Friday, June 8, 2012

Be a Friend Indeed

Be a Friend Indeed

You say you want to be my friend, my friend, my friend.
You sent me a request, a request to be my friend.

My internet friend, my Facebook friend, my friend till the end'"
Make believe friends, imaginary people, come to life as each request is confirmed, negotiated and accepted.

Sending out requests to relatives, old classmates, neighbors, acquaintances, asking for just one more friend --
With a click of a button a friend is made, a friend is made --

Looking at profiles we see not one, not two, not three but a thousand or more instant imaginary friends --
Or perhaps we really know them all somehow or other, we know them all, your friends are my friends, my friends are your friends, and all the world spins round and round.

Round and round, we go, seeking, searching for a friend.
Believing our online friends are friends, we air out our laundry, reveal secrets, we tell tales, we gossip, our words nor time having no end'"

Believing what one says, ignoring another, getting mad, deleting friends for no cause.
Deleting friends for no cause, believing ourselves justified, we click the button --

Clicking the button we delete, clicking the button we accept a stranger's words, clicking the button we listen in ignorance.
Ignorance profound we see the words, we type the words, we read the words we repeat, never checking for errors, our ignorance dances ever in the mirror to which we barely glance.

Dancing in ignorance we play with emotions, our true selves typed as our hearts cannot be fully hidden.
Our words dance across the page, dancing across the page, we see no faces, see no faces.

Seeing no faces we type our words, our thoughts, our meditations, seeing no faces, drying no tears, with words we shred reputations.
With words we shred reputations, believing what can never be proven we forget the law.

The law that cannot be changed, the law that stands ever true-
The law that cannot be changed the law that will bring many hearts to an standing, kneeling, flat prone rue --

The law my friend it runs deep, it runs wide, the law it never changes, it is the law of the mockers, it is the law of the Sower, it is the law that can never be broken.
It is the law of sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping.

What you sow today, my dear friend it is what one day you will reap.
Sow your seeds, sow them deep, sow them wide, sow them in rows, but my friend remember that what you sow it is what for eternity you'll keep.

Sowing, friendships, online or in real life, it is the same, it is the same, take time to cherish those who dare to be your friend.
Take time to be kind, considerate, take time to be carry forth a good testimony, take time the gospel to live and share, for tomorrow my dear it is when your seed sown, you'll reap in the end --

I see no face, I see no space, see no tears, and I've forgotten the years.
You look, you see, you cry, but still you've forgotten the bitter tears.

Tears shed for you, tears long since dried, as yesterday the well went dry.
Dried wells, dried tears, days long spent in prayer, did you ever wonder why.

Hidden tears, forgotten years, days gone by,
Days, long spent, forgotten in time, steps that no longer pass this way anymore, it does not matter why.

My friend, are you as I?
Have the cares and snares of this world caught you, trapped you, and made you forget the one who made the earth and the sky?

Are you trapped, are you scared have you given your life to the worries and cares of this life?
My dear, time it passes ever so fast, passing us each and every one, truth my dear it cuts with a very sharp knife.

Cutting with a knife, a sharp two-edged sword, the truth it divides the night from the day.
My dear friend, though soon my eyes will be long closed, it was for you that I once did pray.

Praying I saw your face, I saw your pain, I saw your wasted years, I heard your cry.
My dear friend, it was for you that I stood before the mirror, searching my heart, seeking to know if your condition was because of my poor witness, my poor testimony.

It was for you that many tears were shed, tears shed, prayers said, praying that a better witness I could be.
Truth spoken in love, I carried to you the gospel, the best as I knew, yet still your ears were closed to me.

Sending another I tried another way, I prayed that someone could reach you before it was much too late.
Praying I prayed, praying for you, death hand was held, but still death it was our fate.

Seeking that you might be saved I prayed that I might go.
Knowing my soul safe and secure, I prayed ever that you might soon my Saviour know --

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