Silent Marker's Keeper's of Time
A lone wooden cross stands in silence
Silence so loud, no one heard a thing it makes no sense.
A marker, of a life cut short
A reminder of a long ago report
"To everything there is a season"
" -- a time to be born -- and a time to die"
"It is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment."
Passing yet another silent lone cross we see deaths sudden request, it is sealed beneath dark cement.
My friends, as you drive down the road today, look out and see the solitary reminder.
We all must die the first death, but the second death it is by request an individual blunder --
The second death my dear, if this you choose then surely in the fiery flames will forever be yours.
Listen, listen closely my friend, because even today, even this moment death it is calling for you, seeking to give your soul the eternal tours --
Death it is calling, calling, searching out waiting to see who will climb over the barrier'"
The barrier to the second death it is the cross, a lone solitary lamb stood still holding back the flames forever'"
Standing solitary, standing still all Heaven did watch as the Lamb stood in our place.
Taking our blame, sealing away our shame, yet how we who claim His name never seek His face.
Wishing revival, wishing a renewal of heart, we talk about our country, about our fellowman.
Yet how we never look at our reflection, never see the image in the mirror, how soon our lives are like billowing sand?
All around we see images of death, yet somehow we feel we'll always walk free.
How sudden will our debt be required, where will we flee?
My dear we've a wage that must be paid, it is the wage of sin.
Have you not heard, has no one ever mentioned this before to you? Alone you cannot win.
However my dear, listen carefully, and I'll tell you what all Heaven, wishes for you to know.
Listen and I will show you the way, for there is but one way, if to Heaven you wish to go.
My dear, look over yonder, look way back in time, look over on Calvary, at the Lamb that was slain.
If upon His name you call, forever your fate it will be sealed in glory refined, forever you'll feast upon Heavenly grain.
My dear, there is but one door, and only one, it is through the Lamb that was slain, that you must enter in.
No other way will do, for my dearest and best, the innocent Lamb was the only one who for you, for me, could Heaven forever win --
Look now again, my dear friend, see the lone cross, see the cluster of crosses along the highway'"
My friend, death it is sudden, it is swift, and surely it is of a certainty, my dearest and best, this it is my warning to you, seek Him early, seek Him while He may be found, seek Him while it is day.
Images we see all around us remind us of our coming end, look across the way and see the cemetery.
Take a little time, walk through, read each and every stone, see the revealing epitaphs, know who holds the key to forever set you free.
Time my dear soon it will come calling for you, for me, for us all.
Death my dear it is of a certainty, but surely for the Reaper's grim hand you'll not linger and fall?
From death's cold hand you may be set free, if you'll today call on the only one who cared enough to take your place.
Call on Him today for tomorrow, for you may be too late, for death it is calling, making space --
Listen carefully as the winds blow, as the rains fall.
Listen my dearest and best, for the Saviour who for you has took time to linger and call --
Silence speaks loudest of all.
Listen to the voice of the markers of death; remember mankind long ago, did through disobedience swiftly fall...
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