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"Educational Field Trips for Homeschooled Children"
What are some educational field trips you can take your homeschooled child on?
Well let's see, are homeschooled children very much different from any other child?
No, not really. The only real difference is where they happen to receive their education.
Many children are being homeschooled now adays because of the very real threat of violence in the schools, also because some parents disagree with something's being taught in the schools. Then you have the parents who just feel that they should take on more of the responsibilities of the education of their children.
There are many reasons that a family decides to homeschool. Every family is different so you will find many different answers to the question of why a family decides to homeschool.
But we are not discussing the why of Homeschooling today instead we are going to talk about some educational field trips for the homeschooled child.
So let's think what are some trips that you enjoyed as a child?
Did your class take a trip to your local zoo, or a living history farm, or a factory or another type of business?
Well all of these places are also appealing to the homeschooled child too. Also if you plan to tour a factory of some kind it is my opinion that a smaller group will be more likely to receive more attention from a tour guide at a local factory, plus would be safer because of being a smaller group.
You will need to remember to remind your children or and others in your group to be on their best behavior.
Another thing that you may consider dong before your scheduled field trip to a local place of business is to get a list of questions together to ask about the company and their products. This way you don't forget to ask something you may have wondered about.
Giving each of your students a small notebook to write down anything they learn while on the field trip is also helpful.
Later when you get home your student can transfer the information they learned into one of their notebooks. If your homeschool consists of doing Notebooking for various subjects then you may also consider asking permission to take photos of your trip as reminders of your trip.
If you happen to decide to go on a field trip to the zoo maybe you could take this field trip to the zoo after finishing a Unit Study on a particular country or region then find the animals common to that area. Then for a creative writing assignment have your students take a picture of the animals at the zoo, then write a story about the animal. Also asking questions of the zoo personnel can help to make sure that your child understands a little more about the particular animal they are doing their Unit Study on.
Another thing to think about as you plan your next field trip either for just your family or your homeschool group is to think about what field trips you enjoyed as a child, that will help give you some ideas.
Also because you are a homeschool family extended field trips are also possible, for instance you might try a week of camping in the mountains. To learn about the various animals and plants you may find in the mountains or a weekend at the beach to learn more about the ocean.
Think about what you would have done differently when you were a child if you were the one planning the field trips. You may find that your ideas are very possible and will enhance a field trip that you have been thinking of.
Think of what would have made a field tip more interesting to you and ask your child what they would like to learn from the field trip you are planning. Your child may have some good ideas you have forgotten.
Instead of just planning meaningless field trips or vacations with a little thought you can make every vacation and educational field trip, you can make going fishing a real learning experience.
You can help your child see their world as their classroom. Instead of being confined to just one small area for school, you can teach your child to be a life long learner.
That is one of the many benefits of home education in my opinion.
Begin your school year with a special notebook to keep track of any field trips or vacations you take through out the year and this will help you and your child see the many things you have done thru the year.
This folder will also provide a place to keep postcards or brochures from places you visit.
There are many places that a family can go for an educational field trip. Planning these trips well in advance and with the various interests of the family in mind can help to have a more enjoyable field trip.
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