What's that Following You?
Mercy and Grace
Turn around, turn around.
What was that sound?
Run a little harder you want to play.
Run a little further away.
Play the clown.
Run all over town.
Stumble and fall.
Run into the wall.
Lift up your voice and cry.
Cry, and turn around...your still alive.
Running so close to the edge.
Have your forgotten who it was who built that hedge?
Turn around, turn around.
What was that sound?
It was the Master's call.
Watching as you ran, He saw you stumble and fall.
Watching and waiting, He let you go your way.
Turning back, you pray.
Saved you haven't been lost.
Having paid for you, He knew the cost.
Lovingly, He waits as you run and play.
Mercy and grace, for you He gave, that day.
Accepting Him you committed your life to Him one day.
But trials and temptations came your way.
You should have stood strong.
But instead you did wrong.
Running you thought to hide.
Soon you'd fall, due to your pride.
Stumbling and falling, you suddenly remember, it was for you He died.
Stained and dirty, you run back to whom your heart is tied.
Mercy and grace, for you He gave.
With mercy and grace He will keep that which He came to save.
Christian you may run, you may play, you may forget the way.
But if you're His child He'll never send you away.
Mercy and grace, mercy and grace.
His mercy with you will keep pace.
Stumble and fall.
He'll hear your every call.
Mercy and grace.
He'll keep pace.
Turn around and hear Him call.
Stay close by His side, you never have to stumble and fall.
Hold His hand.
As He walks with you to that promise land.
Mercy and grace. Mercy and grace.
Saved, by grace, mercy will keep pace.
Stay close by His side.
Soon in Heaven you'll reside.
Mistakes you may make.
But acceptance of His love, will keep you from that Lake.
Forgiven, not perfect, you are.
Perfect love for you, given by the bright and Morning Star.
*(Revelation 22:16 KJV)
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