Look Through My Eyes
Assumptions About Another
Look through my eyes, see my world, I'm looking out at you.
I see you going, here, there and yonder, I see you talking, I see you mocking my rue.
You look towards me, and see a broken heap, a wasted life, a tragedy, so you make your rule.
Ruling, you make assumptions, you believe to be true, you see the outside, but never my heart, this it is true.
You say I don't visit, I don't call; you say I have offended you. You say things often hurtful and cruel.
Yet, still I know peaceable to you I must speak, forgive your ignorance of what you know not, still perhaps I wonder would you perhaps, chance to look through my eyes.
Look through my eyes, and see my pain, see my inside tears, see my hurt, see what I hold in my heart.
See you as I have often seen you, perhaps, to you I should often remember to do the same, remember that you as I dwell in a mortal frame.
Often I've seen you say and do things ever so cruel, and I've held my peace, heard your words of heated spite.
Silent I've listen as you've laid charges to my name, that I knew were far off the chart.
Believing you know better you've said as much, believing I've not tried, you lay out my faults.
Lay them out one by one, side by side; digging a ditch into the soul of my heart you recant every flaw.
Seeing only what you can see from the outside, you believe you know my abilities, believe you know my capabilities.
Looking from the outside in, it's often so easy to do, seeing only what hurts our own heart, we believe another has pursued us at will.
Pursuing, and condemning, we see the faults of another ever so much more clearly than our own.
Stepping aside, I've looked in the darkened mirrors that often line the inner streets.
Looking I try to see another's point of view.
Perhaps there really is no time, no time to call, no time to write, no time, no time to recall, and no time to remember.
Perhaps others really are too busy, too involved, carry too much weight, truly desire no company, calls, or letters.
Often I've wanted to visit yet, my circumstances would not allow, so I wonder perhaps it is the same for others?
I've wanted to call, but I've been often prevented, I've thought to write, but mailing was tedious and often prevented.
So when I see the words you hurl in my direction, I try to remember the pain you hurl it is the universal pain, we all feel when we live without Christ.
The pain of separation all that enter Hell's gate will find, the pain that Christ felt when He hung alone on Calvary's bloody cross.
I try to remember, but my friend sometimes truly your words have been so hurtful and cruel.
Listening to your words, your actions, I pretend that all is fine, but truly my friend heavy darts have you often flung my way.
Weary, of trying finally I stepped aside, allowed you to say what you would, believe what you will, and turned my burden fully over to God.
Because my friend, the burden you wish me to carry it is more than I can bear.
But my friend, my burdens I once did bear, I've left in the hands of my Saviour.
Did you know, my dearest friend, are you aware, you too can lay your hurts down.
The burden your carrying my friend it is wearying and dreary, and truly much too heavy for you.
My dear friend, you've often believed I could do better, I could do this, or I could do that.
But my friend have you truly lived within my skin? Walked in my shoes?
Have you bore the burdens I have? My dearest friend something you should know, it is, I too dwell within a mortal frame.
Be very careful, my friend of your words and deeds, and mocking tone, for truly you know not from where I came.
Truly my dear, you've not walked where I've walked, you've never looked through my eyes out at you.
But there is one who stood still, stopped, and listened, and entered into my soul, who knows my heart full and true.
Perhaps, my friend you would like to know who it is who carries all my heavy burdens that are way too much for me.
Perhaps, you too would like to give your heavy heart burden to the only one who can carry them for you.
My dear, I write this not of self-pity or of any particular revelation for you, but perhaps my dear you should know that we each have our own burdens to bear.
Yet, the burden some choose to rule, it was covered, and fully bore long ago at Calvary.
Perfect we are not, perfection we strive for, yet until we enter the gates of Heaven we'll never be.
My friend, the charges you've often laid to my name are not mine to bear.
Believing many things, you see not that I as you walk within a mortal frame today.
But my friend tomorrow I will dwell within a body not made of dust and clay.
Words my friend, hold within them the power of life and death. Have you not read the same?
Life and death it is held within the very tongue, but my friend, did you know it is with the tongue confession is made to salvation?
My friend, my dearest friend when you look at me, look beyond the earthly frame, look beyond my earthly trials, look through my eyes, my friend you may see I am just like you.
Look, my friend, as I've looked, remember my friend it is not just for me "He" came. "His" blood covers all who call upon "His" name.
Look, my friend, see my silence, as your tirade runs full blast like a tidal wave climbing fast a melting mountain.
See why I must forgive, forgive when it's easy, forgive when it's difficult, and forgive even when by all human perception it is impossible.
Friend, though your words, your deeds may hurt me ever so deeply, I carry all my hurts, and care to my Saviour in prayer.
Because my friend, I've stood where you are, I've walked your path; I've heard your pain.
Muddy words you've thrown, cruel hatred even, believing many things, hurt because the perception you saw it was but your own.
My friend, if perhaps you dare; take a look through my eyes; see why my heart is never more on loan.
My friend, my heart, my soul no longer belongs to myself all alone. Purchased once in full on Calvary, I've gave to "Him" my all.
Dearest friend, though your words may reflect on the waters of my hidden tears, it is Christ alone who will dry the hidden tears, when at last is made that final call.
Today, my world may at times appear dim, blurry, and dreary, depressing at times too, but remember my friend the promise that is true.
Today, the rains, the storms, and all that is weary and heavy linger through many dark days, yet beyond the storms and trials is a bright and sunny day.
I've looked my friend often at the skies, and though the days may be dark, though the circumstances may be dim, still the bow that was sent, the covenant tie, still shines.
Reminding me again, and again, that my treasure s resides in Heaven, truly I'm blessed beyond compare, because you see my friend in Heaven I'll walk on streets of gold.
What was valued so highly here, will be but pavement, jewels so often desired by many, will be but wallpaper, in my heavenly home.
You see my friend, this world it is not my home, I am but a stranger passing through, but as I go, I invite you to come with me to the city beyond the Crystal Sea, where none will ever wander and roam.
My friend, though this world may often sparkle and shine, it is but a blinking shinning bit of, pyrite, a fool's paradise at best.
My dearest friend I will give it rest, but truly I wish you would look through my eyes, and see what I see, friend, if any there be that need pity it isn't me, as you see I am but a pilgrim, a stranger passing ever so swiftly through this broken world.
My dearest friend, stop before you speak again, and listen, to my final words to you, this day.
Though you see the outside, my Saviour has filled the inside, and because of "Him" for you this day I pray.
My dear though you may mock, compare, and condemn, and make your rule.
In silence, will I for you ever pray, for my home, my riches are not of this world, that is but a broken pebble full of much harsh, bloody and cruel rue --
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