This was a performance only article that I wrote back on 2009.
Twenty Helpful Dieting Tips
The first tip I have is this, you have to decide that you want to lose weight. Many people say they want to lose weight, and say they want to get in shape. But the truth of the matter is they have become comfortable with themselves as they are.
Being comfortable with your appearance whether it is good or bad, can be a real hindrance to change. This can also be self-defeating, if you are obese or have another health problem that could be corrected or treated with a proven treatment or commitment.
Number two after you have decided you really want to lose weight, and then you need to decide whether you are going to be committed to doing what needs to be done to lose weight.
You may be more committed to complaining about how you cannot lose weight, than really getting serious about losing weight.
Number three, after you have decided you want to really lose the weight for good and have decided you are committed to doing what is needed to lose the weight, you need to have a workable plan.
If you have not been exercising in years, going out and joining an exercise class that meets seven days a week may not be a good idea, you may end up too sore to continue.
You did not become overweight overnight, and it is certain that you will not loose all you need to lose and be well toned over night. So you will need to think long term.
Okay, now that you have a decision, a commitment, and a workable plan you need to start putting everything in to action.
So we are up to number four on our list of twenty helpful tips for you as you work towards a healthy body.
Number four would be to buy a couple of small notebooks and a pen. I like the colored ink pens you can buy from the Dollar Stores. As I think it is helpful to write some goals in different colors. It can help you keep track of goals you have reached. This can be a big encouragement.
Number five; with your notebooks what you will do is this one will be a food diary, in this diary you write down every single thing that goes into your mouth that is food or drink. (There are studies that say that people who do this consume fewer calories, so I am thinking this would be helpful for those who tend to overeat. Because it is time consuming to list every single thing as soon as you have eaten it, and you would need to list it as soon as possible after eating in order to not forget.) Most people forget a lot of things throughout the course of any given day because the mind is only able to hold so much information active at one time.
Moving on now to your second notebook, this you will want to divide into two sections. One section will be so you can keep track of your weekly menu, write out a daily or weekly menu, then also a grocery list, of any items you may need that week in order to make the meals on your list.
The second section of your notebook will be for you to keep track of your daily exercise schedule, or daily schedule in general.
Remember if you have not been exercising you will need to start out slow. Walking is in general a very easy and normally safe activity for most people who are in general health, with only a minor weight problem. If you are extremely overweight you may have to start out just with moving a little bit more than you do currently and work up to walking, maybe from your room to the bathroom, or from your room to the living room, or front door or something.
Just because you may have to start out slow does not mean that you will not succeed in your weight loss program, it just means you have to remain dedicated, because it could take you a lot longer than someone who is able to exercise more.
Okay, so moving on now to number six.
Something that I think is encouraging is to read about others who have had a great deal of weight to lose who have managed to lose weight and keep it off. Especially when you are feeling discouraged you need to look for encouraging and inspiring stories. You can find many online, or you can buy one of the magazines often seen at the checkout counters in stores, such as "Woman's Day" or "First" I have noticed that it is extremely rare to not see a success story on the cover of their magazine. So this must be something that sells well.
Number seven, if you find that you are still discouraged because it is taking a long time for you to see any results with whatever plan you have chosen, then maybe look at the plan your trying out, maybe the plan your using is not the best one for you, or maybe you just need to increase your exercise level.
Number eight, if you can find someone who will is also on a weight loss journey this person could be a helpful person to turn to when you just need encouragement; also you can be an encouragement to this other person when they are having a bad day. Try to find someone you can encourage who will also encourage you.
Number nine, you need to remind yourself every time you are discouraged that everything worthwhile takes time.
Number ten, learn portion sizes. A good way to do this is to buy single serving pre-packed portions, at least until you can see what a portion size looks like.
Number eleven, If you know you are going to be eating out, take a walk before hand. Also maybe plan to take a walk after your meal.
Number twelve, you don't spoil your weight loss goal by over indulgence once or twice, you spoil your diet when you continuously forget your goal.
So don't panic if you over eat once or twice, just take a longer walk when that happens.
Number thirteen. When you write out your weekly menu include any snacks you may want. Then stick to what is on your menu. This will save you money and calories.
Number fourteen, Make a study of nutrition. You can take a course at your local community college or one of the many online colleges, or you can use your library. If you do this it will help you to understand better what your body needs. And help you to understand why you may be craving a particular food.
Number fifteen. Find a hobby of some kind that does not involve eating. When you are busy you will be less likely to want to mindlessly munch on high calorie snacks.
Number sixteen, Make friends, if you have found yourself sitting around your house a lot, you need to get out and meet people. When we stay to ourselves, rarely seeing anyone other than maybe people we work with, life becomes boring. Some people will eat out of boredom. Having someone to talk to and do things with can help us get over the eating that is done when we are just plain bored.
Number seventeen, if you're going out to eat knowing what you're going to eat ahead of time may save you some calories, or may help you to remember to exercise more during the day, (take an extra walk, do some extra sit-ups, jumping jacks etc.)
Number eighteen, Plan to lose weight slowly. If watching the scale is discouraging to you, then don't look at it. Instead exercise and watch how your clothing fits. As your body tones up your appearance will be better and your clothing will fit better.
Number nineteen, after you have lost weight you do need to remember that if you stop exercising the weight will come back.
Number twenty, Make it a life time goal to exercise every day, and to eat your meals every day as close to the same time as possible. Smaller meals throughout the day can boost the metabolism, but if that is not possible plan your larger meals for early in the day so you have more time to burn off any extra calories.
You can lose weight but it will take time, determination and commitment. And it will be worth the effort to reach a goal that will help you live a healthy and productive life.
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