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Paganism, Catholicism and Christianity - The Differences, the Similarities
Ok, so today the topic is some differences between Paganism and Christianity from a Christian perspective.
This will be part two, as I did not have enough space to write much with the word count limit on the first part. So with that I will indulge you with my limited exposure to Paganism. My exposure comes from extended family members and as everyone else, my exposure to popular culture.
First I want to begin with the Roman Catholic Church. For this reason this organization believes that they are the church that Jesus Christ founded. With Simon Peter given the position of chief apostle, the Church further believes in what is called apostolic succession.
For sake of space I will not present an argument today as to why I disagree. Instead what I was to do is show how paganism does affect many churches today. Also I want to agree with those who are practice paganism that they are correct when they say that the "Christians" have stolen their days' or ceremonies and feast days.
What I am going to say will not be popular with those who are or claim to be professing Christians, but none the less some things that are said by those who practice paganism is in fact true.
First let us look at December 25 *Christians call this day, Christmas, or the day that Christ was born. However it is unlikely that Christ was born on this day, although anything is possible, it is unlikely.
Given the time period when Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem and the stated events that were told of the time of his birth. That is contained within the Bible. It is by some accounts more likely that Christ was born in September, although I recently heard someone say they believed he was born in March, due to the fact, this person was using today's calendar to date from Elizabeth's pregnancy which was based on the Hebrew calendar not the calendar we go by today.
So let's go back now to December 25. And what Pagan's were already celebrating Before Christians decided to also celebrate on this same day.
As I said December 25 is known as Christmas or Christ's birthday by Christians. However this day is also the same day that was celebrated in ancient Babylon. "The feast of the Son of Isis", this celebration included gift-giving, eating, drinking, and raucous partying.
Does this sound anything like many "Christmas Parties" of today? What about the gift giving?
Ok, so many celebrations are similar right? However it is in my opinion that it is a little odd that Christmas is celebrated on the same day as an ancient feast day, of pagan origin.
By the way before I go any further perhaps I need to mention something about the word "pagan".
The word "pagan" comes from Latin, it has several meanings. Of some interest may be the fact that these words are also associated with pagan, (civilian and country dweller).Perhaps we could even suggest that this is a state of mind considering the current topic.
More commonly today we associate the word "pagan" with a particular religious group. Or perhaps several different groups, but in essence these are all the one and the same, just different variations of a belief system that yields to the god of this world, that being Satan. And yes, Satan is currently the God of this world. I may go more into that further down. But at the moment we are looking at the definition of the word pagan.
The number one definition is (Heathen) especially a follower of a polytheistic religion.
Before I go on, I want to explain this word (polytheistic) in the off chance that some of you may have not stumbled across this word recently.
To make it easy for everyone I am going to quote one paragraph from an article I was reading a little while ago.
*I've provided a link to the website where I found this as a help for those who would like to read further into this topic. The link can be found below in the list of links I am providing as sources for this article.
"Polytheism - General Overview
Polytheism is the belief in and worship of many gods. Typically, these gods are distinguished by particular functions, and often take on human characteristics. This was particularly true in ancient Greece and Rome. In other polytheistic cultures such as ancient Egypt, gods take on the form and characteristics of objects found in nature, including trees, sacred herbs, cattle, animals and animal--human hybrids."
Ok, now we will move on as you can easily read the definition for polytheism for yourself.
Pagan or paganism can also mean someone who has little or no religion and delights in sensual pleasures, material items. (Things of no lasting value, really.)
Maybe this will be of help to some who are trying to get their mind around the idea that the day Christians generally celebrate Christmas is indeed a day that has very strong ties to Pagan practices and beliefs.
For instance when most people go shopping for Christmas are they seeking a material item that will bring some kind of pleasure to the sense of the one receiving the gift? Or are they instead searching for ways to promote the gospel of Christ even if it is unpopular in their area.
Now, don't get me wrong there is absolutely nothing wrong with shopping for gifts and with the intent of bring pleasure to the one who will receive the gift. There is also nothing wrong with finding pleasure in giving a gift or even lots of gifts.
What is wrong however is to put elevate the gift or the day to the same as God. What I mean by that, making it seem so a gift or a day is of more importance than God. God has even made a reference to this when in the book of( Deuteronomy 18:14 ) here God is speaking to the children of Israel, yes, but something to remember is when someone is "adopted" into the family of God, the same rules apply, just as when a married couple adopts a child. This "new adopted" child is to go by the same rules as any children who were born into a family in the natural way.
Deuteronomy 18:14 For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.
God tells us that there are certain things we should not do. Included in the things we are not to do is to worship other gods, or idols.
Most if not all people who practice paganism (as a religion) do not see anything wrong with the worship of many "gods", a single "god" a "god" and a "goddess" or even the worship of idols, or things from the creation that God has made. Because one of the main things about Paganism is the fact few if any absolutes are believed.
In other words instead of believing that something is always absolutely right, or absolutely wrong, it is ok to say "if it harm none, do as you will".
This is in my opinion a grave error because the greatest harm that can be done is to believe and hold on to a lie up to the point of death. Then to step out into eternity lost without Christ. Because when you do that, you have no second chances, and you will find yourself in the Lake of Fire for all of eternity.
Maybe the second most harmful thing that can be done is to promote a false hope, or doctrine. With this thought I want to turn to the Catholic Church. And look at some things that are commonly taught and believed to be true. That is contrary to the word of God, which is the Bible.
Before we go any further I'd like to mention while I am going to use the Roman Catholic Church as an example of corruption, any "man-made, religion" can be used as an example, of what happens when God is left out.
*God is not the author of confusion. Nor does He contradict himself at any time. Also God has not given any man power to forgive sins. The only one able to forgive sins is Jesus Christ, who is God.
Remember God even tells us in the book of Matthew that not everyone will go to Heaven, not even those who have done many good works, and even done things in His name.
Matthew 7:22
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?
Now I want us to take a look at this verse. And what it says, this verse is talking about those who prophesy in the Lords name; notice what it does not say. It does not say according to the will of God. There is a difference, I'll let you think about that for now ok.
Now next this verse says "in thy name cast out devils", This would indicate that devils were being case out. I don't see any place where God says otherwise. I'm not going to deal with this part of this verse tonight either.
What I do want to deal with is the last part. "In thy name done many wonderful works". Ok, the key word here is "works". God doesn't correct them and say they did not do wonderful works. With that being said we will assume that God agrees they did many works. I won't say wonderful, though because any work outside the complete and finished work of God is falls far too short to complete a bridge or ladder to Heaven.
Now many people both saved and unsaved can and often do, many "good works". All good works are good, but no matter how good our works are if we do these "works" outside of the will of God or as an unsaved person, our works are in vain.
In Ephesians we are told that salvation comes through grace, by faith, not of works lest any should boast.
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God;
When anyone adds to the scriptures or takes away from them they are in error. The reason why is because God has preserved His word for us.
Now some of you will say we have the Bible thanks to the Roman Catholic Church, this may in fact be partly true, but not fully so.
You see I personally believe that the Roman Catholic Church may very well have been one of the earliest churches. That being said, I also believe that it was also one of the earliest churches to fall into error, false teachings, and man-made doctrine. Based on the warnings that Paul is giving to the different churches.
Do I believe all people who attend Catholic Mass, or churches or accept their traditions are bad or immoral people? No, in fact many of these people are very well educated and very moral people and very hard workers.
Do I believe they are in error? Yes, in fact I do, on several levels.
Number one is idol worship, and the worship of Mary the mother of Jesus. The Bible tells us Mary the mother of Jesus was blessed above all women, BUT at no point does the Bible tell us to worship Mary at all. Not ever, Neither does it say she had no other children, in fact it says the opposite, because Jesus had earthly brothers and sisters.
When we deny the deity of Christ, and when we purposely choose to worship the creation, or creatures God has made we are in fact trying to slap God in the face. We are being mockers, scoffers and are walking on dangerous ground.
I have included several sources that I suggest that you take time to read through these sources carefully, especially this first source. *I'll list it twice for everyone's help and benefit. As I am too tired to write on this topic any longer tonight.
I am sure many of you may disagree, but perhaps some of you will also consider some things I've said. And search into these matters.
Also before you disagree that the Christians have not accepted and even in fact taken on many pagan practices, you may want to think about that. And do a little research.
Also if you are of the mind that the current "New Age" movements are new, and various pagan beliefs etc, I would like you to consider this, the Garden that God created for mankind was perfect, but due to sin mankind was thrown out.
Witchcraft is in all forms the exact same thing that was committed way back in that Garden, that sin was rebellion. There is no difference between rebellion against God and witchcraft, as God has already stated this in His Holy word. And it is an Abomination to God, and leads directly to Hell. With a final destination being the Lake of Fire that burns forever.
The Roman Catholic Church may very well have been one of the first churches, but even so it was also one of the very first churches to allow corruption into the churches, by giving place to the devil.
When anyone gives place to the devil they end up with many lasting problems that can and often will affect many thousands of generations of people.
What makes the Roman Catholic Church worse than some in my opinion is the fact they have turned so far away from God that they believe that a "man" a Pope if you will, has more authority than God. They also promote many things God has already said not to do, such as idol worship, number one, they have went after another gospel.
Instead of accepting the finished work of Christ they have decided that they must build the bridge or ladder into heaven of their own accord.
It is a bridge that can by no means be built, because God has already said there is one way to heaven and only one way. There is no other name under heaven with the power to save.
God said it and I believe it, if you do not that is your free choice, but I sincerely hope that you are fully aware of the fact that without Christ, you will never see Heaven.
Heaven is real, and Hell's real and we are closer today than we ever were to the return of Christ.
Will you be ready?
Or will you blindly follow a man who teaches error and go the broad way that leads to destruction, pain and suffering, that leads to complete and full separation. In a literal burning Lake of Fire.
Whatever you're dealing with today is nothing to what Hell will be.
Finally, if you are trusting in a church, a denomination, a profession with no changed life, a tradition contrary to the word of God, or anything else besides the redemptive blood of Christ, then my friend you will one day lift your eyes up in Hell. One that day, there will be no more hope for you. You will spend eternity with the choice you've made.
Are you really willing to gamble your entire eternity, on a teaching contrary to the word of God?
The Bible says to search the scriptures, have you done this?
There is only one way, to Heaven, all other roads lead to Hell. Think about what you believe and why, also remember you can know whether or not you are saved. There is no such thing as someone not knowing if they are saved or not saved.
There are carnal Christians, as we see in the example given in Lot. Also there are also baby Christians, and then there are fake Christians. Those who were never saved to begin with, who are trusting in a false profession.
Eternity is a long time, so make sure that you have chosen the only one with the power to save you from the Lake of Fire.
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