Saturday, June 9, 2012

Boxing Up Our Lives ( a poem that I wrote back in 2011)

This was about moving. I wrote this back in 2011.

Boxing Up Our Lives

All boxed up, memories and treasures, all boxed up.
Boxes and bags, filled up, bursting at the seams.

Floors all swept clear and swept clean.
Life's dreams all boxed, bagged and soon to be gone.

Windows washed, curtains taken down.
Floors swept, picked up, mopped and dried.

Spic and span, everything in its place'"
Hot water sets many a stain, for a wandering hand to trace.

Soon a locked door, a closed memory, left behind, no tears left to shed.
Sometimes we wonder if truly another wishes we were dead.

Longing for a better way, searching for better day, we walk out into the twilight.
Fleeting shadows cross out path, as our footsteps echo through the night.

Memories come, memories fade, so glad soon only our shadow will remain.
Shadows walking through the twilight, teardrops fell; never again will we see pain.

Keep it simple, keep it plain.
Don't even look at the words just read the rain.

Raindrops falling, raindrops resounding, a deep melody'"
Lift up your head and see with your eyes, what set your heart free --

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