A poem meant to make you think...
"Voice's from Lost Grave's"
Halloween Poem
The night was sparkling and dark.
Cold winds stirring the leaves, in the distance a lone dog is heard to bark.
Words once spoken lost forever, silence empowering the chill of this night.
A child's laughter dwindling away into the past, as "treats" are given out at another light.
Running each walk, running excitedly to yet another house, expecting "candy treats" at every door.
Parents, and other's never stopping to think, not inquiring to know if perhaps this day celebrated with glee, could having a meaning so vile, to shake some to the core.
"All Hallows Eve" or is your preference to say "Halloween"
Day's and years, decades and centuries past, covering up things so mean.
Forgotten are the beginnings of this Holiday we celebrate so easily today.
In unmarked, unknown graves, who hears the faint cries of those who were made to pay?
Running through the fallen leaves, in the rapidly cooling winds of the night...
Forgotten are pagan rituals that created such fright.
Looking only for more candy, yet another child runs through the rapidly unknown coming darkness.
Forgetting those who had faced so much stress...
Living life in today's world of freedom, and plenty.
Long ago trials and tribulations forgotten in times forgotten seas-
It's an American tradition, an American Holiday.
We'll call it by another name, it's just a day for fun, is what we say.
It means nothing at all, it is just a day to celebrate, a day for fun.
But in the shadows of the night the devils, marvel, mistakenly believing they have won.
"Because of lack of knowledge my people perish"...Words written never truer today.
Life, taken for granted, taken away before it's lived, taken away before it is finished.
Life depersonalized, due to continued violence promoted on television, books and tragedy.
Halloween costumes, Halloween costumes covered in make-believe blood and gore.
Human compassion dwindling as "all" becomes a game to be played.
So many lives destroyed, so many lying in a grave, dead.
Voices from the graves of long ago willing their silent voices to speak...
Lingering souls wishing to warn, hungry souls knowing not what it is they seek.
Scattered and few are the lights that once shown so bright paving the way.
Every day another fights as soon there will be no day.
Fighting a tide of resistance, fighting a tide of ignorance...
Fighting for the souls of those who do not know it is with the Devil they dance...
Reading some have heard, some have rejected, some are left wondering.
Let these words be a warning, some things may be fun, but there is a price to pay, listen closely for soon silence will ring...
Silence will echo from the halls of those who tried to warn, silence will resound.
Silence of a lost hope, as tears fall like a sea into the ground-
Thinking it was just another day by yet another name.
Thinking it was just a game.
Believing those who objected to celebrating this day were pathetic and ignorant.
Laughing, now crying as warnings were not heeded -- believing not the fading chant.
Now the silence echo's the warnings to late to heed.
Screaming in terror as yet another "Halloween Day" arrives and too late is seen the need...
Raptured away are those who believed those who warned, of this coming day...
Fading into memory will be the children's laughter that once was running collecting "candy and treats"...fading it will be, as soon is coming the day we all must pay.
Take heed, all the things that sparkle and shine.
The coming ransom it was paid, but it is for you to accept, if not it is in Hell you will soon dine.
The darkness is coming it is coming soon, every day the night is ever near.
Halloween it is coming it is true, but there is something more to fear.
Judgment Day it is coming are you ready?
Are you sure? Are you ready, are you holding the one who has the hand that is steady?
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