Thursday, May 10, 2012

Memorial Day, A poem from April 2009

Memorial Day

Soon it will be Decoration May.
A day set aside for remembrance, for hero's gone away.
Commemorating our fallen soldier's each year.
Forgetting our soldiers still standing near.

Some protest this war, other's protest another war.
But still our soldier's stand, holding high the freedom bar.
Barring those who would destroy your freedom to complain.
Soldier's live, soldier's die. All for your gain.
But to this the protester's say they protest-
Dear protester do you not understand, it is because of the military you can have rest.
Rest to live as you wish.
Remember this Memorial Day, someone has volunteered ensuring your ignorant bliss.

Ignorant bliss, yes. While you may protest far and wide.
Somewhere for you a soldier stands in patriotic pride.

Decoration Day, first for the Union soldiers of the American Civil War,
Now Memorial Day, for America's truest star's

Next time you see a soldier dear,
Whether they be Army, Airforce, Marine, Navy, National Guard, or Coast Guard.
Give a kind word, and a "Thank you" too. It is for you their life is so hard.

An American soldier, a true America
Patriotic till the end, standing up for you as best as they can.

Remember again it is for you the American soldier stands.
Protest if you must, but remember when the last soldier falls, blood will be on your hands.

Sworn to protect, sworn to ensure your safety, your rights to be free.
This Memorial Day won't you stand behind your American Soldiers, upon bended knee.

Offering a prayer to God for their safety, wisdom and protection.
Turn from your wicked thoughts and deeds, remember we are under God one Nation.

It is in "God We Trust"
Even our money says "In God We Trust".
Protesting is no good.
If you wish the war to end, bend down and pray.

Pray for God to protect the American soldier's as only He can.
Because our military has all volunteered, doing the best they can.

Standing up for you, and for me.
Remember this Memorial Day, where we'd be

Many a terrorist would shout with glee
If the American soldier would but flee.

Surely America would be no more.
If the American Soldier walked out the door.

Commemorate, celebrate this day.
But please keep your protesting at bay.

The American Soldier is the greatest American Hero.
Because he lives to protect even you, didn't you know?

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