Friday, June 8, 2012

Selling Online an article that I wrote back in 2010

Selling Online

So you've decided to take the plunge, and go full hilt into internet marketing. It's the best idea you've had in a long time.

So you look at your product, write up an advertisement and wait for the orders to come rolling in.
Well after a few days of anticipation and waiting you find nothing happens. Why, you wonder does nothing happen? Why does no one want your greatest product that's ever been brought to the market?

So you go back and look over your advertisement, you double check, looking for grammar and spelling errors. Seeing none, you look at your product, the pictures that you've carefully matched to your advertisements.

Frustrated you decide that you will just write a new advertisement and see what happens. Again nothing, so what do you do?

Well you've got a few choices you can decide your product maybe wasn't the greatest product ever to be brought to the market, and start over at square one. Completely over, meaning designing a completely different product, then go through the whole process again, with few if any results.

Or you can ask a friend or two or three to review your advertisement, to see what they can find. Maybe that will be helpful. It will be if you have friends who understand SEO content, internet marketing, blogging in general the computer market world.

Or you can just give up and walk away, leaving potentially millions of dollars you could have earned for someone else to collect.

Giving up is not a good option. Something made you believe in your product or products enough to believe you could make some money so you need to remember that first off.

If your product was a good idea to begin with, most likely it still is. And you can sell your product, but you will need to learn what SEO words are. If you are going to do well, with your online sales, you need traffic to your site.

You can have the best product in the world at the very best possible price but if no one can find it you will have a very hard time selling your product online. You'll do better just going to the flea market or door to door.

Door to door selling is fast going out of style, and flea market sales can be trying at best. Because in today's economy everyone is trying to sell you something, not a lot of people are buying, due to the fact being so many people are unemployed.

But some people still have jobs and are looking to buy something, possibly even to buy the very product that you are trying so hard to sell. But they are having a hard time finding it because the search engines are not picking up your product.

So your first problem to solve is how to make the search engines find you. You'll want to do a Google search on SEO words, and then you will want to look for words that are related in some way to your product or that can be used on your website, because words my friend is what will bring customers to your site.

The pictures you put up are going to be second. But are also very important, so your first order of the day is SEO words that will pertain to whatever it is that you want to sell.

We will discuss this further in our next article on this subject, but until then take plenty of pictures of the product your planning to sell, look up SEO words. And advertise, advertise, advertise your product.

Remember also there are only three rules to make a good sale. They are "Location, Location, and Location"; you can sell anything if you just happen to be in the right location, at the right time, and happen to have a willing customer handy.

Selling is easy once you've found your customer. Finding your customer is the hardest part of selling. Online selling differs from in person selling only in a few ways; one way is you must use SEO words so that the search engines will pick up your website.

Word of mouth advertising still goes a long ways, possibly even further as you can utilize public forums to share your product, unless prohibited by the particular forum. Facebook, twitter, and even to some extent MySpace are places you can advertise your product.

If you are good at designing logo's you may find you can indirectly advertise your product by placing your company logo, on various products you can sell on places like

Stay tuned for a more up to date article on selling your best product ever to be brought to the market online. It is the best right? If you do not believe in your product, that it is of the highest quality, and of the best value, why even attempt to sell it. A good sales man can sell just about anything, but a great sales man will sell only the best.

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