Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another Non_Exclusive, this must have been when I figured out I didn't have to write exclusive.

Well I know that this year is almost half way over, maybe there will be some useful information in this article someone can use.

Also just because most people begin working on person goals and set new goals you can set goals at any point and time. The point of the matter is you do have to set goals in order to have something to aim for.

If you don't set goals you'll have a hard time accomplishing much in life.

And now the article in full below, please remember to click on the link above and leave a comment if you have time, and share the link with your friends.

If you are curious, the amount I earned for this article upfront was 5.00. Seriously I think I need to do better than that, maybe I need to take some writing classes. We'll see if I can do that one of these days.

                                              How to Start the New Year

.Every year people make plans for the New Year. "This year I am going to..." or "this year I will do..." (Just fill in the blank) Usually it is something to do with getting in shape, loosing weight, getting organized or something similar to that.

Well a lot of people are making the same goals every year, and a lot of people have forgotten their goals soon after the start of the year. Because as usual we become occupied with what has to be done everyday, and before we know it we run out of time.

So what can we do to change this? Well for starters don't make goals that you can not reach within a relatively short time, easily, because that is setting yourself up for discouragement.

Instead of saying "I will get in shape this year", say "I will try to walk more each day, and I will drink more water." Instead of saying "This year I will get organized" instead say, "This year I will spend a little time cleaning and organizing one area, (like maybe the bathroom to start). Start small and work up to the harder areas, also when you have one area organized work on maintaining it before starting on the next area, that way you do not get overwhelmed by having too so much to do each day.

Another thought on organization is to try to keep the paper clutter down, sort the mail each day as it comes in. That way you will not have more piles on top of what you already had.

Remember each day is new, as is every year. You can always start over.

By starting with small goals that you can achieve easily you may see more progress this year than in any other year. Also instead of yearly goals you can make weekly goals.

Plan out your menu's for the week, so that you are not stressed over what to feed everyone each day.

Then plan to walk a few minutes each day even if it is just out to the mailbox and back a couple times. (Every little bit counts) you can keep adding distance. You can also park further away, and take the stairs more often. Reach for water to drink each time you are thirsty instead of a sweetened soda, and you will eventually acquire a taste for water. If you still feel thirsty after drinking a glass of water drink another glass or so, just as you would soda.

Also when you feel the urge to snack (between meals) drink a glass or so of water, you may really be thirsty.

Remember every day is new, you can always start over. And if you don't meet your goals today you can try again tomorrow.

If you keep trying eventually you will reach your goals.

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