Friday, May 25, 2012

Eat What You Want And Lose Weight? article 2010

I was paid 3.04 upfront for this article. This is a non-exclusive article.

Eat What You Want And Lose Weight?

Eat anything you want and "still lose weight"?
Is it really possible to eat anything you want to eat and lose weight?

Well truthfully, the answer to that question is yes. Yes anyone can eat what they want and lose weight and be healthy.

Provided they do not eat foods they are allergic to that is. Eating foods you are allergic to may cause weight loss but more likely it will cause other problems. Depending on how serious your food allergy your reaction could even be death. So with that exception we'll move on to the topic at hand.

The topic at hand is this "Is it possible to eat what you want and still lose weight". The exception to this being food allergies.

Well as you probably have heard and may not quite believe because it's not worked for you. The answer to this is yes. But, there is a catch.

So what is this catch? Well it is quite simple really, and one you may have even heard before. The answer is moderation. And portion size, also movement, otherwise known as exercise. Even just walking can be beneficial.

Ok, so you are wondering why, is it every single year someone says something about weight. Well it is simple it is because every single year everyone wants a quick fix to a problem that did not happen overnight.

No one gains fifty, sixty, seventy, a hundred, or even more than that, overnight. It takes time and dedication to do that. Yes, I said dedication. It takes motivation and dedication to gain so much weight, and it takes a period of time.

Even illnesses that may cause weight gain, or make it more difficult for someone to lose weight do not as a general rule progress overnight. Instead it takes time.

Ok, ok, you may be saying "I get that already". Now please move on to how do I get rid of all this weight I've managed to gain. As it is uncomfortable, and makes life difficult for me.

Well remember that little four letter word I mentioned above? No it's not a dirty word, not even a curse word, but still I doubt you are going to like it. The word is TIME.

To lose weight number one it takes time. And it generally takes a lot of time. Or a lot more than most people would like for it to take. But really it is good that it takes a little time, as it can be expensive to go replace all your clothes at once. So look at the positive ok.

Now look, back to what I said earlier about motivation and dedication. Well this is what you will need to do to lose weight. Remember every time you are tempted to overeat, a quote I read once, I do not remember where I saw it, but the quote goes like this..."nothing tastes as good as being thin feels".
Try to remember that you may find it helpful. Also plan to drink water often.

Drinking water fills up your belly, and it also helps to flush waste out of your body. This is all good. Also remember moderation. Even for water.

Because you don't want to get waterlogged, you can really drink too much water, but most people don't.

Ok, now if you want to continue eating all the same foods you do today. Then that is fine, but do this use a smaller plate. Then only eat one small serving. A small serving of your favorite foods is better in my personal opinion of a large food that you absolutely hate.

And remember if you really want to have an extra serving on some days go ahead and have an extra serving, and don't feel guilty. But also do not make extra servings a habit.

Also something else learn what a serving size is, most likely it is smaller than you think. Cut back your serving sizes every day until you are really eating a portion size serving. If you do this gradually and with dedication, you will cut calories in time. Also look at it another way, smaller portions will stretch your grocery money further, meaning you will save money on groceries.

Ok, now at the same time you are reducing your portion sizes, try to drink more water, also start cutting out soft drinks until you are not drinking sodas at all.

Soda's cause dental problems, potbellies, and do nothing to help someone lose weight. Drinking lots of soda's will in time lead to a lot of expenses you'd not planned on. Like extra dental bills for instance.

Now last and this along with the smaller portions is the main key, start walking more. Park further from the store to start with; walk like you are in a hurry all the time. Find a walking track, and a walking partner. Then go walking every day.

If you will stay dedicated to smaller portions, drinking more water, walking at least a little every day, then in time you will find the inches melting away.

You can lose weight, and you do not need a special unhealthy fad diet to do so. You can eat what you are already eating but you will need to eat smaller portions, drink more water and start walking a lot more. If you are already walking and not losing then you need to look at your portion sizes, and water intake. Also you need to make sure you are not drinking thousands of calories a day, in the form of soda's, juices, special coffee's etc. Try drinking water more often.

Time and dedication can get you to where you want to be weight wise. Everything takes time, whether it is weight gain, or weight loss, neither as a rule happens overnight.

Even medical problems take time to develop as a general rule.

Make this year the year you find the motivation and dedication to get healthy. You can do it. Just think of all the money you will save by being healthy instead of sickly due to poor weight management. Your weight is one health problem that can be controlled with time, effort and dedication.

Also if you do have medical problems causing weight gain have these treated as soon as possible, then continue with the treatment so that you do not have more problems down the road.

2010 the year to get healthy, before you are regulated to a government based health care center of the governments choice. Make your own choice today, by doing what you already know to do.


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