkness my dear child, it is never so dark, as just before the dawn.
Steady your heart, set compassion in your stride, kindness you must never forsake, tomorrow you may yawn.

Today, sugar and spice, and all that is nice, that my child it is the way.
A soft tender word heals the broken hearted, yet it is with these that the darkness is pierced so that another might see the day.

The night is long spent, the dawn it is near.
Lift up your weary soul; remember to pray, for soon you'll hear Heaven's cheer.

As another soul has been won, detoured away from the eternal pit of Hell-
Sugar and spice and all that's nice, my child you are a representative of Heaven, steady your steps that you may do well.

If a transgression you have done, if a transgression it is perceived, then my child, make it right.
For ever swiftly is coming the fearsome night.

Today, my child, you may work, yet but a little while, and your work it will be forever done.
Listen closely my child, sugar and spice, and all that is nice, do right, do well, follow Christ, set the example, follow closely in the Saviour's steps, so one day you may hear the kindness words of all. "Well done".

Sugar and Spice
About the character of the Christian, we must be kind, faithful and true, we must be compassionate, we must be kind. Our life must match our words, this is what this poem is about.)

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