Friday, May 25, 2012

The Night is Fast Coming...a poem that I wrote in 2010

This is a poem that I wrote in January 2010, this is meant to make you think, to remind you that eternity is coming whether you are ready or not.

The Night is Fast Coming

Scribes and Pharisee's I notice you looking my way.
Seems you always have something to say.

Finding fault with my every breath-
Looking daily to read perhaps of my death...

Dressed in your modern day finery you look at me in scorn.
Casting a disgusted look in my direction, noting only my life is scattered and torn.

Seeing not that I've trusted in the One that you claim to proclaim-
Not seeing my heart only my outward shame.

Scribes and Pharisee's did you not know, it is because of you I go.
Having heard the gospel preached so clearly that even I might know.

Dear Pharisee do you not realize you cannot work in the Harvest Field's?
Lest you are willing to take off the pricy jewels, the costly array, and don the worker's shield?

Living apart, staying pure it is good to do, this is true.
But my friend, if you never put on your shield, how will you tell another of the coming rue?

The fields are truly white unto harvest, but truly the workers are few.
Are you a Scribe, a Pharisee or a worker who's working to pull from the fire all that can be reached,
by you?

The Harvest is ready.
But where are the workers who are holding steady?

Working while it is day-
Working fast for the night is fast coming; it is no time for play.

The Eastern Sky it will soon open wide-
The roll is soon to be called, for those who are lost there will be nowhere to hide.

Rise up early, spend time in prayer. Bend the knee, fast and pray.
Diligently work and pray, for this could be the day...

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