Friday, May 25, 2012

Crystal Teardrops...a poem from Novemeber 2009.

This was a performance only Christmas poems assignment from 2009, non-exclusive. I wrote this in November 2009

Crystal Teardrops

Snowflakes falling from the sky-

Snow covering the ground...

Looking through a windowpane the past so near, yet so far-

Teardrops, frozen in place, no need to cry.  

Silver bells ring on a long ago sleigh.  

Memories echo so near, yet so far.

Scents of pine, scents of peppermints, a crackling fire.  

Music softly playing brings cheer to all near and far.

Christmas packages stacked neatly under a tree.

Snowflakes are falling.  

Every flake a particle of dust encased in ice.  

Someone's memories turned to crystal.

Christmas memories, a small train set wrapped around a tree.  

 A baby boy, watching with glee-  

A first Christmas so happy, a delighted little boy watching the train go round and round.

Snowflakes are falling fast. 

Somehow the past is catching up to us today. 

Looking out the window, we can almost see his face.

Three years it will soon be our baby boy is gone.  

Christmas it is coming once again.  

But our darling son, his face in this life we will never again see.

Because our little boy was killed when he was eighteen-

A Christmas memory so long ago, so few that are remembered.  

Soon the snow will fall, the ground frozen and cold.  

Crystal teardrops are falling all over the ground.

Someday like the snow that melts, memories will fade.

But not today because the memories of our son, like the snow that falls on a bright day Christmas morning, are fresh.

Thread carefully my friend because the snowflakes that are falling each represent someone's loved one who has gone out into eternity.

This Christmas season, make memories, be happy, and be joyful too.

But remember whatever you do, never drive while intoxicated.

Someone's looking out a windowpane today, searching for someone who will never walk this world again.

Crystal teardrops, they sparkle in the sunshine.  

Christmas memories that are past, these are mine.

Crystal teardrops are never shed they are stored within the heart.

Christmas morning it is coming so soon.

Snowmen, Christmas presents, fresh baked cookies, and many other treats.  

Turn the other way, the tears you see it is only a snowflake that has landed on my cheek.

Don't you know Christmas morning is not the day for "Crystal Teardrops"?

We still love you Jonathan.

You were the little baby boy watching the train as it went around the little tree.

Today, you are contained within our memories, because we will not see you again, until this world we flee.

Merry Christmas, we still miss you, and love you very much.

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