Saturday, May 26, 2012
Hindrances to Weightloss part article I wrote in 2010.
For this article I was paid 3.02, this is a non-exclusive article.
Hindrances to Weightloss (Part 3)
Part Three
So by now you have established that it is highly possible someone close to you seems to be set on hindering your long term weight loss goals. So what can you do?
You are going to have to do something, because doing nothing at the least will lead to you staying exactly where you are now. This may be fine if you are not grossly overweight. But if you are seriously overweight then you have to deal with this now. Because it will not go away or get better, trust me on that, as I have diligently dieted myself from 135 to well over 200 pounds in the course of just a few years, and since have found it extremely difficult to lose any weight at all.
This has now resulted in weight inspired health problems. This is not the kind of inspiration anyone needs.
Example of my weight inspired health problems are acid reflux disease, aches and pains every where all the time, extreme fatigue, high blood pressure, spinal arthritis, insulin resistance, overall not feeling well, and increased depression, *I can't say weight gain caused depression for me because of the fact being I had already suffered with severe depression prior to that. But I can say weight gain did not help matters any.
Also with increase weight gain, I've also found myself becoming more and more sedentary. Also I've found I just don't like going out as much as I once did. And I put off things more than I once did.
Now I said all that to say this, due to my not planning or giving thought that someone or in my case several someone's would hinder my losing the weight I wanted to lose. Also circumstances would provide a great deal of hindrance over the years for me. Time has a way of sneaking up on you, sort of like excess weight.
Well now that I've finally figured out my problem of not losing but instead maintaining a weight I really do not like. And a prior problem of continued weight gain. I have some tips for those of you who have not yet reached the point I have.
For me it is going to take a lot longer, and it will be a lot more difficult to get to where I'd like to be. I do believe I will be able to do so but it's going to take me a lot longer than it should have.
Now, if you'd like to prevent the same problem I have listen carefully to some tips I am going to give to you ok. Also apply your written plan to your life every day or at least more often than not.
Ok, first buy yourself the nicest sturdiest notebook you can find that you will use. Make sure it is sturdy because you want this to last for a long time. Unless you just happen to like redoing your notebook regularly. You could also use a computer program, but even the smallest computer may not be handy at a moment's notice. Or when you may need it to refer back to, so to save time and effort just buy a good quality notebook that you like.
Next buy an ink pen or good quality pencil to keep with your notebook. Maybe even both depending on your mood.
Ok, now that you have your notebook, and pen, write out a workable plan.
Don't put this on plan on the first couple of pages, skip a few pages. Because after you've written out your plan and goals, you'll need to have a plan located at the front of your notebook to prevent hindrances as they come up. And as with any good idea or plan, there will always be something that comes up to prevent you from reaching your goals. Plan for obstacles it will help you to reach your long term goals.
Ok, obstacle number one. You have a darling husband or wife, or someone else who wants to celebrate your weight loss by a night out on the town. This night out includes an "all you can eat buffet" or dinner at your favorite pizza place, followed by a trip to the local ice cream shop, then a movie complete with snacks and soda's etc.
So what are you going to do? You need to make your plan today while you are not in the excited "celebration mood".
Ok, think of at least three things you can do. Or suggest. (These are just to get you started thinking.)
Number one, pretend you have a severe headache and just want to stay home. *This will not work every time so you need to have a back up idea.
Back up idea for number one. Say that you are full from lunch, but you'd like to go for a walk at the nearest track just so you can spend time with them.
Ok, speaking of walking, start making suggestions ahead of time that you'd like to go to a nearby zoo to walk around and look at all the animals, or to a local state park that has many hiking trails.
Plan to make a picnic lunch. *Note if you decide to go this route have a good idea of what you want to take on a picnic, and pre-pack it before anyone can say, "we'll just stop and get something on the way".
Number two, say you are sorry but you'd already made plans that day. *Make sure you can think up something right fast even if it is just cleaning the attic or basement or raking the yard. Then while no one is looking write it on the calendar. Then work your plan. Get some cleaning or organization done.
You'll feel lot's better after a day or evening cleaning and organizing than you will after a night of indulgence that leads will lead to regaining the weight you'd lost, and possibly even more weight added.
So keep this day in mind, for the day someone wants to take you out and help you regain several pounds or more you'd lost. It's on your calendar you just don't have the date set until you need it. Like when someone wants to go celebrate your weight loss in such a way as to insure you don't get to celebrate that weight loss again for a good long while.
Ok and now number three, save this for extreme cases. These would be cases where someone just won't take no for an answer. And you will have to be serious ok.
First if you know that they may be planning on this ahead of time, then if you are the one at home, and are able then make a full course dinner.
Complete with candlelight and then smile and claim you thought they meant a candlelight dinner for two. Make sure that have everything looking really nice.
Also if it is your darling husband who is the culprit, have a nice hot bath ready for him, and tell him you'd even prepared him a bath.
This will stall him from going out on the town to fill you up with empty calories. Also after a candlelight dinner he'll be nice and full. Not thinking about going out to eat.
Then you can see if he wants to go take pictures of the sunset if you live near a scenic area. Or if you have a dog, see if he will walk the dog with you.
You will need to add ideas of your own also. But keep in mind you will have to also add idea for when you are feeling down, or depressed.
Instead of going to the store and buying a cake mix and ice cream to make yourself feel better. Maybe instead go buy some bath salts and take a relaxing bath. Or find something in your home that needs cleaning or organizing and do that. When you are done you will feel better for having accomplished at least one goal. And it may be all you need to keep going for one more day.
If you have nothing to clean or organize perhaps go help a friend who does. Then you will both feel better, you'll have gotten out of the house, helped someone. And not went on a food binge.
Weight loss takes time, effort, diligence, and also commitment to keep going, even when things are not going well. It also takes the ability to know what your triggers are for over eating.
If you know that you are more likely to overeat in certain circumstances, it is good to just as much as possible avoid those circumstances.
Work diligently towards your goals then if you are consistent you will find in time you have reached the goals you have set for yourself.
Part Two ("Is Someone Hindering Your Weight Loss Goals?")...from 2010
I was paid 3.04 upfront for this article. This is a non-exclusive article from Jan 2010.
Part Two ("Is Someone Hindering Your Weight Loss Goals?")
Follow up to my previous article "Is Someone Hindering Your Weight Loss Goals".
Remember I mentioned sometimes it may really not be your imagination that someone is hindering your weight loss goals.
Sometimes this may be unintentionally. Maybe your darling husband like mine really thinks taking you out to eat at a high calorie restaurant is a great way to celebrate your weight loss goal for a particular week. And maybe your loved one also thinks following up a "celebration dinner" a nice two hour movie is a good idea. Of course your loved one will remember to have lots of soda's and popcorn or chips or candy or some other mindless junk food ready for you to consume. And will decide right after the movie that you need to be treated to a nice high calorie milk shake, made with a hundred percent high fat calories.
This would sound silly maybe even funny to some of you unless you have actually had this happen to you, not once but multiple times.
Or perhaps something like this, your darling sweetheart decides to bring home dinner when getting off work. Now this bring home dinner will be something you really don't need like a double layer pizza, and soda to go with the pizza. And for dessert encourage you to have a couple of donuts that they just happened to bring home from work. Because these were left over from the company's business meeting.
(Makes me wonder what the company's plan was anyway, perhaps, the company was in on this "weight loss hindering scheme? Well maybe that is just a little too paranoid.)
So moving on, you have in your mind established a pattern of what happens ever y single time you lose a pound or two, much less what happens on the off chance you lose ten or twenty pounds.
What are you to do? Well first you are going to have to break some bad habits you have.
This is going to be hard, especially if it is not just you who need to lose weight but also a friend or loved one. If all parties involved will work together life is going to be a lot simpler and a lot easier.
So first you need to come into agreement that no party will offer temptation to another party when one seems down or depressed, for any reason.
For example if you see that your weight loss partner is a little down or depressed even, DON'T offer to take their mind off things by a night out on the town for pizza, and ice cream and a movie this is NOT going to be helpful at all. Don't use a bad day against someone just because they may be losing weight faster than you are, or have built up stamina faster than you have.
Each person is different, no one lives in the same body as another, and so it is impossible for anyone to really be able to be on the exact same schedule as someone else.
So take things one step at a time, you do not want to be partly responsible for someone not meeting their goals. Now you won't ever be fully responsible, but you will be responsible for being a hindrance to their goals if you continually bring them soda's, chips, candy, pizza, ice cream, dinner out, etc.
Pretend like it is you who has the desire or need to reach certain weight loss goals. Have you taken in to account, that just because you have chosen to lose weight, not everyone in the world is going to be on the same wave length as you. And some people are also going to be insecure when they see that you are beginning to reach small goals.
So what have you planned to do in the advent that someone creates a hindrance for you, whether intentionally or non-intentionally? If you have not given thought to this you may find your weight loss goals very hard to meet. Practically impossible in fact, so this is something you will need to deal with from the start of you weight loss goals. Put this at the top of your notebook.
It is very helpful for you to have a notebook, and to write out specific plans, and or goals. Then after you have written out your plans, and goals you need to read over this often enough so you can remember what your long term goals are.
Long term goals are often lost to the business of everyday living, and everyday stresses.
You may have some very good goals and have a very good plan and reasonable expectations, but if you do not diligently work towards these plans every day, or at the least every other day, it is likely your plans are not worth the effort it took to write them down.
Ok, so the very first thing you need to do before you even develop or write out your weight loss goals is this, decide now how you will deal with down days. The days when you are discouraged or overly stressed are the days that you are most likely to not stick to your plan.
If you live a high stress life for any reason whatsoever this can cause your plan to fall by the way side. When this continuously happens over a period of time, even the best plans will not work.
So if you are the type who tends to turn to towards foods or live with someone who does you will have to be extra careful. Perhaps even carrying a notebook at all times to write down what you are eating and drinking, so that you can "see" exactly how much you are consuming. For some people this will be all that is needed for them to help stop this behavior.
Others may need to take a more active approach. Including setting up a daily schedule that includes set meal times, and times set aside for exercise, even if it is just to go for a walk or to go out in the backyard to jump rope for fifteen minutes or so.
When you find someone or something is creating a hindrance to your reaching weight loss goals you will need to be more observant and diligent to make sure you are able to reach your goals.
Is Someone Hindering Your Weight Loss Plans? article I wrote in Jan 2010
I was paid 2.66 upfront for this particular article, I wrote this in January of 2010, as a non-exclusive article.
Is Someone Hindering Your Weight Loss Plans?
Are You Having Trouble Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals?
Who's hindering your weight loss plan? Is it you or is it your family?
Could it be your imagination that someone is seriously hindering your weight loss efforts?
Maybe, maybe not, you see it is can be very easy for someone close to you to hinder your weight loss efforts. Sometimes this is done purposely, other times it is subconsciously none the less your weight loss efforts are hindered.
So just what can you do if you suspect someone is hindering your weight loss plans? Well first you need to figure out if it is your imagination, or if someone really is hindering your weight loss goals.
What you can do is carefully keep track of what you eat and how much you exercise when you are by yourself, or are in control of what is spent on groceries. In other words do you shop differently when it is you who buys the groceries?
Also is there a difference in your activity levels when you are with your spouse all day or when you are alone. If you are not married is there a difference in how much you exercise when you are with your close friends and family? Do you tend to expend more energy when you exercise alone?
Does anyone near you encourage you to exercise, or do those closest to you encourage you to wait until later?
Well my friend later never comes. Also unless you are very diligent in what you consume and consistent with your chosen exercise program, you may find not only do you not lose weight but over time you gain quite a lot of weight.
So what can you do?
First if you can take control of the grocery shopping and menu planning, and preparation of all the meals this will be a good start. Now this can be very difficult to do if you are not the one buying the groceries. It is also very hard to do if you have no access to the grocery money.
So if you are not able to purchase the household groceries that you will be consuming then you may have to make do with what is coming into your household.
Now if you are making the meals you have some leeway even if a lot of things are coming that are designed or seem to be designed to spoil your weight loss plan.
What you can do if you are the one responsible for making meals from the groceries that are coming in, is to at the least serve yourself smaller portions. It is easier to do this if you are the one fixing the plates.
Also to discourage over eating what you can do is to fix everyone's plates. Then immediately wrap up anything that would have been seconds. And put it in the refrigerator for another day. Do this quickly before anyone notices what you are doing, and protests.
You can also make just enough to go around once.
Next no matter what everyone else is drinking claim you just want a glass of water, and then drink water. I've personally found that most of my calories come in the form of drinks, usually milk, orange juice, or tea.
So for the past year I've been working towards not consuming so many fluid calories. Also I've been making sure that Stevia is purchased often. Now instead of sugar I sweeten my sugar with Stevia.
Stevia has no calories, and has in some studies been shown to be beneficial for those who have diabetes'.
I tend to drink a lot of hot tea with cream and sugar, so doing this one thing has for me eliminated a lot of calories. And no one really notices what I am doing, because it still "looks like" I am consuming the same amounts. But I'm not.
Also I have made a point to drink more water. For me this is not easy, because I really do not like water. I did find it a lot easier to drink water this past summer though, as my husband was away a lot. I also found it a lot easier to avoid soda's, and even stores.
I only went to the store once on average per week, sometimes once every two weeks. I set a limit of exactly how many sodas would come into the house. My children found this to be quite distressing.
But it worked, because within a fairly short period of time my weight started dropping off. With practically no effort I lost around twenty pounds or so. This just from making sure sodas were hard to come by, my husband normally buys sodas every time he does out the door. And my kids know that, so the first few weeks were not pleasant as all my kids had to learn that I was serious. "When the soda is gone it's gone." And I only purchased one or two at the most for the whole week.
After a few weeks, even my children were drinking more water. Also after a time I was only purchasing sodas once a month.
And things were going well on my weight loss plan. I was also eating lots more salad, and popcorn.
By the time my husband came home I'd lost close to a hundred pounds. Ninety-two pounds to be exact.
Well since my darling husband has been home. I've noticed I've slowly started gaining again. And over the last couple of months I've gained quite a bit. I am not sure exactly how much because the scale is not working correctly at the moment.
I had thought in the past that it was maybe my imagination that my husband was sabotaging my weight loss goals, but now I am not so sure. Especially as I look back.
For example, every time he would notice I'd lost weight he'd want to "celebrate" by going out to eat, or by making me a cake and bringing it to me with ice cream, and sometimes even a home-made milk shake to go with it.
Now it is my fault for actually consuming these things that he brings to me. But this just goes to show how if you are not diligent and consistent with your goals at a weak moment someone close to you can sabotage your goals.
Also something to note, it was not just my darling husband who did this but also my mother, she would notice I'd lost a few pounds, and then proceed to bring me boxes full of desserts, or want us to come over to eat and then she'd insist on making the plates, and she's put way more than enough on each plate. And expect everyone to eat seconds plus dessert.
Now I am not saying that when someone is actively working to sabotage your weight loss goals, it is not your own fault for going along and helping. But if you know what to watch out for then you can be prepared.
This is especially true if you have a tendency towards depression. Because those closest to us are most likely to know the foods that are comforting to us, and are also most likely to know just what will trigger us into over eating.
So if you have been wondering if someone close to you can sabotage your weight loss goals the answer is absolutely yes.
In my next article I will deal with how to prevent or stop this from happening. Hopefully some of you will find relief knowing that it is not your imagination that someone has been working against you.
You Know It's 2am....something I wrote in 2010 You Know It's 2am |
I don't suppose you know it's two am?
Usually you're up so late playing a computer game.
Or searching the web for something you've lost, or perhaps never had?
Well Charlie Brown it's late, and I think I should like to go to bed.
I'll see you in the morning lest I don't.
Something's you can never really be sure of, you know.
It's not so cold tonight so I expect I should rest somewhat better than before.
Provided the dreaded heartburn stay's away.
Well goodnight, sleep tight. Don't forget to turn off the light.
I'll be asleep time you finally come to bed, 'cause I'm a little tired.
But morning will soon be here, it'll be a new day.
Perhaps the sun will be shining as a promise of better days to come.
Hopefully we'll find the puppies brand new homes and the kittens too.
Starlight, star bright, I've gone to bed for tonight.
Sleep well, sleep tight, who knows where we'll be tomorrow night...
Passage's from Scripture that Have Encouraged Me...something I wrote for an assignment in 2010
This was written for an assignment called " Inspirational Bible Verses". This was a non-exclusive, performance pay only article.
Passage's from Scripture that Have Encouraged Me
As someone reads through the Bible they will often find verse's or passage's that are encouraging or even inspiring.
Those who are Believer's or Christians will likely find more things to inspire or encourage than someone who is unsaved.
An unsaved person may find passages about Hell very upsetting for example, but at the same time this could be the very passage that the unsaved or non-believer needs to hear in order to come to a saving knowledge of Christ. So in a way passage's that refer to unbeliever's going to Hell, can inspire or encourage someone to repent from their sins, and turn towards God and be saved.
I really do not feel like looking at a lot of passages for those who are unsaved at the moment. As the Bible was written to Christians, not to those who are lost, in fact it is impossible for a lost person to fully understand much less comprehend the truths contained within the scriptures.
A few inspiring or encouraging Bible verses I have are these...
Philippians 4:6-8
4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
This particular passage is encouraging to me because it is telling me to knot worry about anything. To trust God and to meditate on the things that are good, not to dwell on or think so much about the bad things in life. I have found when I've applied this passage to my life I do feel more relaxed, more calm.
Philippians 4:19
4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
This particular verse is encouraging to me, because it tells me that God will meet all of my needs.
Psalms 100:5
For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
This verse is encouraging to me because it says God's mercy lasts forever. And that his words are true always.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Heart Burn Acid Reflux....
Something that I wrote in 2010, this was a non-exclusive. Heart Burn Acid Reflux |
Every single night I have this horrible burning.
Sometimes even during the day.
It used to not be so bad.
But lately it seems worse and worse.
Perhaps one day it will go away.
But you know I'm finally losing weight a little faster.
And I'll bet you can't guess why?
It's really quite simple, this heart burn it is so painful.
Really it is, some nights it's worse, waking me even from sleep.
But I've found the less I eat, the less I suffer from this pain.
Only lately this idea has not been working so well.
It'd worked so well for such a time.
A few weeks ago, I'd even thought I was free.
But no the heartburn has returned to me a vengeance to be repaid.
A respite, a relief I'd thought but no just a delay.
How did this horrible "acid reflux disease" I catch?
Never mind I really don't want to know, I expect it was due to all this excess weight.
How I gained this weight when so few my kin have such a weight issue, it is beyond me.
I've read the reports; I've read the studies too.
You'll remember the ones the ones that say if your parents are obese you may be also.
Well that's funny, cause mine were not, neither were my grandparents.
In fact they were kind of on the skinny side.
Perhaps I was adopted and someone forgot to tell me?
Never can really tell about these things...
Only thing I know for certain is this heartburn I wish it would just go.
Medications are expensive, and side effects look to be dangerous, surely there is another way.
Perhaps one day with plenty of exercise and weight loss this heartburn from me will flee.
"Get Fit Now" article I wrote in 2010
For this I was paid 3 dollars upfront.
"Get Fit Now" - Email I Often Find in My Inbox
All day today, I've been getting rather interesting email. Well maybe not so interesting as it is basically the same things over and over again.
Things about fitness get fit now, lose weight now. And low fat recipes.
Maybe someone's trying to tell me something who knows these days.
Well it should be interesting to note, that of all these emails that continually arrive, they all basically say the same thing. That is "we think you are out of shape and fat". While that is true of me, I wonder how many physically fit and in shape people receive these same emails.
These emails are designed in my opinion to make people self-conscious of their weight and also on how physically fit or not they are.
Well this can be good I suppose in some ways. Perhaps there are those of us who skip looking at the mirror, and don't realize we are larger than average. But then again, I kind of doubt it.
As most anyone who is fat already knows it. Unless there is something seriously wrong with their mind.
Sometimes I wonder about things like this. I mean why it is so popular to sell the latest diet fad or diet program to someone, than it is to actually tell people the truth.
Some people may benefit from being told that they can lose weight any time they chose to do so.
Provided they will motivate themselves to do so. Now granted there may be some exceptions, but those in my opinion are rare. And even those exceptions may of at one time been able to begin losing weight and getting in shape if they had "set their minds to do so".
A lot of times we are discouraged even before we get started due to the fact we look at all that is involved instead of taking things one step at a time.
So if you are like me getting daily notices' in your email box about your weight and your fitness levels and are wondering if you should try any of these faddish ideas or try some of these boxed diet meals.
Let me save you a little time and hassle and maybe even a little money.
Unless you have a diagnosed medical problem that requires a special diet, and or have a medical condition that requires close monitoring by a medical doctor then you can as a general rule safely lose the weight you may need to lose, and also get into shape.
But you will not do this over night; it will take a little time. And it will take dedication and lots of it.
Especially if you have more than 30 pounds to that you'd like to shed.
So how do you get started, well for starters go to my first article on this subject today.
Read through it.
Then make yourself a schedule, include activity of some kind each day. Even if it is just walking back and forth in your house to start off with.
Start slow, and gradually build up your stamina. In time you will feel better, and you will have more energy.
Also find a hobby that does not involve spending so much time at the computer, or the television set.
Getting out and about may even extend your life according to a news article I read earlier today.
Being a "Couch Potatoe" does nothing to help anyone feel better in the long run. That in my opinion just causes a lot of stress on the body and mind.
So start deleting those emails, and get out and start moving around. Dress warming if you are experiencing cold weather like we are. And wear good walking shoes.
You'll feel better, and you may even get healthier, or avoid some known health problems caused by being a little or a lot overweight. Or in simple terms, when you are fat, you are at risk for many health problems, plus when you go shopping for clothes your choices seem to be limited due to items you may like not being carried in your size.
Now I suppose I should go and delete some more of those pesky emails, which keep reminding me that I need to do something about my "fat" condition.
Only my emails say it nicer, the email's say "Get Fit Now", and "Here's a low fat recipe for..."
Well you get the idea...
Just remember "slow and steady wins the race". Don't stop what you've started on as your New Year's resolution to finally get in shape this year. Because you can do it this year provided you will keep working towards your goals, ignore the pesky emails, and write out a plan, then work your plan.
If you have a plan that's not working, then by all means sit down and rewrite it. And start over.
Just don't ever give up.
"Get Fit Now" - Email I Often Find in My Inbox
All day today, I've been getting rather interesting email. Well maybe not so interesting as it is basically the same things over and over again.
Things about fitness get fit now, lose weight now. And low fat recipes.
Maybe someone's trying to tell me something who knows these days.
Well it should be interesting to note, that of all these emails that continually arrive, they all basically say the same thing. That is "we think you are out of shape and fat". While that is true of me, I wonder how many physically fit and in shape people receive these same emails.
These emails are designed in my opinion to make people self-conscious of their weight and also on how physically fit or not they are.
Well this can be good I suppose in some ways. Perhaps there are those of us who skip looking at the mirror, and don't realize we are larger than average. But then again, I kind of doubt it.
As most anyone who is fat already knows it. Unless there is something seriously wrong with their mind.
Sometimes I wonder about things like this. I mean why it is so popular to sell the latest diet fad or diet program to someone, than it is to actually tell people the truth.
Some people may benefit from being told that they can lose weight any time they chose to do so.
Provided they will motivate themselves to do so. Now granted there may be some exceptions, but those in my opinion are rare. And even those exceptions may of at one time been able to begin losing weight and getting in shape if they had "set their minds to do so".
A lot of times we are discouraged even before we get started due to the fact we look at all that is involved instead of taking things one step at a time.
So if you are like me getting daily notices' in your email box about your weight and your fitness levels and are wondering if you should try any of these faddish ideas or try some of these boxed diet meals.
Let me save you a little time and hassle and maybe even a little money.
Unless you have a diagnosed medical problem that requires a special diet, and or have a medical condition that requires close monitoring by a medical doctor then you can as a general rule safely lose the weight you may need to lose, and also get into shape.
But you will not do this over night; it will take a little time. And it will take dedication and lots of it.
Especially if you have more than 30 pounds to that you'd like to shed.
So how do you get started, well for starters go to my first article on this subject today.
Read through it.
Then make yourself a schedule, include activity of some kind each day. Even if it is just walking back and forth in your house to start off with.
Start slow, and gradually build up your stamina. In time you will feel better, and you will have more energy.
Also find a hobby that does not involve spending so much time at the computer, or the television set.
Getting out and about may even extend your life according to a news article I read earlier today.
Being a "Couch Potatoe" does nothing to help anyone feel better in the long run. That in my opinion just causes a lot of stress on the body and mind.
So start deleting those emails, and get out and start moving around. Dress warming if you are experiencing cold weather like we are. And wear good walking shoes.
You'll feel better, and you may even get healthier, or avoid some known health problems caused by being a little or a lot overweight. Or in simple terms, when you are fat, you are at risk for many health problems, plus when you go shopping for clothes your choices seem to be limited due to items you may like not being carried in your size.
Now I suppose I should go and delete some more of those pesky emails, which keep reminding me that I need to do something about my "fat" condition.
Only my emails say it nicer, the email's say "Get Fit Now", and "Here's a low fat recipe for..."
Well you get the idea...
Just remember "slow and steady wins the race". Don't stop what you've started on as your New Year's resolution to finally get in shape this year. Because you can do it this year provided you will keep working towards your goals, ignore the pesky emails, and write out a plan, then work your plan.
If you have a plan that's not working, then by all means sit down and rewrite it. And start over.
Just don't ever give up.
Sometime's Life Hard... something I wrote in 2010
Sometime's Life is Hard
I have been through many trials over the years. Time and space prevents me from going into detail of all the many events that have caused me a great deal of pain over the years.
So instead of going into each and every event that has caused heart ache for me I will instead give reference to three verses from the Bible that have helped me when dealing with great heartache.
The following verses were of extreme comfort to me when my son was found dead. He was found dead beside the road in a deep ditch he'd been dead for several hours by the time he was found.
That is an experience I would never have chosen to go through ever. It is and was just horrible.
I had to trust God about this horrible situation. As there is nothing I can think of that is good about it. I also had to trust God to help me to not lose my mind. It would have been easy for me to have lost my mind, considering, I was just recovering from pneumonia, and had only a few months prior lost a baby.
This is the verse that helps me to remember that God is able to give us peace even when things are not peaceful, and things are really bad.
Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Another verse that helped me during this time was this one...
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
This verse was helpful to me because it says (All Things) "work together for good". Even the horrible things like sudden death.
When my son died, the gospel was clearly presented at least four times, so anyone who was there unsaved did have opportunity to hear the gospel. So through his death, some who may never of heard a clear presentation of the gospel did.
Another verse that was very encouraging to me when my son died is Romans 8:18.
The reason it was is because it reminds me that the sufferings we have today are only temporary one day all these hard trials will end.
Romans 8:18
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
These three verses from scripture have been of great help to me especially since my son's sudden death. These have also helped me though other trials since.
It is because of the first verse here that I did not rely on medication to calm my nerves when my son was found dead.
And I did have access to medication at that time, but instead of using it, I ended up throwing it away. Because taking medication would not change the facts, and I had to deal with the fact my oldest son was never coming back.
If I would have taken a medication it would of only in my opinion delayed my having dealing with the very real fact my son was gone from this world. No amount of denial will ever change the fact he is gone.
And I did want to deny it, I did not want to believe it, I wanted to believe it was all just a horrible lie but it wasn't.
Perhaps these verses's I listed above will be of help to you if you are facing circumstances beyond your control.
Scripture References taken from the King James Reference.
Sometime's Life is Hard
I have been through many trials over the years. Time and space prevents me from going into detail of all the many events that have caused me a great deal of pain over the years.
So instead of going into each and every event that has caused heart ache for me I will instead give reference to three verses from the Bible that have helped me when dealing with great heartache.
The following verses were of extreme comfort to me when my son was found dead. He was found dead beside the road in a deep ditch he'd been dead for several hours by the time he was found.
That is an experience I would never have chosen to go through ever. It is and was just horrible.
I had to trust God about this horrible situation. As there is nothing I can think of that is good about it. I also had to trust God to help me to not lose my mind. It would have been easy for me to have lost my mind, considering, I was just recovering from pneumonia, and had only a few months prior lost a baby.
This is the verse that helps me to remember that God is able to give us peace even when things are not peaceful, and things are really bad.
Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Another verse that helped me during this time was this one...
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
This verse was helpful to me because it says (All Things) "work together for good". Even the horrible things like sudden death.
When my son died, the gospel was clearly presented at least four times, so anyone who was there unsaved did have opportunity to hear the gospel. So through his death, some who may never of heard a clear presentation of the gospel did.
Another verse that was very encouraging to me when my son died is Romans 8:18.
The reason it was is because it reminds me that the sufferings we have today are only temporary one day all these hard trials will end.
Romans 8:18
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
These three verses from scripture have been of great help to me especially since my son's sudden death. These have also helped me though other trials since.
It is because of the first verse here that I did not rely on medication to calm my nerves when my son was found dead.
And I did have access to medication at that time, but instead of using it, I ended up throwing it away. Because taking medication would not change the facts, and I had to deal with the fact my oldest son was never coming back.
If I would have taken a medication it would of only in my opinion delayed my having dealing with the very real fact my son was gone from this world. No amount of denial will ever change the fact he is gone.
And I did want to deny it, I did not want to believe it, I wanted to believe it was all just a horrible lie but it wasn't.
Perhaps these verses's I listed above will be of help to you if you are facing circumstances beyond your control.
Scripture References taken from the King James Reference.
The Blurring of the Holiday' article I wrote in 2010
I was paid 2.67 upfront for this article.
The Blurrying of the Holiday's
Holiday's Sales,
Something I noticed today, as I was out to pick up a prescription.
While my husband went to fill his prescription for the ailment he currently has. I walked over to a different store to buy a new toothbrush, as it was time for me to replace my toothbrush once again. I try to do this fairly often.
Well anyway, while I was walking around in the Dollar Tree, (that is the store I happened to walk over to, since it is right across from Wal-mart), I noticed something interesting. It was what I would call a "blurring of the holidays".
We have just barely finished celebrating Christmas, and New Year's. Some people may still have some decorations up, that they need to take down and put away. And apparently they may wish to hurry up and do that. Because already the stores have the Valentine cards and candy out, and also just across the aisle is a whole display several in fact of novelties and decorations to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Then over on another wall there are Easter decorations. Also a few items that remind you spring will soon be on the way.
Then at the front of the store in a basket is a whole buggy full of candy canes on clearance because they did not sell before or during the Christmas season that just passed.
I don't know if this has always been the case or not. If it has been I never personally noticed it, but maybe I was just oblivious to all of the commercialization. I also do not remember going to the stores as often as I have since I've been married. So maybe this is just normal procedure to have several different holiday seasons sort of grouped together by a store. Perhaps to increase sales, some people buying ahead, some buying clearance, some buying right on time.
Sometimes I wonder about things like this. I mean it seems to me if the stores are going to have sales for several different holidays maybe it would be easier on the employee's and everyone to just have a separate side room to the stores, that just said, "Holiday's". Then each row could be a different theme or for a different holiday.
It would be similar to the lawn and garden section that is found in most Wal-mart and K-mart stores now.
It would be convenient and helpful to shoppers who wanted to buy ahead, and ready for shoppers who wanted to buy right on time. And it would be less work for the employee's because they would just have to keep the displays up all the time instead of putting them up and taking them down. Every Holiday would be nice and neat and orderly and in its place.
Anyway, I find it interesting that stores are so interested in "relieving" us of our money to the point being they try to have four or five different holidays's being promoted in the stores all at once. It would be easier and more productive in my opinion to just have a "Holiday's Room" to the store's it would make more sense, than the way things are done currently.
The Blurrying of the Holiday's
Holiday's Sales,
Something I noticed today, as I was out to pick up a prescription.
While my husband went to fill his prescription for the ailment he currently has. I walked over to a different store to buy a new toothbrush, as it was time for me to replace my toothbrush once again. I try to do this fairly often.
Well anyway, while I was walking around in the Dollar Tree, (that is the store I happened to walk over to, since it is right across from Wal-mart), I noticed something interesting. It was what I would call a "blurring of the holidays".
We have just barely finished celebrating Christmas, and New Year's. Some people may still have some decorations up, that they need to take down and put away. And apparently they may wish to hurry up and do that. Because already the stores have the Valentine cards and candy out, and also just across the aisle is a whole display several in fact of novelties and decorations to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Then over on another wall there are Easter decorations. Also a few items that remind you spring will soon be on the way.
Then at the front of the store in a basket is a whole buggy full of candy canes on clearance because they did not sell before or during the Christmas season that just passed.
I don't know if this has always been the case or not. If it has been I never personally noticed it, but maybe I was just oblivious to all of the commercialization. I also do not remember going to the stores as often as I have since I've been married. So maybe this is just normal procedure to have several different holiday seasons sort of grouped together by a store. Perhaps to increase sales, some people buying ahead, some buying clearance, some buying right on time.
Sometimes I wonder about things like this. I mean it seems to me if the stores are going to have sales for several different holidays maybe it would be easier on the employee's and everyone to just have a separate side room to the stores, that just said, "Holiday's". Then each row could be a different theme or for a different holiday.
It would be similar to the lawn and garden section that is found in most Wal-mart and K-mart stores now.
It would be convenient and helpful to shoppers who wanted to buy ahead, and ready for shoppers who wanted to buy right on time. And it would be less work for the employee's because they would just have to keep the displays up all the time instead of putting them up and taking them down. Every Holiday would be nice and neat and orderly and in its place.
Anyway, I find it interesting that stores are so interested in "relieving" us of our money to the point being they try to have four or five different holidays's being promoted in the stores all at once. It would be easier and more productive in my opinion to just have a "Holiday's Room" to the store's it would make more sense, than the way things are done currently.
Eat What You Want And Lose Weight? article 2010
I was paid 3.04 upfront for this article. This is a non-exclusive article.
Eat What You Want And Lose Weight?
Eat anything you want and "still lose weight"?
Is it really possible to eat anything you want to eat and lose weight?
Well truthfully, the answer to that question is yes. Yes anyone can eat what they want and lose weight and be healthy.
Provided they do not eat foods they are allergic to that is. Eating foods you are allergic to may cause weight loss but more likely it will cause other problems. Depending on how serious your food allergy your reaction could even be death. So with that exception we'll move on to the topic at hand.
The topic at hand is this "Is it possible to eat what you want and still lose weight". The exception to this being food allergies.
Well as you probably have heard and may not quite believe because it's not worked for you. The answer to this is yes. But, there is a catch.
So what is this catch? Well it is quite simple really, and one you may have even heard before. The answer is moderation. And portion size, also movement, otherwise known as exercise. Even just walking can be beneficial.
Ok, so you are wondering why, is it every single year someone says something about weight. Well it is simple it is because every single year everyone wants a quick fix to a problem that did not happen overnight.
No one gains fifty, sixty, seventy, a hundred, or even more than that, overnight. It takes time and dedication to do that. Yes, I said dedication. It takes motivation and dedication to gain so much weight, and it takes a period of time.
Even illnesses that may cause weight gain, or make it more difficult for someone to lose weight do not as a general rule progress overnight. Instead it takes time.
Ok, ok, you may be saying "I get that already". Now please move on to how do I get rid of all this weight I've managed to gain. As it is uncomfortable, and makes life difficult for me.
Well remember that little four letter word I mentioned above? No it's not a dirty word, not even a curse word, but still I doubt you are going to like it. The word is TIME.
To lose weight number one it takes time. And it generally takes a lot of time. Or a lot more than most people would like for it to take. But really it is good that it takes a little time, as it can be expensive to go replace all your clothes at once. So look at the positive ok.
Now look, back to what I said earlier about motivation and dedication. Well this is what you will need to do to lose weight. Remember every time you are tempted to overeat, a quote I read once, I do not remember where I saw it, but the quote goes like this..."nothing tastes as good as being thin feels".
Try to remember that you may find it helpful. Also plan to drink water often.
Drinking water fills up your belly, and it also helps to flush waste out of your body. This is all good. Also remember moderation. Even for water.
Because you don't want to get waterlogged, you can really drink too much water, but most people don't.
Ok, now if you want to continue eating all the same foods you do today. Then that is fine, but do this use a smaller plate. Then only eat one small serving. A small serving of your favorite foods is better in my personal opinion of a large food that you absolutely hate.
And remember if you really want to have an extra serving on some days go ahead and have an extra serving, and don't feel guilty. But also do not make extra servings a habit.
Also something else learn what a serving size is, most likely it is smaller than you think. Cut back your serving sizes every day until you are really eating a portion size serving. If you do this gradually and with dedication, you will cut calories in time. Also look at it another way, smaller portions will stretch your grocery money further, meaning you will save money on groceries.
Ok, now at the same time you are reducing your portion sizes, try to drink more water, also start cutting out soft drinks until you are not drinking sodas at all.
Soda's cause dental problems, potbellies, and do nothing to help someone lose weight. Drinking lots of soda's will in time lead to a lot of expenses you'd not planned on. Like extra dental bills for instance.
Now last and this along with the smaller portions is the main key, start walking more. Park further from the store to start with; walk like you are in a hurry all the time. Find a walking track, and a walking partner. Then go walking every day.
If you will stay dedicated to smaller portions, drinking more water, walking at least a little every day, then in time you will find the inches melting away.
You can lose weight, and you do not need a special unhealthy fad diet to do so. You can eat what you are already eating but you will need to eat smaller portions, drink more water and start walking a lot more. If you are already walking and not losing then you need to look at your portion sizes, and water intake. Also you need to make sure you are not drinking thousands of calories a day, in the form of soda's, juices, special coffee's etc. Try drinking water more often.
Time and dedication can get you to where you want to be weight wise. Everything takes time, whether it is weight gain, or weight loss, neither as a rule happens overnight.
Even medical problems take time to develop as a general rule.
Make this year the year you find the motivation and dedication to get healthy. You can do it. Just think of all the money you will save by being healthy instead of sickly due to poor weight management. Your weight is one health problem that can be controlled with time, effort and dedication.
Also if you do have medical problems causing weight gain have these treated as soon as possible, then continue with the treatment so that you do not have more problems down the road.
2010 the year to get healthy, before you are regulated to a government based health care center of the governments choice. Make your own choice today, by doing what you already know to do.
Eat What You Want And Lose Weight?
Eat anything you want and "still lose weight"?
Is it really possible to eat anything you want to eat and lose weight?
Well truthfully, the answer to that question is yes. Yes anyone can eat what they want and lose weight and be healthy.
Provided they do not eat foods they are allergic to that is. Eating foods you are allergic to may cause weight loss but more likely it will cause other problems. Depending on how serious your food allergy your reaction could even be death. So with that exception we'll move on to the topic at hand.
The topic at hand is this "Is it possible to eat what you want and still lose weight". The exception to this being food allergies.
Well as you probably have heard and may not quite believe because it's not worked for you. The answer to this is yes. But, there is a catch.
So what is this catch? Well it is quite simple really, and one you may have even heard before. The answer is moderation. And portion size, also movement, otherwise known as exercise. Even just walking can be beneficial.
Ok, so you are wondering why, is it every single year someone says something about weight. Well it is simple it is because every single year everyone wants a quick fix to a problem that did not happen overnight.
No one gains fifty, sixty, seventy, a hundred, or even more than that, overnight. It takes time and dedication to do that. Yes, I said dedication. It takes motivation and dedication to gain so much weight, and it takes a period of time.
Even illnesses that may cause weight gain, or make it more difficult for someone to lose weight do not as a general rule progress overnight. Instead it takes time.
Ok, ok, you may be saying "I get that already". Now please move on to how do I get rid of all this weight I've managed to gain. As it is uncomfortable, and makes life difficult for me.
Well remember that little four letter word I mentioned above? No it's not a dirty word, not even a curse word, but still I doubt you are going to like it. The word is TIME.
To lose weight number one it takes time. And it generally takes a lot of time. Or a lot more than most people would like for it to take. But really it is good that it takes a little time, as it can be expensive to go replace all your clothes at once. So look at the positive ok.
Now look, back to what I said earlier about motivation and dedication. Well this is what you will need to do to lose weight. Remember every time you are tempted to overeat, a quote I read once, I do not remember where I saw it, but the quote goes like this..."nothing tastes as good as being thin feels".
Try to remember that you may find it helpful. Also plan to drink water often.
Drinking water fills up your belly, and it also helps to flush waste out of your body. This is all good. Also remember moderation. Even for water.
Because you don't want to get waterlogged, you can really drink too much water, but most people don't.
Ok, now if you want to continue eating all the same foods you do today. Then that is fine, but do this use a smaller plate. Then only eat one small serving. A small serving of your favorite foods is better in my personal opinion of a large food that you absolutely hate.
And remember if you really want to have an extra serving on some days go ahead and have an extra serving, and don't feel guilty. But also do not make extra servings a habit.
Also something else learn what a serving size is, most likely it is smaller than you think. Cut back your serving sizes every day until you are really eating a portion size serving. If you do this gradually and with dedication, you will cut calories in time. Also look at it another way, smaller portions will stretch your grocery money further, meaning you will save money on groceries.
Ok, now at the same time you are reducing your portion sizes, try to drink more water, also start cutting out soft drinks until you are not drinking sodas at all.
Soda's cause dental problems, potbellies, and do nothing to help someone lose weight. Drinking lots of soda's will in time lead to a lot of expenses you'd not planned on. Like extra dental bills for instance.
Now last and this along with the smaller portions is the main key, start walking more. Park further from the store to start with; walk like you are in a hurry all the time. Find a walking track, and a walking partner. Then go walking every day.
If you will stay dedicated to smaller portions, drinking more water, walking at least a little every day, then in time you will find the inches melting away.
You can lose weight, and you do not need a special unhealthy fad diet to do so. You can eat what you are already eating but you will need to eat smaller portions, drink more water and start walking a lot more. If you are already walking and not losing then you need to look at your portion sizes, and water intake. Also you need to make sure you are not drinking thousands of calories a day, in the form of soda's, juices, special coffee's etc. Try drinking water more often.
Time and dedication can get you to where you want to be weight wise. Everything takes time, whether it is weight gain, or weight loss, neither as a rule happens overnight.
Even medical problems take time to develop as a general rule.
Make this year the year you find the motivation and dedication to get healthy. You can do it. Just think of all the money you will save by being healthy instead of sickly due to poor weight management. Your weight is one health problem that can be controlled with time, effort and dedication.
Also if you do have medical problems causing weight gain have these treated as soon as possible, then continue with the treatment so that you do not have more problems down the road.
2010 the year to get healthy, before you are regulated to a government based health care center of the governments choice. Make your own choice today, by doing what you already know to do.
Speak Softly....a poem from 2010
This I wrote for someone who has often lost their temper.
Speak Softly
"What did you do to my computer?"
"I didn't do nothing to it daddy".
And so the day begins.
A computer giving troubles, suspicion mounts.
But seriously it could really be true, it's nothing.
Perhaps the computer needs a good defragging or a little more memory.
Or maybe the machine is just a little cold.
I know I'm cold, maybe it's just getting old.
A computer can always be replaced eventually.
Too bad angry words can never be fully recalled.
Take care when you are angry my friend.
Words spoken in haste can never be fully recalled in the end.
Forgetful we may be but words linger in the air.
Frequently circling back, echoing in the mind. Please beware.
Words spoken in haste are so often a waste.
When the heart is verbally torn, there is no recalling paste.
"I didn't do nothing, daddy". So the child says.
"Perhaps the computer is just old," says the daddy.
Recalling soon the days of childhood will be forever lost.
Knowing full well a material item can be replaced at cost.
Today you may be weary.
But choice your words carefully, or tomorrow you'll be teary.
Your child will find he has no time for you.
Having remembered how often you blamed him for some problem for which he had no clue.
It's only a machine, if it breaks, just throw it away.
Old age is not the time for harsh words spoken you'll want to pay.
Look into the face of your child. And see.
Loving you, today, wanting your time. Knowing soon they must from childhood take leave.
Speak softly; remember as a child you once walked.
Too soon, you will be the one wishing for a little time, knowing you have not yet talked.
Too late, your days will end.
Time is short, days are numbered, speak softly my friend.
Speak Softly
"What did you do to my computer?"
"I didn't do nothing to it daddy".
And so the day begins.
A computer giving troubles, suspicion mounts.
But seriously it could really be true, it's nothing.
Perhaps the computer needs a good defragging or a little more memory.
Or maybe the machine is just a little cold.
I know I'm cold, maybe it's just getting old.
A computer can always be replaced eventually.
Too bad angry words can never be fully recalled.
Take care when you are angry my friend.
Words spoken in haste can never be fully recalled in the end.
Forgetful we may be but words linger in the air.
Frequently circling back, echoing in the mind. Please beware.
Words spoken in haste are so often a waste.
When the heart is verbally torn, there is no recalling paste.
"I didn't do nothing, daddy". So the child says.
"Perhaps the computer is just old," says the daddy.
Recalling soon the days of childhood will be forever lost.
Knowing full well a material item can be replaced at cost.
Today you may be weary.
But choice your words carefully, or tomorrow you'll be teary.
Your child will find he has no time for you.
Having remembered how often you blamed him for some problem for which he had no clue.
It's only a machine, if it breaks, just throw it away.
Old age is not the time for harsh words spoken you'll want to pay.
Look into the face of your child. And see.
Loving you, today, wanting your time. Knowing soon they must from childhood take leave.
Speak softly; remember as a child you once walked.
Too soon, you will be the one wishing for a little time, knowing you have not yet talked.
Too late, your days will end.
Time is short, days are numbered, speak softly my friend.
The Night is Fast Coming...a poem that I wrote in 2010
This is a poem that I wrote in January 2010, this is meant to make you think, to remind you that eternity is coming whether you are ready or not.
The Night is Fast Coming
Scribes and Pharisee's I notice you looking my way.
Seems you always have something to say.
Finding fault with my every breath-
Looking daily to read perhaps of my death...
Dressed in your modern day finery you look at me in scorn.
Casting a disgusted look in my direction, noting only my life is scattered and torn.
Seeing not that I've trusted in the One that you claim to proclaim-
Not seeing my heart only my outward shame.
Scribes and Pharisee's did you not know, it is because of you I go.
Having heard the gospel preached so clearly that even I might know.
Dear Pharisee do you not realize you cannot work in the Harvest Field's?
Lest you are willing to take off the pricy jewels, the costly array, and don the worker's shield?
Living apart, staying pure it is good to do, this is true.
But my friend, if you never put on your shield, how will you tell another of the coming rue?
The fields are truly white unto harvest, but truly the workers are few.
Are you a Scribe, a Pharisee or a worker who's working to pull from the fire all that can be reached,
by you?
The Harvest is ready.
But where are the workers who are holding steady?
Working while it is day-
Working fast for the night is fast coming; it is no time for play.
The Eastern Sky it will soon open wide-
The roll is soon to be called, for those who are lost there will be nowhere to hide.
Rise up early, spend time in prayer. Bend the knee, fast and pray.
Diligently work and pray, for this could be the day...
..." An Enviromentally Friendly article from 2010
This is an article I wrote because someone asked me to write something on this topic. I was paid upfront for this article...I was paid 3.04 for this article upfront.
Cloth Menstrual Pads: An Enviromentally Friendly Alternative
Cloth pads, that's the topic tonight.
Have you ever wondered what women used before someone invented of disposable menstrual pads?
Or have you never really thought about that, or maybe you have even purposely avoided that subject. Thinking that to be something that was just a not a pleasant topic to discuss.
Although some have tried to convince young ladies that this was something good, that it meant they were turning into young ladies. For most of us, this monthly visitor was very soon an unwelcome guest.
Add to that the embarrassment of having to actually go to the store and buy needed products. Such as pads, or tampons or maybe even both, most young ladies have dedicated the purchase of these items to someone else. Who will preferably not purchase these items when we are with them, at least this was my experience, and I've noticed this same behavior in other young ladies at different times.
Then add to this a young lady who is newly married to a darling husband who has not yet been given the "privilege" of purchasing these items. Now finding his brand new darling wife asking him to please run to the store and buy these unmentionables, because she has unexpectedly ran out at a bad time.
So the dutiful young husband goes to the store and hopes no one see's his confusion as he looks at a row of items specially made for women only. As no man truly has a need for these items ever.
So for the dutiful new young husband who never ventured into this part of the store to purchase these items, this may actually be painfully embarrassing, especially if his darling wife forgot to mentioned exactly what to buy. (Brand name, style length, etc. it can become very confusing even to someone who buys these necessities regularly.)This is especially true for some individuals who are by nature a little on the bashful side.
Well you may be wondering just what does this have to do with this day and age, where practically anything can be ordered online, at any time.
Well it is true you can order many products online over and over again. You can find some advantages to that.
But it is not always wise to buy a product that you must continually purchase month after month, or in some cases week after week. Especially if it is a product that you could possibly purchase only once every few years. Saving you a lot of time, money and aggravation, as a bonus buying reusable is healthier for the environment.
Finally the main benefit to having cloth pads readily available, it this, you never have to worry about running out when you least expect it. Because you will already have what you need on hand at any given time. This by itself is a huge stress reliever, especially if your budget is a little or a lot tight.
Now you may be wondering just how you might obtain a stash of reusable cloth pads. Well there are a couple of ways to do this, if you are handy with a sewing machine, you could possibly design a few pads and then when you have found the style you like most, you could make up enough to last through one cycle. Or you could go online and do a search for cloth pads.
If you do a search one site you may find is the name of this site is "Cloth Creations" this is a small home-based business. That offers a variety of cloth pads and even burp clothes for new born babies, some people find these very helpful, especially if they have a baby that spits up often. Having a burp cloth prevents a lot of staining.
You may also find other sites that sell cloth pads, cloth diapers, burp clothes, etc. This one just happened to be at the top of the Google search engines today.
"Search Engines' sounds sort of like something that is working, well that just struck me as sort of funny just now.
Anyway,this is relevant to this article, how, you might ask? Well think about it, how many centuries passed by with women using cloth materials for this "monthly visitor" before someone started making and selling disposable pads and disposable diapers even.
Cloth pads are no messier than regular pads really, except the fact you must wash these. But if you will place these cloth pads in a small bucket of cold water with a lid, you can place this out of site until you are ready to wash them. Then just dump the dirty water outside on or around your flowerbeds. Then just toss the pads into the washer.
With more and more people looking towards environmentally friendly products, cloth pads such as sold on websites like "Cloth Creations" may be something to seriously consider in the very near future.
Also cloth diapers for newborns at least, would be of some benefit to the environment. Because once your baby is too big for diapers the old cloth diapers can be recycled into dust rags.
In my opinion it would be neat if products like flour were to be sold in cloth bags once again, because a lot of times the paper bags will rip open, creating a huge mess. I doubt the cloth bags did that.
I think that perhaps people were in some ways more conservative and friendlier towards the environment we live in before so many regulations were made.
Today, much of what we buy is sold in such a way as to encourage waste. Being wasteful is never good for the environment. Neither is being wasteful good for our pocketbooks.
If you've never tried cloth pads, perhaps this is something you may want to try sometime soon.
I've already provided a link for one online store that sells these, to get you started at least thinking about the idea of cloth pads.
Just try to remember these are environmentally friendly, and also may help you save money in the long run. Every penny saved is a penny earned right?
Cloth Menstrual Pads: An Enviromentally Friendly Alternative
Cloth pads, that's the topic tonight.
Have you ever wondered what women used before someone invented of disposable menstrual pads?
Or have you never really thought about that, or maybe you have even purposely avoided that subject. Thinking that to be something that was just a not a pleasant topic to discuss.
Although some have tried to convince young ladies that this was something good, that it meant they were turning into young ladies. For most of us, this monthly visitor was very soon an unwelcome guest.
Add to that the embarrassment of having to actually go to the store and buy needed products. Such as pads, or tampons or maybe even both, most young ladies have dedicated the purchase of these items to someone else. Who will preferably not purchase these items when we are with them, at least this was my experience, and I've noticed this same behavior in other young ladies at different times.
Then add to this a young lady who is newly married to a darling husband who has not yet been given the "privilege" of purchasing these items. Now finding his brand new darling wife asking him to please run to the store and buy these unmentionables, because she has unexpectedly ran out at a bad time.
So the dutiful young husband goes to the store and hopes no one see's his confusion as he looks at a row of items specially made for women only. As no man truly has a need for these items ever.
So for the dutiful new young husband who never ventured into this part of the store to purchase these items, this may actually be painfully embarrassing, especially if his darling wife forgot to mentioned exactly what to buy. (Brand name, style length, etc. it can become very confusing even to someone who buys these necessities regularly.)This is especially true for some individuals who are by nature a little on the bashful side.
Well you may be wondering just what does this have to do with this day and age, where practically anything can be ordered online, at any time.
Well it is true you can order many products online over and over again. You can find some advantages to that.
But it is not always wise to buy a product that you must continually purchase month after month, or in some cases week after week. Especially if it is a product that you could possibly purchase only once every few years. Saving you a lot of time, money and aggravation, as a bonus buying reusable is healthier for the environment.
Finally the main benefit to having cloth pads readily available, it this, you never have to worry about running out when you least expect it. Because you will already have what you need on hand at any given time. This by itself is a huge stress reliever, especially if your budget is a little or a lot tight.
Now you may be wondering just how you might obtain a stash of reusable cloth pads. Well there are a couple of ways to do this, if you are handy with a sewing machine, you could possibly design a few pads and then when you have found the style you like most, you could make up enough to last through one cycle. Or you could go online and do a search for cloth pads.
If you do a search one site you may find is the name of this site is "Cloth Creations" this is a small home-based business. That offers a variety of cloth pads and even burp clothes for new born babies, some people find these very helpful, especially if they have a baby that spits up often. Having a burp cloth prevents a lot of staining.
You may also find other sites that sell cloth pads, cloth diapers, burp clothes, etc. This one just happened to be at the top of the Google search engines today.
"Search Engines' sounds sort of like something that is working, well that just struck me as sort of funny just now.
Anyway,this is relevant to this article, how, you might ask? Well think about it, how many centuries passed by with women using cloth materials for this "monthly visitor" before someone started making and selling disposable pads and disposable diapers even.
Cloth pads are no messier than regular pads really, except the fact you must wash these. But if you will place these cloth pads in a small bucket of cold water with a lid, you can place this out of site until you are ready to wash them. Then just dump the dirty water outside on or around your flowerbeds. Then just toss the pads into the washer.
With more and more people looking towards environmentally friendly products, cloth pads such as sold on websites like "Cloth Creations" may be something to seriously consider in the very near future.
Also cloth diapers for newborns at least, would be of some benefit to the environment. Because once your baby is too big for diapers the old cloth diapers can be recycled into dust rags.
In my opinion it would be neat if products like flour were to be sold in cloth bags once again, because a lot of times the paper bags will rip open, creating a huge mess. I doubt the cloth bags did that.
I think that perhaps people were in some ways more conservative and friendlier towards the environment we live in before so many regulations were made.
Today, much of what we buy is sold in such a way as to encourage waste. Being wasteful is never good for the environment. Neither is being wasteful good for our pocketbooks.
If you've never tried cloth pads, perhaps this is something you may want to try sometime soon.
I've already provided a link for one online store that sells these, to get you started at least thinking about the idea of cloth pads.
Just try to remember these are environmentally friendly, and also may help you save money in the long run. Every penny saved is a penny earned right?
Someone's Praying for You....a poem from 2010
Someone's Praying for You
Living in a little brown house right beside the railroad tracks on this side of town.
Many a passerby, turning their noses and looking down-
Thinking themselves to be much better than I...
It is no wonder why.
Looking all around I see much decay.
A graveyard nearby, tumbled stones, no respects to pay...
Scattered and weathered old store buildings, covered in bars.
Empty houses, boarded up factories, many a broken down cars...
Broken bikes litter everywhere.
Clothes hanging over a railing, my own even worn and thread bare.
It wasn't always this way.
Once everyone came here to run, jump and play.
See over there just beyond that old and rusty fence, the fence around the graveyard.
That lot, overgrown, littered and worn, that used to be our play-yard.
See those houses all along my street...
Used to be houses of all my friends, visiting each other it was such a treat.
Sidewalks, still line the streets, near my little house, by the railroad tracks.
My friends all moved away.
The factory closed, now no one comes to play.
The old church still stands, but it's weathered and crumbling, a building full of decay.
So many have gone so far, so few have stayed to pray...
Now instead of children walking to another's home to play a dealer scuffles along passed.
Children now often hide, lest death come by a bullet that has strayed.
I'd like to leave my home, by the old railroad tracks.
But if I leave, who will pray for the ones who've fallen through all the cracks.
Unemployment rampant, depression rising.
Someone must with thought, the prayer bells of heaven ring.
Looking out my window, I see another soul shuffling along.
Turning, softly I close the window shade, and pray, for I know it will not be long.
Days are numbered, soon mine will be done.
Looking all around, I wonder how many souls have from this track been won.
Looking around I can see not many have taken thought for eternity.
Mockingly they sell their dope right in front of me.
Grown old now, I know there is not much I can do.
Tired now of warning of a payment coming due.
I turn and pray for mercy, mercy for each of you.
Believing yourselves wise, thinking you'll escape what will be due.
Choosing a wicked and evil way, you look at my little house and shout with glee.
Selling another rock, just one more, you'll soon be rich, so you tell me.
Sadly I turn away.
Knowing for your mercy I must pray.
To call the law would be no good, your face to them is well known.
Having been in and out of prison so many times, you don't worry if I hold the phone.
In and out, you've been.
Trouble seemingly does not faze you, not heeding a warning to turn from your sin.
Mercy, I pray for you.
Mercy I pray, this day, for you, and this is true.
As I lay dying, my last prayer will be just for you.
Praying that you'll turn from this life of rue-
Praying just for you, that God will be merciful to you...
Praying that God will save you, and lead you to serve Him true-
I can't stay my life is soon to be done.
But if to Christ you will turn I will have won.
Soon my body will be taken to lie amongst the fallen and crumbled stones.
Just the other side of that crumbled and rusting old fence, but all that will be staying is my bones.
My prayer for you my shuffling friend you'll soon know.
My prayer for you is that you will find your way home before the sand runs too low.
I Need to Hurry... another poem from Jan 2010
I was cold when I wrote this, and needed to get a lot of housework done. (I think we didn't have any heat, because the furnace was broken).
I Need to Hurry..
But First I Must Get Warm
I've got some business to attend.
Something's I must amend.
But quite frankly I am very cold.
My joints are stiff and sore, I believe I've grown old.
Much cleaning it must be done.
Finding customers in the cold, it is no fun.
Perhaps if I were not so cold-
So many things would not be placed on hold.
You see I'm waiting for that "global warming"
Certainly it we'll soon sing.
We'll sing it is too hot, too hot.
This cold weather it will soon be forgot.
I Need to Hurry..
But First I Must Get Warm
I've got some business to attend.
Something's I must amend.
But quite frankly I am very cold.
My joints are stiff and sore, I believe I've grown old.
Much cleaning it must be done.
Finding customers in the cold, it is no fun.
Perhaps if I were not so cold-
So many things would not be placed on hold.
You see I'm waiting for that "global warming"
Certainly it we'll soon sing.
We'll sing it is too hot, too hot.
This cold weather it will soon be forgot.
I'm a Little Cold....a poem from 2010
I'm a Little Cold
But Global Warming "It's a Coming"
It's a little cold.
Or perhaps I'm just getting a little old.
Or perhaps I'm just getting a little old.
A little heat, it would be so nice.
But out into this weather I must go.
Walking 'round a track I must glow...
Ha, ha, or at least I must freeze.
Walking laps, looking for a fat release...
Walking in the cold, it makes me feel so old.
But one day soon we'll be warm so I'm told...
Mr. Bill Collector... a poem from 2010
This was written for all the debt collectors, so they can know I really don't have money to pay them all in full today, or to make min. payments to all of them at this time. Maybe one day, but not today.
Mr. Bill Collector..
I Have No Money
Debt and bills
Clutter and ills-
Every day it is the same.
Looking out back, no money tree to claim-
Another bill collector on the phone...
Threatening to take everything I own.
Every day it is the same.
No money, no money tree to claim.
Bill collector on the phone...
Wanting everything I own...
My debt it is all around.
Clutter covers the ground.
What was that again? Mr. Bill Collector?
You say; you want all I own? Please come to my door.
Soon my clutter it will be all gone.
I'm standing near the door, please don't be too long.
If I've told you once I've told you twice.
My money tree must have been eaten by many mice.
I've looked high and I've looked low.
But no money can I find, nor even a job to soften the blow.
Dearest Mr. Bill Collector, if I could pay. I would.
But I've no money to pay all I should.
Soon I'll be walking the streets, because I've no money.
So please hurry "Honey".
You don't mind if I call you "Honey", do you?
Please be a sweetie pie now, and remember to come before two.
I've no money to pay you, but I'll give you all I own.
Take it all, take it at once, you may even have this phone.
You've called me night and day, wanting your pay.
I've no money, is all I can ever say.
Please Mr. Bill Collector, when you come remember I was never rude to you.
A harsh truth I told to you. I've no money haven't you a clue.
I've searched high, and low. I've looked for that money tree.
I've searched high, and low, but no employment opportunity have I found for me.
No jobs have I, neither have I any savings hidden anywhere.
All I had of value I've sold to pay my due, but still the debt it is there.
Forgive me please. Mr. Bill Collector.
You may take it all, the clutter, every single thing I own, but you'll need to let me out the door.
Perhaps you can sell it all for a good price.
While you confiscate it all, I'll go work for a bowl of rice.
I'll live in a little shack.
Forgetting forever the money tree I did lack.
Free of the burden of paying so many bills that are always due.
I'll walk to the edge of town, climb a mountain forget my ills, and stare at the shy so blue.
Having given everything away to pay the debts I did owe, I will not cry.
All debts paid in full, I'll be free to die.
Debt and clutter all around...
Too many bills, lead to a chilly ground.
Mr. Bill Collector, please don't forget I've paid my due. Now please allow me to walk out that door.
Thank you so much for removing the debt, the clutter, and stress; I'll forever be your debtor.
But never again will money I owe to you.
Because you've taken it all and that is true.
Instead I'll owe you a debt of relief.
Everything is gone, and the burden of debt it is as a crumbled and dry leaf.
Mr. Bill Collector, you've taken every single thing.
I've nothing else left, so now I can sing.
You even own the phone.
The one you called so often, now it is your very own.
Mr. Bill Collector..
I Have No Money
Debt and bills
Clutter and ills-
Every day it is the same.
Looking out back, no money tree to claim-
Another bill collector on the phone...
Threatening to take everything I own.
Every day it is the same.
No money, no money tree to claim.
Bill collector on the phone...
Wanting everything I own...
My debt it is all around.
Clutter covers the ground.
What was that again? Mr. Bill Collector?
You say; you want all I own? Please come to my door.
Soon my clutter it will be all gone.
I'm standing near the door, please don't be too long.
If I've told you once I've told you twice.
My money tree must have been eaten by many mice.
I've looked high and I've looked low.
But no money can I find, nor even a job to soften the blow.
Dearest Mr. Bill Collector, if I could pay. I would.
But I've no money to pay all I should.
Soon I'll be walking the streets, because I've no money.
So please hurry "Honey".
You don't mind if I call you "Honey", do you?
Please be a sweetie pie now, and remember to come before two.
I've no money to pay you, but I'll give you all I own.
Take it all, take it at once, you may even have this phone.
You've called me night and day, wanting your pay.
I've no money, is all I can ever say.
Please Mr. Bill Collector, when you come remember I was never rude to you.
A harsh truth I told to you. I've no money haven't you a clue.
I've searched high, and low. I've looked for that money tree.
I've searched high, and low, but no employment opportunity have I found for me.
No jobs have I, neither have I any savings hidden anywhere.
All I had of value I've sold to pay my due, but still the debt it is there.
Forgive me please. Mr. Bill Collector.
You may take it all, the clutter, every single thing I own, but you'll need to let me out the door.
Perhaps you can sell it all for a good price.
While you confiscate it all, I'll go work for a bowl of rice.
I'll live in a little shack.
Forgetting forever the money tree I did lack.
Free of the burden of paying so many bills that are always due.
I'll walk to the edge of town, climb a mountain forget my ills, and stare at the shy so blue.
Having given everything away to pay the debts I did owe, I will not cry.
All debts paid in full, I'll be free to die.
Debt and clutter all around...
Too many bills, lead to a chilly ground.
Mr. Bill Collector, please don't forget I've paid my due. Now please allow me to walk out that door.
Thank you so much for removing the debt, the clutter, and stress; I'll forever be your debtor.
But never again will money I owe to you.
Because you've taken it all and that is true.
Instead I'll owe you a debt of relief.
Everything is gone, and the burden of debt it is as a crumbled and dry leaf.
Mr. Bill Collector, you've taken every single thing.
I've nothing else left, so now I can sing.
You even own the phone.
The one you called so often, now it is your very own.
Dear Doctor...."....a poem I wrote in 2010
Dear Doctor I've Something to Say
Please Be Patient, Listen Carefully
Dear Doctor, I've a problem, no it's not a new illness, ache or pain.
My problem is quite serious, I'll try not to complain.
I don't really mean to waste your time.
I'm trying hard to explain without mime
You see I really do want to do all that you say.
But dear doctor, there are some things I must pay.
Having ran into many obstacles through the years,
Days, weeks, years, have passed as we've worked to pay the arrears-
Living paycheck to paycheck, savings zapped often for auto repairs.
Stress, and bills increased, time not on my side, life turning towards despair.
Employment options dwindling fast.
Youth and strength as my health soon are past.
Looking around I've found all my savings, all my money has gone to never ending bills.
You see dear doctor, I can't be ill; I can't agree with you that I need a pill.
Now doctor don't worry, it's not due to some strange belief that I state I can't be ill.
It is for one fact and one only, that I cannot be ill; it is due to the bill.
Stress and life happen one day at a time, often taking up much of my time.
Perhaps, this would be better in mime.
Now doctor don't you worry, I plan to pay all these medical bills.
Another medical bill I cannot afford, I've made a budget, and it doesn't include more pills.
You see dear doctor something you don't know.
Is I've started a new project, a new budget; I just need a little more time, before I go.
Mistakes I made many years ago I need to fix.
Clearly you can see more medical bills don't mix.
You see dear doctor I've heard what you say.
Sincerely and really I have, but dear doctor there is a problem, I cannot pay.
Genetics and environment against me, economic instability very much mine to claim.
Many familiar faces I could justifiably blame.
But dear doctor, I've chosen to face the mirror and see the one who needs to apply.
Grown old now, listen to many fables and lies.
Tired now of reading every new report of what is good, and what is bad.
Knowing there is but one constant fact of life, now don't you be mad.
But dear doctor, no matter how I try.
I know for certain, lest the rapture arrives' from this world I'll never survive.
You see dear doctor, for all your procedures, technology, and passion, we all die.
The Bible the word of God it is true, it is appointed once for all to die, this is no lie.
Dear doctor all your care it is appreciated, this is true, a comfort and a peace.
But dear doctor, time and genetics are soon to cause this fleshly body to cease.
But don't despair and don't worry, because you've not failed.
A security you provided when I've ailed.
Now dear doctor, if my physical health is neglected beyond repair. Remember I'll still be okay.
This body of mine you've treated many a time, it is but a shell that will decay.
But listen carefully dear doctor; I've no desire to leave this place.
Not till my debt is fully paid. I'd like to leave this shell in full grace.
Now my soul that debt has been fully paid.
As it was a debt I could never pay without the Saviour's aid.
Many times I know you've been upset with a patient such as I.
One who waits so long to come by.
But don't worry dear doctor it is not that I don't wish to see you.
It is the bill, that I cannot pay today, but don't worry, my health is improving. This is true.
Even as closer to death this body walks, my soul is ever closer to life eternally.
Life will soon end for you and me. Are you ready?
You see dear doctor this life is just a passing mist.
Soon one day all of our names even yours will be read from a list.
Not a list of ailments, and complaints, not a list of debts, but from a list that is contained within the Book of Life.
Nothing else will matter on that day; all that will matter is if you've accepted the one who paid for all our strife.
Dear doctor, if I do not see you on time. Do not worry, it isn't you, it is the bill.
I've genetics, environment, and economics against me still.
What I've against me today will not follow me always.
One day I'll walk through the solitary gate debt-free knowing it is with my Saviour I'll stay.
Heaven's true, as is Hell, a place as real to the soul as all that can be seen in this physical world.
One day every soul that's ever been conceived will be bound by a secure cord.
Dear doctor when you treat your patients never forget; it is the soul that has the most need.
Every soul has a great need, the need to be redeemed.
Dear doctor I may due to my neglect face death much sooner than average for my age.
But dear doctor my physical body it is but a passing page.
Take heed, listen to these words, and listen with care.
With you the secret to life eternal I tried to share.
Listen carefully, because the soul it has no second chance, once is all.
The physical body, it is but a shell soon cast away, a walking sepulcher housing a soul that soon will hear a final call.
Soon standing before a heavenly throne, every soul will stand.
My dear friends will you stand alone, or have you taken The Master's Hand.
He'll hold you tight.
He's able to keep you from Hell's, burning fright.
But my dear friend, first you must trust and believe.
It is the only way; it is by faith, through grace, that we are free.
Dear Doctor I've Something to Say
Please Be Patient, Listen Carefully
Dear Doctor, I've a problem, no it's not a new illness, ache or pain.
My problem is quite serious, I'll try not to complain.
I don't really mean to waste your time.
I'm trying hard to explain without mime
You see I really do want to do all that you say.
But dear doctor, there are some things I must pay.
Having ran into many obstacles through the years,
Days, weeks, years, have passed as we've worked to pay the arrears-
Living paycheck to paycheck, savings zapped often for auto repairs.
Stress, and bills increased, time not on my side, life turning towards despair.
Employment options dwindling fast.
Youth and strength as my health soon are past.
Looking around I've found all my savings, all my money has gone to never ending bills.
You see dear doctor, I can't be ill; I can't agree with you that I need a pill.
Now doctor don't worry, it's not due to some strange belief that I state I can't be ill.
It is for one fact and one only, that I cannot be ill; it is due to the bill.
Stress and life happen one day at a time, often taking up much of my time.
Perhaps, this would be better in mime.
Now doctor don't you worry, I plan to pay all these medical bills.
Another medical bill I cannot afford, I've made a budget, and it doesn't include more pills.
You see dear doctor something you don't know.
Is I've started a new project, a new budget; I just need a little more time, before I go.
Mistakes I made many years ago I need to fix.
Clearly you can see more medical bills don't mix.
You see dear doctor I've heard what you say.
Sincerely and really I have, but dear doctor there is a problem, I cannot pay.
Genetics and environment against me, economic instability very much mine to claim.
Many familiar faces I could justifiably blame.
But dear doctor, I've chosen to face the mirror and see the one who needs to apply.
Grown old now, listen to many fables and lies.
Tired now of reading every new report of what is good, and what is bad.
Knowing there is but one constant fact of life, now don't you be mad.
But dear doctor, no matter how I try.
I know for certain, lest the rapture arrives' from this world I'll never survive.
You see dear doctor, for all your procedures, technology, and passion, we all die.
The Bible the word of God it is true, it is appointed once for all to die, this is no lie.
Dear doctor all your care it is appreciated, this is true, a comfort and a peace.
But dear doctor, time and genetics are soon to cause this fleshly body to cease.
But don't despair and don't worry, because you've not failed.
A security you provided when I've ailed.
Now dear doctor, if my physical health is neglected beyond repair. Remember I'll still be okay.
This body of mine you've treated many a time, it is but a shell that will decay.
But listen carefully dear doctor; I've no desire to leave this place.
Not till my debt is fully paid. I'd like to leave this shell in full grace.
Now my soul that debt has been fully paid.
As it was a debt I could never pay without the Saviour's aid.
Many times I know you've been upset with a patient such as I.
One who waits so long to come by.
But don't worry dear doctor it is not that I don't wish to see you.
It is the bill, that I cannot pay today, but don't worry, my health is improving. This is true.
Even as closer to death this body walks, my soul is ever closer to life eternally.
Life will soon end for you and me. Are you ready?
You see dear doctor this life is just a passing mist.
Soon one day all of our names even yours will be read from a list.
Not a list of ailments, and complaints, not a list of debts, but from a list that is contained within the Book of Life.
Nothing else will matter on that day; all that will matter is if you've accepted the one who paid for all our strife.
Dear doctor, if I do not see you on time. Do not worry, it isn't you, it is the bill.
I've genetics, environment, and economics against me still.
What I've against me today will not follow me always.
One day I'll walk through the solitary gate debt-free knowing it is with my Saviour I'll stay.
Heaven's true, as is Hell, a place as real to the soul as all that can be seen in this physical world.
One day every soul that's ever been conceived will be bound by a secure cord.
Dear doctor when you treat your patients never forget; it is the soul that has the most need.
Every soul has a great need, the need to be redeemed.
Dear doctor I may due to my neglect face death much sooner than average for my age.
But dear doctor my physical body it is but a passing page.
Take heed, listen to these words, and listen with care.
With you the secret to life eternal I tried to share.
Listen carefully, because the soul it has no second chance, once is all.
The physical body, it is but a shell soon cast away, a walking sepulcher housing a soul that soon will hear a final call.
Soon standing before a heavenly throne, every soul will stand.
My dear friends will you stand alone, or have you taken The Master's Hand.
He'll hold you tight.
He's able to keep you from Hell's, burning fright.
But my dear friend, first you must trust and believe.
It is the only way; it is by faith, through grace, that we are free.
My Day "Ole" Valentine....a poem from 2010
A poem that I wrote in memory of my son, and also to remind the lost of the urgency of salvation, before they perish.
My Day "Ole" Valentine
My Valentine Walks on Streets of Gold
Many years ago it seems we were waiting for you.
You were to be a little late, about two weeks, it's true.
One year we cooked a birthday cake just for you on top the stove.
Cooked in a cast-iron Dutch oven, wrapped in tinfoil, a lopsided cake made with much love.
Our day "Ole Valentine", our oldest child blessed our home for eighteen years.
But now our "day Ole Valentine" is gone due to someone else's fears.
Lacking common sense someone took to a bar.
Killing my day "Ole Valentine" with a fast speeding car-
Three year's soon to be lost to time.
An unjustified crime...
Delay's for a criminal trial.
Waiting once again, knowing we'll see you at the end of this earthly grail.
Early to Heaven, you walked right in.
Turning around you look back, and say "I win".
And so you have, my day "Ole Valentine Child"
Taken so soon, by one who chose to drive so wild-
But my Valentine, we'll soon meet once again, only this time it is you who'll be waiting.
We'll not be late, not a day, not a week, not a year, right on time we'll sing.
Yesterdays are long forgotten it's true, waiting seems long.
But in Heaven eternity love reunited will be ever so strong.
My day "Ole Valentine" was taken.
This is true, but God was not shaken.
God knew from the beginning the day you would die.
Once it is appointed for man to die, and then the judgment, many there will cry.
Some will stand alone uncovered many sins stains on their soul laid.
But a few will hold a testimony as you, having accepted the soul's only aid.
Some will live many a long year, trusting in a false cultic soul's aid.
A few will trust in the only truth that leads through to that Heavenly glade.
A Sheppard is calling; a Sheppard is leading the way.
My friend to whom do you pray?
One day we'll each and every one take a little walk.
One day too soon, we'll have finished our last earthly talk.
Perhaps our friends and family will gather to say goodbye.
Some may shed a tear; some will continue to believe a lie.
So many believe a lie, so many run to open graves mistakenly believing all roads lead to Heaven.
My dear friend a soul is spoilt by just a little leaven.
Valentine's coming, soon many a card will be sent, candy too.
Flowers, and "I Love You's "tossed carelessly, seldom true.
Dear Christian friend, if you truly care for your "loved ones" perhaps you should tell.
Entering Heaven's gate without Christ's saving blood, means an eternity in Hell.
The one who killed our son, trusted in an alcoholic drink, and many a false friend.
Consuming a beverage devised by Satan and his demons, in the end.
Who to that one will go and tell that Christ even died for such as that.
The rain falls and the sun shines, never does it ask for the welcome mat.
The Saviour knocks at the hearts door, knocking waiting for an invitation, to come in.
He'll not push his way in; he'll not knock forever, having paid for all sin.
Valentine, valentine, it is coming soon.
Many a gift will be exchanged, many will sing a tune.
Valentine, look and see the red heart-shaped paper boxes that fill the stores.
Soon someone will purchase these candy filled boxes, hoping a love to lure.
A gift purchased, it must be accepted unwrapped and opened.
A gift that is not accepted it is a love that can never be penned.
My friend my day "Ole Valentine" is gone. But on streets of gold he plays.
A gift he can never lose he did accept, so in Heaven he stays.
Valentine's it's a coming. It the Lord does tarry.
But my friend a boxed gift of candy can never compare to the gift that was purchased just for you.
Please be wary.
Be wary, because if without this gift you die.
In Hell you will lift up your eye.
No hope, for you my friend if in Christ you have not fully trusted for your eternal security.
My friend you are either fully saved, or fully lost. The gift for you it was purchased on Calvary.
Be wary, my friend. And pray.
Think carefully of your eternity, this Valentine's Day.
Heaven or Hell it is a choice only you can make.
Remember if you truly love someone, your personal testimony you'll not forsake.
Happy Valentine's Day 2010
And Happy Birthday to my day "Ole Valentine" I'll see you one day, at half past ten.
Loving you enough to tell you of Heaven and Hell
Thankful at last a profession you claimed, now in Heaven we trust you've heard your final bell.
My Day "Ole" Valentine
My Valentine Walks on Streets of Gold
Many years ago it seems we were waiting for you.
You were to be a little late, about two weeks, it's true.
One year we cooked a birthday cake just for you on top the stove.
Cooked in a cast-iron Dutch oven, wrapped in tinfoil, a lopsided cake made with much love.
Our day "Ole Valentine", our oldest child blessed our home for eighteen years.
But now our "day Ole Valentine" is gone due to someone else's fears.
Lacking common sense someone took to a bar.
Killing my day "Ole Valentine" with a fast speeding car-
Three year's soon to be lost to time.
An unjustified crime...
Delay's for a criminal trial.
Waiting once again, knowing we'll see you at the end of this earthly grail.
Early to Heaven, you walked right in.
Turning around you look back, and say "I win".
And so you have, my day "Ole Valentine Child"
Taken so soon, by one who chose to drive so wild-
But my Valentine, we'll soon meet once again, only this time it is you who'll be waiting.
We'll not be late, not a day, not a week, not a year, right on time we'll sing.
Yesterdays are long forgotten it's true, waiting seems long.
But in Heaven eternity love reunited will be ever so strong.
My day "Ole Valentine" was taken.
This is true, but God was not shaken.
God knew from the beginning the day you would die.
Once it is appointed for man to die, and then the judgment, many there will cry.
Some will stand alone uncovered many sins stains on their soul laid.
But a few will hold a testimony as you, having accepted the soul's only aid.
Some will live many a long year, trusting in a false cultic soul's aid.
A few will trust in the only truth that leads through to that Heavenly glade.
A Sheppard is calling; a Sheppard is leading the way.
My friend to whom do you pray?
One day we'll each and every one take a little walk.
One day too soon, we'll have finished our last earthly talk.
Perhaps our friends and family will gather to say goodbye.
Some may shed a tear; some will continue to believe a lie.
So many believe a lie, so many run to open graves mistakenly believing all roads lead to Heaven.
My dear friend a soul is spoilt by just a little leaven.
Valentine's coming, soon many a card will be sent, candy too.
Flowers, and "I Love You's "tossed carelessly, seldom true.
Dear Christian friend, if you truly care for your "loved ones" perhaps you should tell.
Entering Heaven's gate without Christ's saving blood, means an eternity in Hell.
The one who killed our son, trusted in an alcoholic drink, and many a false friend.
Consuming a beverage devised by Satan and his demons, in the end.
Who to that one will go and tell that Christ even died for such as that.
The rain falls and the sun shines, never does it ask for the welcome mat.
The Saviour knocks at the hearts door, knocking waiting for an invitation, to come in.
He'll not push his way in; he'll not knock forever, having paid for all sin.
Valentine, valentine, it is coming soon.
Many a gift will be exchanged, many will sing a tune.
Valentine, look and see the red heart-shaped paper boxes that fill the stores.
Soon someone will purchase these candy filled boxes, hoping a love to lure.
A gift purchased, it must be accepted unwrapped and opened.
A gift that is not accepted it is a love that can never be penned.
My friend my day "Ole Valentine" is gone. But on streets of gold he plays.
A gift he can never lose he did accept, so in Heaven he stays.
Valentine's it's a coming. It the Lord does tarry.
But my friend a boxed gift of candy can never compare to the gift that was purchased just for you.
Please be wary.
Be wary, because if without this gift you die.
In Hell you will lift up your eye.
No hope, for you my friend if in Christ you have not fully trusted for your eternal security.
My friend you are either fully saved, or fully lost. The gift for you it was purchased on Calvary.
Be wary, my friend. And pray.
Think carefully of your eternity, this Valentine's Day.
Heaven or Hell it is a choice only you can make.
Remember if you truly love someone, your personal testimony you'll not forsake.
Happy Valentine's Day 2010
And Happy Birthday to my day "Ole Valentine" I'll see you one day, at half past ten.
Loving you enough to tell you of Heaven and Hell
Thankful at last a profession you claimed, now in Heaven we trust you've heard your final bell.
Passing Out Valentine's...a poetry assignment from 2010
A poetry valentine's assigment, I wrote a Haiku for this assignment in January of 2010 Passing Out Valentine's Valentine's Day Mail Sitting once in a classroom Valentine children |
Chldren Grown Old,...a Haiku from 2010
Children Grown Old
Children running fast
Leaves spinning out of the tree
Old people walking
Children Grown Old
Children running fast
Leaves spinning out of the tree
Old people walking
Bills, Bills and More Bills...another short Haiku from 2010
Bills, Bills and More Bills
Computer problem
Financial problems go far
Bills all paid relief
Global Warming...anothe Haiku I wrote in 2010
Global Warming
Heavy snow falling
Weatherman dancing with glee
Ice shines on the path
Global Warming
Heavy snow falling
Weatherman dancing with glee
Ice shines on the path
No Tears in Heaven....another Haiku from 2010
No Tears in Heaven
Flower petals sing
Snowflakes scattered in the sky
Teardrops washed away
I Still Love second poem from 2010
I Still Love You
Do You Remember Me?
I dreamed I saw you walking.
I remembered us talking.
So in love were we,
we could not see it was not to be.
I loved you, you loved me.
This is how is should be.
I wanted the best for you,
You wanted the same for me it is true.
But the winds of change were knocking at our door.
Even as our dreams we shared, we knew not the door was closing forever more.
Happy were we, so in love everything was a dream.
Love was fresh, love was new.
Married we would be soon this we knew to be true.
But fate was laughing at us.
Even as I boarded that bus.
I knew in my heart it was not too you. That I would soon be wed.
You expected to join me in another state, it is what we had said.
But time and fate were laughing as is often the case.
We had entered into unprepared into a race.
Life would win out.
We could pout.
But it would do no good for time was passing away.
We had entered life's roadway.
Paved with heartache, and pain.
Tears and strain.
Who could know how quickly the years would pass away.
Now we are old and it is too hard to stay.
We haven't stopped loving each other.
But never can our arms hold one another.
For to others we belong.
Even though it is for you I long.
To another must my love be given it is true,
The same I know is true for you.
Remember we never stopped loving one another.
Every now and then you still enter into my dreams like no other.
I still love you.
Do you even remember who it is who never stopped loving you.
Time and circumstances make the heart to grow old.
But true love never from the heart looses it's hold.
Remember someone still loves you.
And this is true.
Cycle of first Haiku for 2010
Cycle of Life
Green leaves sprouting up
Bushes full, growing all 'round
Brown leaves falling down...
Cycle of Life
Green leaves sprouting up
Bushes full, growing all 'round
Brown leaves falling down...
The Hypocrite Who Lies to Self...a poem that I wrote towards the end of 2009
The Hypocrite Who Lies to Self
One a penny, two a penny, I see your needs
Toss a rock, skip one two, three and four, I'll pick it up again.
Turn around hop back to the start, your voice it's lost in the weeds...
I've heard you say it, now and then. I've looked into your eyes.
Toss a penny; into the pot, one, two, three and four, I'll look away, yet again.
Seeing your poverty, I tell many a lies.
A measure of wheat, a measure of barley, a day's wages a slice of bread.
Toss a measure in your direction, one, two, three and four; I'll be on my way.
Silence falls heavy, you're needs, brushed aside, soon overcome with dread.
How is it, we hear, but do not see?
We call out to one another, "let me know if you need anything, anything at all"
How is it, we see, but don't comprehend? Life is more than just "me".
Walking by each other, day by day, false words many we say.
Seeing a need or many indeed, we turn out heads.
Pretending that it is due to one's own fault their lives are in decay.
True it is of some, lives are in ruin, in decay. Due to some fault of their own.
We toss a flicker of hope to someone, but then we smother all hope by our lies.
Believing decay comes only to those beneath our own throne.
Many of us walk, in such a way to never see the hypocrisy that scares at us from every mirror.
We toss our heads up in the air; we walk in pride, knowing we are not as others.
Quenching at all cost the facts that we know to our own inner horror.
Seeing we know, hearing we hear. Prideful, we ignore.
A kind word spoken never meant. We keep on going.
Imagining ourselves better than others, we listen to their fading words, easily we bore-
Walking once again down that same path, I see you.
The one who lied, it was me.
Pretending it was some other, I turned from many rue.
Laughing I pretended it was some other walking by.
But it was me, I walked right past myself.
Playing "Hopscotch", I continued on my way, not even stopping to say goodbye.
Tossing a penny into a fountain, I continue on my way.
Pretending in my mind to toss away the harshness of my reality...
Not fully comprehending it is pride that must be cast away.
Poverty and shame it comes to those who trust in the riches of this world.
I'd looked into my own eyes, not seeing, the poverty of my soul.
Trusting in myself, I'd walked many a mile in much turmoil.
Reading, rhyming walking on my way, not looking at you not looking at me...
Repeating nursery rhymes, hoping no one sees the broken spirit that resides in my shell.
Laughing, dancing, singing, playing, who can know it is me?
Dwelling on problems, situations, soon it is easy to believe, the world it revolves around me.
Life putting up barricades, and stumbling blocks...
Someone trying to get my attention, finally walled in my attention is free.
Working so hard to be perfect, never reaching that goal.
Pretending everything is okay, knowing it's not true.
Once laying down my guard knowing soon life will have taken its toil.
Working for shelter, working for comforts, working for a bite of bread...
Failing in every area, health soon cast away, society laughing.
Finally turning to see that a life without Christ has much to dread...
One a penny, two a penny, a measure of wheat, a measure of barley...
Toss a rock, skip a one, skip a two, bend down, turn around, and leave the stone on the ground.
See the fountain flowing with blood, cast away false ideas, covered in The Blood, finally free...
Bended knee, confession made, Christ accepted truly this time.
Turning seeing those in need...
Casting away worldly lusts, going forward knowing the answer to the final rhyme...
The Hypocrite Who Lies to Self
One a penny, two a penny, I see your needs
Toss a rock, skip one two, three and four, I'll pick it up again.
Turn around hop back to the start, your voice it's lost in the weeds...
I've heard you say it, now and then. I've looked into your eyes.
Toss a penny; into the pot, one, two, three and four, I'll look away, yet again.
Seeing your poverty, I tell many a lies.
A measure of wheat, a measure of barley, a day's wages a slice of bread.
Toss a measure in your direction, one, two, three and four; I'll be on my way.
Silence falls heavy, you're needs, brushed aside, soon overcome with dread.
How is it, we hear, but do not see?
We call out to one another, "let me know if you need anything, anything at all"
How is it, we see, but don't comprehend? Life is more than just "me".
Walking by each other, day by day, false words many we say.
Seeing a need or many indeed, we turn out heads.
Pretending that it is due to one's own fault their lives are in decay.
True it is of some, lives are in ruin, in decay. Due to some fault of their own.
We toss a flicker of hope to someone, but then we smother all hope by our lies.
Believing decay comes only to those beneath our own throne.
Many of us walk, in such a way to never see the hypocrisy that scares at us from every mirror.
We toss our heads up in the air; we walk in pride, knowing we are not as others.
Quenching at all cost the facts that we know to our own inner horror.
Seeing we know, hearing we hear. Prideful, we ignore.
A kind word spoken never meant. We keep on going.
Imagining ourselves better than others, we listen to their fading words, easily we bore-
Walking once again down that same path, I see you.
The one who lied, it was me.
Pretending it was some other, I turned from many rue.
Laughing I pretended it was some other walking by.
But it was me, I walked right past myself.
Playing "Hopscotch", I continued on my way, not even stopping to say goodbye.
Tossing a penny into a fountain, I continue on my way.
Pretending in my mind to toss away the harshness of my reality...
Not fully comprehending it is pride that must be cast away.
Poverty and shame it comes to those who trust in the riches of this world.
I'd looked into my own eyes, not seeing, the poverty of my soul.
Trusting in myself, I'd walked many a mile in much turmoil.
Reading, rhyming walking on my way, not looking at you not looking at me...
Repeating nursery rhymes, hoping no one sees the broken spirit that resides in my shell.
Laughing, dancing, singing, playing, who can know it is me?
Dwelling on problems, situations, soon it is easy to believe, the world it revolves around me.
Life putting up barricades, and stumbling blocks...
Someone trying to get my attention, finally walled in my attention is free.
Working so hard to be perfect, never reaching that goal.
Pretending everything is okay, knowing it's not true.
Once laying down my guard knowing soon life will have taken its toil.
Working for shelter, working for comforts, working for a bite of bread...
Failing in every area, health soon cast away, society laughing.
Finally turning to see that a life without Christ has much to dread...
One a penny, two a penny, a measure of wheat, a measure of barley...
Toss a rock, skip a one, skip a two, bend down, turn around, and leave the stone on the ground.
See the fountain flowing with blood, cast away false ideas, covered in The Blood, finally free...
Bended knee, confession made, Christ accepted truly this time.
Turning seeing those in need...
Casting away worldly lusts, going forward knowing the answer to the final rhyme...
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