Friday, June 8, 2012

What Do You Believe to Be True? a poem I wrote in Nov, 2010

What Do You Believe to Be True?

You've read the word, you've heard His name.
You've sang the songs, the hymns, and you know of His fame.

You've listened, you've heard.
But what my friend have you ever yet, trusted fully in His unyielding word?

His word faithful, and true, His power and might never failing.
What my friend how is it you sing?

Saying you believe, you scream, and rant.
Cursing you believe, yourself justified, but my friend, I wonder do you yet struggle to swallow the gnat?

Swallowing whole the camel, you see not the face in the mirror, that lies to self in pride.
Believing yourself, safe, sanctified, justified, how my friend do you expect to end this ride?

Living a lie, putting on a face
Truly my dear, the heart is wicked, it is there that many an error is professed, many a dark secret holds tight it's space.

My dear what is it you believe?
Is this life, this world but game, do you expect to one day leave?

Leaving this world, will never bring peace my dear, if you never truly have accepted His fame'"
My dear, He came to set the captive free, if His free gift you do not accept, you'll only have yourself to blame --

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