Friday, June 8, 2012
The Coming Storm that Will Touch Us All a poem from 2010
The Coming Storm that Will Touch Us All
Stormy skies are crossing this way once more.
The cows in the field wander aimlessly, never even looking for a barn door.
The lightening and the rain falls as the cows wag their tails'"
Drifting across the field they don't seem to mind the breeze, the rain, or even the lightening.
Munching their way through each day, never a care, lingering each morning, to hear the birds sing.
Confident that each day will pass as before, never fully knowing to the slaughter house they'll go.
Playing in the fields they fellowship in solitary confidence, never knowing that soon their steps will forever slow.
Their laughter and dance soon slowed to a final stop.
Soon their hides will be tanned and their meat will be sold at market, they will have fulfilled their destiny, even as we spin around as a top.
Spinning around, searching for our destiny, and often neglecting to remember to redeem our limited time.
Reaching across the tables, even across the waters, we search for some hidden meaning, some new rhyme.
Too late, too late, we see, hindsight twenty, twenty --
Seeking to flee we soon reap the rewards of a tragedy.
A cruel tragedy indeed, as resources are long faded, and we've come to know life's toil.
Having ran in circle's racing to stay ahead, racing to tread water, never seeing the beauty of the mountain for the travesty of the mole hill.
Climbing the molehill, we blindly dash into the lion's den.
Escaping the lion, we face the bear, running this race we face yet another, how soon we forget, and the race it is not ours, surely we have come further than the "Little Red Hen".
We laughed once at the story of "The Little Red Hen", who believe an apple was the sky
We laughed at the obscurity of it all, yet, we often fail to see many of us too, have fallen prey to a deceitful lie.
Believing material gain to be of lasting worth, believing we need so much excess.
Rushing to gain, never believing that soon we too will enter a field of seemly peacefulness.
Occasionally our daily fast pace slowed as a loved one, acquaintance, or friend enters that field of stone.
Telling ourselves, we'll take more time for others, we soon forget even as the death bells slowly begin to drone --
Steadying ourselves once again we push on towards an unattainable goal.
Undaunted at the task, we push on, never fully believing soon for us the "Reaper of Soul's will for us steadily toil --
Stepping around, hurrying fast, we believe we'll never die, taking no thought for eternity.
Believing this world is the all in all, we rush like mad, seeking to fulfill some individual unattainable goal, seeking security.
Seeking security, in a world of uncertainty, in a world ripe even unto the "Harvesting of Souls"
Seeking someone to care, someone to hold on to, we find with a certainty, the truth s that have been stated, by the one who for us already paid all the tolls.
A self-made individual, we mistakenly believe if a Heaven there be, we'll make it on our own merit.
But my friend it is truly a travesty, a travesty, for you see there is but one way, and only one could bear it.
Carrying the weight of all our sin, a price it was paid in full on a bloody, cursed tree.
Paying in full for all our sin, all we must do is accept the gift that is given free.
A gift bought and paid for that was once unattainable, priceless beyond compare.
Yet, so often this gift is rejected with a nasty word and a revealing glare.
My friend, why, oh, why must you still refuse to see your destiny?
Your destiny it is not here on this earth , nor is it in this life, it lays in eternity.
Today, my dear friend you choose for yourself whether or not you'll accept "His" free gift.
A gift brought especially for you, it was "His" final gift, for your very soul, prepared for a heavenly lift.
Acceptance of "His" final gift, my friend will forever seal your destiny.
Rejection of "His" most precious and final gift will leave you one day in vain calling upon your knees.
For every knee shall one day bow, and every tongue shall one day confess that "He" is Lord.
But my friend so long as you live in your fleshly shell, you've a choice, perhaps you've already on this truth laid hold.
But my dearest friend if on this truth you've laid hold, whom have you told?
Are you accepting this truth, holding it close, waiting to tell another till you've grown old?
My dearest friend, my dearest friend, don't you know we will not all grow old?
Have you as I neglected to share the most priceless gift, when will those we've neglected be told?
So often those of us, who know the way home, forget or neglect to tell another till too late.
Forgetting, so often how soon at the judgment seat we'll stand, our hands dripping with blood, guilty of silence, with tears, He'll our hands wipe even at the gate.
Truly accepted, truly saved, secure for all eternity, yet still our hands He'll clean.
Saved we can't be lost, but my friend in His tears, we'll see those we've neglected as souls are ripped even from the kindness seams.
Accepting standards of this world, looking the other way, as God is forgotten and neglected; we'll soon see our greatest error.
Forgetting to be thankful, forgetting to tell another the only way, we'll soon see in their eyes their terror.
Looking at us as they are cast away forever, they'll say why???
Why did you not warn us, why did you forget we were bound by the Devil's lie?
Why, why, did you forget, why did you neglect to tell me while there was still time?
My friend, we may not be able to win many, perhaps not even one, but my friend our life must "His" love chime.
My dearest friend if truly we are "His" child, then for "Him" we must shine.
My dearest Christian friend, remember this world it is not your home, neither is it mine.
In Heaven we'll walk along streets of gold.
The things we've labored for here will be long forgotten, for no material possession will we hold.
All things will be bright and new, all sickness will be gone, all our tears will be dry.
My dearest friend, if you've accepted the only way then one day you'll never again cry.
But my friends remember to run well the race that's been given to you.
Awards will be given, but my dearest, if you've lagged rewards you may forfeit, making you blue.
We all must run this race.
He's already set the pace.
But my friend, there is a way that you may deem to be right.
But my friend, if you wish to be wise there is but one way in "His" sight.
Have you yet forgotten?
Those who win souls, those are the ones who are truly wise.
Seeking great wealth, and plenty in this life, it seems to be the way.
But my dearest, dear friend the way to true wealth is for another's soul to truly pray.
My dearest dear, for you I pray, that upon "His" name you will one day call.
Call upon "His" Holy name, before you've entered into a room with only a high wall.
A wall so high, a wall with no door, a wall that forever will separate you from those you love.
My friend, my dearest friend, do know on whom you must call: it is upon the one who descended the "white dove".
My friends listen, and listen well.
If on Jesus Christ you do not believe, then your soul will spend eternity in Hell.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of in is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Col 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
Philippians, 2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
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