Friday, June 8, 2012

My Often Unwelcome Guest a poem from 2010

My Often Unwelcome Guest
Faithful and Ever True

You have read my words, seen my thoughts.
Yet have you truly seen my heart?

You say I don't do, what I write, but my dear the vessel is worn.
Battered, and worn, the vessel is surely torn.

Many tasks I cannot do.
Yet, my friend did you know who it is who in prayer holds you.

By faith, I've prayed many a day.
Granted mercy many days, I'm thankful, and I pray.

Misunderstood by family and friends, I hide my tears.
Knowing that all are busy, all have their own lives and goals, I wander through the years.

Taking time for others, yet knowing others for me have no time.
Once feeling blue, but then remembering other's priorities cannot truly be contained within a rhyme.

Faithful in prayer, yet knowing I am but a by-word among many, as they cast their eyes down.
Looking down at me never really seeing me, only seeing the child who was raised on the bad side of town'"

Laughing sometimes, I think but my dearest friend I was raised within your very own society.
Homeless as a child I was, homeless as a newlywed, forgotten by many yet I took time for you in your misspent poverty.

You laughed at me when I was a child, you mocked me when I was newly married, and even still.
You've said I should do this, I should do that, you state it is my fault for any ill.

Looking at me you point and stare, you laugh and say things not so nice.
Yet, still for you I know I must pray for blessings and mercy for Hell's not filled with ice.

Sometimes though my dearest friend, self-pity knocks at my hearts door.
I close the door but sometimes my dearest friend, this shadow has already entered through the window seeking to stay forever more.

So at times I linger with this unwelcome guest, remembering the past.
Till finally at last I remember for the Christian this world is fading fast.

Standing up I stand, opening the curtains, opening the door, I send my unwelcome guest away.
Yet, I know my unwelcome guest will never fully leave as the roads been well-paved.

My unwelcome shadow comes when times are trying and hard it's true.
Faithful is my unwelcome guest, coming at odd hours to share the hurts of many a rue.

So often I desire to ask someone to pray for me.
Yet, I know it is in vain, for others truly are too busy.

Busy, with their own struggles and trials, life you see gets in the way of being a true friend.
At least this is how it seems on the days my unwelcome guest comes calling out to me, seeking to open old wounds perhaps hoping my pain will never end.

So now my friend have you truly heard my words, have you felt my heart.
My friend did you not know you can never truly write away pain, unless uncensored pain has been your part.

My friend my unwelcome guest ever stands near my hearts door.
Self-pity perhaps is his name, so once more I must close the door, and take the memory tour.

Memory tours of the heart are soon to be lost.
But don't worry my friend, it has come at no real cost.

You see my friend my memory it is fading fast, my unwelcome guest has overstayed once to often.
Memories fading fast, soon my unwelcome guest will fade forever in to the depths of the den.

But don't worry my dearest friend, for my new home has no den.
Now my friend it's my time once again for you to pray as it is well past ten.

Praying blessings, abundance and mercy into your life--
Praying that you never see the hardest side of hurt and strife --

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