Monday, June 11, 2012

More Haiku from July 2011

Postulate, Comtemplate, Conclusively
At Last Sadly Confirm

Today we grieve free

Sunsets over fake friendship

Walk away no words
Friend or foe, which were you? Fallacious truly you are...)

An Alliance Holds True 

Sand scattered as stone

Twilight reflects coming doom

Alliances hold
The American Soldier stands ever ready to defend many, even as the days of the American dwindle and fade, even as Americans daily lose many personal freedoms, still the soldier stands true...)
Politicians, Pick Pocket's They Are One and the Same  
One and the Same
Trees stand stock, full lone

Ceilings of unending debt

Pick pockets make laws
It is criminals who make the laws, stealing the American hard earned money to ship away for some fancy new jet, for some high and lofty goal, while Americans become homeless, and begin to slowly die the death, due to economic collapse)
Everything Comes Out in the Wash
Sunshine transparent

Forget-me-not's, walk on you

Pretend 'till light shines


People who pretend something long enough soon forget what was really true. They are often surprised when their lies are found out.)

Tulip Theology

Busy Body Stands Alone Looking for Another to Blame

Wax filled hives, dive deep

Bee's buzz, tulips shimmer white

Fearing none you sing

Restrain is non-existant in the "TULPIT" theology, it is deadly, it leads to the grave, those unaware sing believing they are safe, yet into the depths they may one day find themselves, it is a cruel error)

Never Stay to Be Indoctrinated by Known Error
The Curse it is Truly "TULIP Theology"

A tulip conveys
Wish washy theology
Long we did listen

There are some who hold to the error of TULIP Calvinism, it is a error, and sadly there are some who have listened long lengths of time, before seeing it's true fatalism.)

About People Going in Circle's

Fallen leaves call out

Chores still to do swiftly call

Shine as gold today

Finished chores are like shiny gold, a treasure to behold.)

Known by Your Fruit
True Friend or Busy-Body
Broken promises
Slander, gossip reveals you
Dried up roots no fruit
Revealing half-truths, promising to keeping secrets, fingers crossed deceit in the heart.)
Wolves in the Pulpit

Sheep walk in silence
Wishing to believe, no wolf
Garments open-wide
About pastors who may be preaching who are not even saved themselves, also about the congregations who wish to believe the pastor is true, about "the cloak" beginning removed. Public exposure, silence.)

Barracuda's Lie
Look in the Mirror

Screaming you lie, still
Barracuda's devour me
Your words tell your soul

About people who scream, who curse, who tell lies, who wish to with words destroy another.)
America's Self-Inflicted Debt
Black widow spider

Spin a web, weave a debt sky

Cash falls as we die
Electing people into office we hear the promises made, but as the policies are woven into place, we soon find the dollar crashing, and America dying, because of debt soaring to the sky.)
Have You as I Found Trust Betrayed?
Do You Know Your Enemies? Really?
Enemies abound

Mistaken trust soon revealed

Wolves steal many bows

Sometimes those we really believe to be our friend we find never were to begin with. A true friend never walks as a wolf, covered in a sheeps skin)
About Writing, About Life

Haiku day drifting
Sands shift, winds change, sun shines in
A blurry day tells
Writing Haiku, listening to the wind, early in the morning, thinking about people, writing words...)
Cleaning, Organizing Every Solitary Day
Order compulsive

Idleness hangs as a sloth

Clutter clings tightly
Cleaning, sorting every day, giving up sitting down and becoming idle, as the clutter piles up higher and higher)
A Wasted Life
Clocks smile as bees buzz

Turning out empty buckets

Idleness, careless
Time keeps on going on, whether we make good choices or bad. Idleness, and carelessness work hand in hand to create a wasted life.)
Looking for a Reward
Blue ribbon rabbit

Puddle's mingled with pine leaves

Fast flee our desire

Looking for a reward, desiring many things becoming constrained by life, giving up on dreams.)
As Long as You're Breathing There is Hope
Fresh lips quick convey
Roses are red, we are not dead
Today rings silent
As long as you are alive you can do something with your life, only when you are dead is your earthly life finished.)
Company Clean
Busy as a bee
Clear, stack and clean everything

Company coming
Rushing around in a panic, stuffing and sorting all the clutter, so that when the door bell rings the guests or company does not see a messy house.)
Working for Food
Hunger inspires work

Inchworm inching along too

One day, one minute
Everyday we're working to survive one day to another.)
Middle-age Worn-out Dreams
Wilting tomatoes

Dried up vines, speak louder now

Fruitless reveals roots
About people who have grown older reaching middle-age, and giving up on fruitless dreams. Reality setting in, dreams drying up.)
A True Friend Walks in While All Other's Walk Out
Hurry Fast as Many Enemies Hide
Hurry fast please

Buzzing wasps fly swiftly now

True friendship walks in
It's hard sometimes to know who is truly a friend and who is not, an easy way to know is who never walks away, and who lends a hand when others lend only a cruel word, and a slanderous report.)

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