Redeeming the Time
Tomorrow is the yesterday that bothered you today.
Yesterday is the today that you'll remember tomorrow.
Today is the day that you are wasting, reliving yesterday, striving for tomorrow.
Life is encased in a rhyme.
Someday you may learn the rhythm but perhaps not this time.
If not it will be your crime.
Turn around and look around you.
Can you touch yesterday? Have you seen tomorrow's skies blue?
Planning, striving searching, you are creating your own rue.
Spin around turn around, look at today.
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is not promised all along the way.
Today is, tomorrow is not promised, and yesterday could not stay.
Live today as if it were your last.
Step up look around, and see your time will be long past.
Create a memory, leave a testament of your life, and stand out with class.
Your life as mine, it is but a vapor. It is soon faded in the lights of day.
But our memory if etched carefully, it will stay.
Look at the stars in the night sky, someone has led the way.
The "Milky way" it is the galaxy we live in it is true.
So many vapors have already passed away. Soon it will be you and me too.
-Gone away as someone else sings our tunes.
Now step up and look, what is it you were planning to do?
What was it you planned? Motivation it is held by you.
It is you alone who can take hold of just what you need to do today.
Your life it is but a fast fading vapor, along this "Milky Way..."
So turn around and set your pace each and every day.
Set your pace.
Run your race.
You know you'll win by grace.
Take your time.
But remember this rhyme.
You've only got one time.
You can run, you can win.
But you can only win, if you're in.
It is by grace, by grace alone. We will win.
Redeem your time.
Wasted days, wasted life's it is a crime,
And now you know this rhyme.
Your life it is yours, alone.
But it is for you His blood did atone.
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