A poem that I wrote in memory of my son, and also to remind the lost of the urgency of salvation, before they perish.
My Day "Ole" Valentine
My Valentine Walks on Streets of Gold
Many years ago it seems we were waiting for you.
You were to be a little late, about two weeks, it's true.
One year we cooked a birthday cake just for you on top the stove.
Cooked in a cast-iron Dutch oven, wrapped in tinfoil, a lopsided cake made with much love.
Our day "Ole Valentine", our oldest child blessed our home for eighteen years.
But now our "day Ole Valentine" is gone due to someone else's fears.
Lacking common sense someone took to a bar.
Killing my day "Ole Valentine" with a fast speeding car-
Three year's soon to be lost to time.
An unjustified crime...
Delay's for a criminal trial.
Waiting once again, knowing we'll see you at the end of this earthly grail.
Early to Heaven, you walked right in.
Turning around you look back, and say "I win".
And so you have, my day "Ole Valentine Child"
Taken so soon, by one who chose to drive so wild-
But my Valentine, we'll soon meet once again, only this time it is you who'll be waiting.
We'll not be late, not a day, not a week, not a year, right on time we'll sing.
Yesterdays are long forgotten it's true, waiting seems long.
But in Heaven eternity love reunited will be ever so strong.
My day "Ole Valentine" was taken.
This is true, but God was not shaken.
God knew from the beginning the day you would die.
Once it is appointed for man to die, and then the judgment, many there will cry.
Some will stand alone uncovered many sins stains on their soul laid.
But a few will hold a testimony as you, having accepted the soul's only aid.
Some will live many a long year, trusting in a false cultic soul's aid.
A few will trust in the only truth that leads through to that Heavenly glade.
A Sheppard is calling; a Sheppard is leading the way.
My friend to whom do you pray?
One day we'll each and every one take a little walk.
One day too soon, we'll have finished our last earthly talk.
Perhaps our friends and family will gather to say goodbye.
Some may shed a tear; some will continue to believe a lie.
So many believe a lie, so many run to open graves mistakenly believing all roads lead to Heaven.
My dear friend a soul is spoilt by just a little leaven.
Valentine's coming, soon many a card will be sent, candy too.
Flowers, and "I Love You's "tossed carelessly, seldom true.
Dear Christian friend, if you truly care for your "loved ones" perhaps you should tell.
Entering Heaven's gate without Christ's saving blood, means an eternity in Hell.
The one who killed our son, trusted in an alcoholic drink, and many a false friend.
Consuming a beverage devised by Satan and his demons, in the end.
Who to that one will go and tell that Christ even died for such as that.
The rain falls and the sun shines, never does it ask for the welcome mat.
The Saviour knocks at the hearts door, knocking waiting for an invitation, to come in.
He'll not push his way in; he'll not knock forever, having paid for all sin.
Valentine, valentine, it is coming soon.
Many a gift will be exchanged, many will sing a tune.
Valentine, look and see the red heart-shaped paper boxes that fill the stores.
Soon someone will purchase these candy filled boxes, hoping a love to lure.
A gift purchased, it must be accepted unwrapped and opened.
A gift that is not accepted it is a love that can never be penned.
My friend my day "Ole Valentine" is gone. But on streets of gold he plays.
A gift he can never lose he did accept, so in Heaven he stays.
Valentine's it's a coming. It the Lord does tarry.
But my friend a boxed gift of candy can never compare to the gift that was purchased just for you.
Please be wary.
Be wary, because if without this gift you die.
In Hell you will lift up your eye.
No hope, for you my friend if in Christ you have not fully trusted for your eternal security.
My friend you are either fully saved, or fully lost. The gift for you it was purchased on Calvary.
Be wary, my friend. And pray.
Think carefully of your eternity, this Valentine's Day.
Heaven or Hell it is a choice only you can make.
Remember if you truly love someone, your personal testimony you'll not forsake.
Happy Valentine's Day 2010
And Happy Birthday to my day "Ole Valentine" I'll see you one day, at half past ten.
Loving you enough to tell you of Heaven and Hell
Thankful at last a profession you claimed, now in Heaven we trust you've heard your final bell.
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