Friday, June 8, 2012

Time is Ever at Our Door a poem made from nursery rhymes written by me back in 2010

Time is Ever at Our Door

Red and yellow catch a flower as it falls,
Run, hurry fast, a golden leaf has departed the old maple tree, can you see the whisper's of the wind as silently for another time is called?

Tick tock, Jack be nimble, Jack be fast, the candle stick has melted in the candle plate.
Leap and jump, be fast can't you see soon will close the gate.

Red Riding Hood, Red Riding Hood, have you still yet not seen under the hood?
Look fast, look soon, for another sheep has fallen, now covered in a sheepskin, a wolf stands by the wood.

Nursery rhymes, and a hearts cry, fall on deaf ears till too late.
Look, look yonder by the old steeple, have you noticed the mouse had a fine dinner date.

The mouse ran up the clock, the mouse ran down the clock --
Now have you ever considered mice, it is quite a common thing for them to run, so don't look to be in shock.

A beggar man, a baker's man, and a burly man once floated out to sea.
Of course this we know because once someone read this tale to you and even to me.

Life in a hurry, life in a scurry, life running in circles, life spent watching the grass as it grows.
Forever it seems we linger when really we should go, this we all really should come to know.

One a penny, two penny, hot cross buns, have you seen the doctor my dear?
But why, my dear, haven't you heard "a bit of a walk, an apple a day" -- keeps the doctor to the rear.

Ha, ha, I didn't say it quite right, was it not, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"?
Ha, ha, was it not "a brisk walk twice a day will keep the ailments at bay"?

Laughter truly for healing it is the best medicine.
But my precious friend perhaps a measure of contemplations is wise for the discipline of your heart and mine.

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