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"The Horse: One of Man's Best Helpers"
Do you happen to like horses?
Horses can be very interesting animals. And while they are not often seen as mans best friend like dogs are. Horses could well be known as one of mans best helpers.
That is up until the event of the automobile. Now most people use their automobiles to go just about everywhere.
Now horses are more animals that are for pleasure than anything else. With some exceptions of course, such as within the Amish communities, they are still used as helpers by many Amish.
While there are still many race horses, racing is also giving way to motorized vehicles, as people just want to go faster and faster.
Now adays not as many people own horses as did a century or so ago.
Many people still own dogs though, and cats. And even goldfish. (Goldfish being probably the least helpful of all in any practical way).
I mean a dog can bark and let you know someone's around or maybe even scare away a potential criminal. Many dogs are also use to help people who have disabilities.
So you can see where a dog would be a helpful animal to have around, plus a dog can provide company for someone living alone.
A cat can also be a very helpful animal, scaring away rats and mice. Even just sitting next to you on a lazy day, providing you with a little company, some cats even like to play and do tricks for their owners.
So you can even see how a cat is a useful animal to people.
But as for goldfish they basically swim around and around and around... you get my point? They just swim. These fish don't do any tricks, catch any prowlers or even come sit next to you, don't even catch any pests.
But still we bring these fish into our homes. Something for us to look at or to decorate our homes with is what goldfish are. Well maybe someone could try to use them to help hypnotize someone else. Though I am not sure that is a wise idea most of the time.
But some people do that anyway, because that some people claim that hypnotizing someone can help cure their problems or something like that.
I suppose for some it does. But I wonder about that, maybe it is more a placebo effect than anything.
Well anyway, back to horses now. What do you think about them?
I think that these are very beautiful and helpful animals. And if you have one or two and decide to go horseback riding along a horseback riding trail you can go a lot further and faster than just walking.
You are also less likely to be tired when you get back. Or when you get to where you are going.
At least that is what I think, based on the people I have seen out riding horses.
I also think that it would be neat to be up so much higher than when you are just walking on the ground. By being up higher you can see a little further down the path. You may see many wild animals you would have missed, then again you may not.
But there is always the chance.
People have used horses for many years to help with moving, (traveling), entertainment (TV shows featuring horses, rodeos, races etc) even just for general work around their homes.
While not as many people use their horses for working these days, horses can and do bring many people pleasure.
If you are able to afford the pleasure of owning a horse and can spend time riding your horse. A horse may be an animal that could bring you much pleasure.
But even if you can not afford to be the proud owner of a horse you can find ways to enjoy horseback riding.
Maybe on your next vacation you can rent a horse to ride as you make your way thru a wilderness area.
Or maybe you can visit a riding stable and learn how to ride a horse and maybe even participate in rodeos.
Horses may not be a practical pet for many people but they can be a very nice luxury pet.
Just remember to take good care of your horse. If you do not have space for your horse to run and play you will want to have a place to board your horse.
Because to me it is cruel to keep such a large animal confined to a very small space as I have seen some do.
A pet dog would be better for someone that lives on a small piece of land because that you can take a dog on a daily walk fairly easily, but it can be difficult to load your horse into a horse trailer everyday, then drive to the nearest horse riding trail.
A pet goldfish on the other hand I suppose can add an element of color to your home. And that may be something to consider when purchasing your next pet. And a goldfish is quiet.
A cat can be very noisy at times, as I know from experience; also a dog can not only be loud but if a dog bites it can be a liability.
It is sad in a way, but I really think the days of the horse being very useful are long over, now I think that they are more a luxury animal than anything.
But so are goldfish and a goldfish won't even notice when you come home. They only notice when you are feeding them.
One last thought though a horse can be very useful to the police department when they are having to do crowd control or something of that nature, also for allowing a police officer to be able to see further down the street than when on foot or on a bike.
So maybe we will be able to continue calling the horse one of mans best helpers.
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