Spam, Spam, and More Spam
So you have a computer. You've got email, letters, advertisements, and spam. Lots of spam, more than you ever dreamed of getting, you thought that reverting to email would eliminate so much junk mail from coming into your home. But no the junk mail has found a faster way to arrive.
Arriving by the hour, arriving some days by the minute, so what are you to do? Well for starters you need to start marking your spam, and make sure your spam filter is turned on. Also don't open spam, because opening it just encourages more spam.
So just don't open it. Also be careful about what kind of information you place on public forums, and also on where you order things online. Because the more private information you place online the more likely it is that you will find your email filled with things you didn't plan on reviewing.
Now if you have lots of free time, I suppose that you could spend your days sifting through unsolicited emails. Maybe you will find something of interest. But more likely you will find lots of junk that just takes up a lot of valuable time.
You may or may not agree with this thought, depending on how much you like to read through junk mailings. Some people may actually like to read junk emails or may be so bored as to find these interesting. So if that applies to you have at it, but do beware that just because something comes in your email does not that it is accurate or true.
Now something you do not want to do, is to be guilty of is emailing spam to someone else. Even to your friends. Now how you may ask would you ever be guilty of sending spam to anyone. As you are not actively sending out emails to sell anything to anyone'"
Well let's see, have you ever sent forwards to your friends that some other friend sent to you? Well this can be a form of spam, because of the fact being it is mail that is just being sent over and over again. Sent to many people whether they really want it or not. And because all your friends and family on your email list like you they will usually open it, unless of course they send you a reply separately to let you know that they do not open forwards, not everyone will of course let you know that they are not opening your forwards, but they may neglect to send you very much email if any at all. Because they know that you have a habit of sending forwards. They may inadvertently think that you will pass along a private email that you did not intend to be public information. Whether or not this is true is irreverent to the facts of the matter.
Ok, how else might you be sending out what could be considered spam email? Well I know that you may be excited about something that is happening in your life. And want to share this exciting event with all your friends and neighbors, but seriously do you really need to send ten emails on the same general subject? I mean one is really enough. Just because someone does not get back to you right away, does not mean they have not heard you it just means that they may not have had time to get back to you. Or maybe they have a busier schedule than you currently do, and do not check their email as often as you are able to do so. Not to mention their internet could be out.
So about spam, read it if you must but please be nice and try to not send it out so much.
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