I was paid 3.69 for this particular article, it is non-exclusive so I will include the article below.
This was published the day before my oldest son passed away.
We never took the camping trip that we were planning to take. This was a very difficult year, we didn't do a lot of things that we had planned after our son passed away. It was like our world stopped, and there has been no closure.
It was the beginning of several very hard years, harder than all the years prior, of which many were not very easy, to say the least.
"What to Pack for Your Camping Trip"
What should you take with you on a camping trip???
Well it depends. Are you taking your family with you. (At least the ones that live with you). Do you or anyone going on this planned camping trip have any health conditions?
Your answers to these questions will help you to decide what to take with you. If you are on any medications then you do want to remember to take these with you. And you will want to store these properly. You may want a small cooler in order keep your medicines cool if you usually store them in the refrigerator.
What should you take with you on a camping trip???
The answer to this question is first any items that are needed. Such as any medications and proper storage for any medications. You may also want to prepare and pack a first aid kit.
Some things that you may want to include in your first aid kit would be a snake bite kit, (Just incase someone were to get biten by a snake). Also calamine lotion in case someone gets into poison ivvy.
(Or someone picks a poison ivvy leaf and hands it to someone to "see the pretty leaf".) Guess how I know this happens. . .
What you take with you camping also depends a lot on your camping style. What I mean by this is the type of camping you do. Some people go to camping parks. Where they just drive up to the site and park their RV, and maybe set a popup tent out for their kids. And they call that camping.
Then there are some that will rent a cabin out in the woods and call that camping. Which it is maybe, for someone who is used to living a much different lifestyle.
But for others that are used to not having so many luxuries there is something called primitive camping. This is usually much cheaper than going to a site that you have to pay for. (although you do have to pay for some primitive sites.)
Okay, now that I have mentioned some of the different styles of camping you can do depending on your personal preferance or finacial means. I will mention what style of camping we are planning on this summer.
We are planning on taking our children camping somewhere in the Smokey Mtns. We will be doing what is called primative camping.
Now for a list of things we will probably take:
a tent,
a couple of tarps,
at least one Dutch Oven,
plates,cups, and silverwear,
some sleeping bags, and maybe a couple of blankets,
a mat to go under the sleeping bags,
a large cooler for food and drink that we will be taking with us,
fishing poles, and tackle, (also fishing permits)
pocket knifes,
first aid kit and prescription medicines that my husband and daughter take,
trashbags (so we can leave the camp area clean)
large water jug,
five gallon bucket,
hand santizer,
dishpan, dishsoap
dishrag, dish towels.
And probably a few other items, because there will be at least seven of us going. And everyone has a few things they will want to take. But what I listed above will be things we take reguardless of what else we may take.
A luxury item we may take would be a telescope so that our children could look at the stars, and try to find the constellations in the sky. Without all the excess lights from the city.
We may also take along some sing a long tapes, our younger children really like the Wee Sing tapes. And there are many good sing alongs on these tapes or cd's. We also have a guitar if someone learns to play it we may think about taking that. Then the kids can sing along to the guitar and not just the radio.
Another thing we want to do when we go camping this year, is to take plenty of pictures, do some fishing, and do a lot of hiking. I am also planning on using the dutch oven to make a big pot of stew. If I happen to take two dutch ovens I will also make a cake or bisquits.
We may also roast marshmellows, and hotdogs. It just depends on how long our camping trip lasts.
Camping out this summer is something all of our children are looking forward too. They will get to go fishing, hiking, and roast marshmellows. Sleep out under the stars, sing songs, and basically have a great time.
And because we will be doing primitive camping we will not be spending as much money as we would if we rented a cabin or stayed in a resort area. Also because there are several places near where we live to go camping we will be able to go camping several times this summer, if things work out well.
I have even bought each of my children a folding cup to be used for water when we go camping.
Camping can be a fun way to spend time with your children.
We may even take a telescope in order for our children to look at the stars. Without all the lights from the city this will be a lot easier. So they will be able to look for and find various star constellations.
We may also take along some sing a long tapes, our younger children really like the Wee Sing tapes. And there are many good sing alongs on these tapes or cd's.
When we go camping this year, we are planning to take plenty of pictures, do some fishing, and do a lot of hiking. I am also planning on using the dutch oven to make a big pot of stew. If I happen to take two dutch ovens I will also make a cake or bisquits.
Camping out this summer is something all of our children are looking forward too. They will get to go fishing, hiking, and roast marshmellows. Sleep out under the stars, sing songs, and basically have a great time.
And because we will be doing primitive camping we will not be spending as much money as we would if we rented a cabin or stayed in a resort area. Also because there are several places near where we live to go camping we will be able to go camping several times this summer, if things work out well.
Plus because my husband will be loosing his job this summer due to the plant he works in closing, we will have more time to go camping this summer.
Camping can be a fun way to spend time with your children. Even if you are loosing your job. :o)
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