Friday, June 8, 2012

Don't Panic Prioritize article from 2011

This was inspired by our very first ever eviction notice, at a time when we had absolutely no resources and no where to go, a very difficult time indeed.

Don't Panic Prioritize

So, you're landlord has mailed you a request to vacate your premises. In other words, you've been for all practical purposes given an eviction notice.

If this is the first time that you've ever experienced being evicted, then you may have a sudden rush of emotions. Everything from anger, to fear of the unknown, to complete hopelessness, to complete frustration, you may even find yourself sinking into waves of depression.

Well, if you have an eviction, you don't really have a lot of time to consider all the possible emotions that you may suddenly be experiencing. You have a limited amount of time to do something about your circumstances.

The reason you have found yourself evicted may be justified or it may not. Either way, the fact remains that your landlord has decided you will no longer be renting the property you have been renting.

Eviction is never pleasant for those affected. However, when this happens to you unjustified, it will help you to remember to not be so trusting of people. Besides giving you this unpleasant reminder, eviction will help you remember why that you need to put aside a few dollars as often as possible so you have an emergency fund.

Sometimes however, it is impossible to put aside anything for an emergency due to the fact, you may have no income: due to being unemployed.

If you have found yourself facing eviction and have no immediate resources, you will need to decide what to do with your personal belongings. You may find selling as many items as you can to be helpful in giving you short-term resources.

Facing eviction, you will need a few dollars, to move on, or to place your personal items into a storage unit for a few weeks.

With limited resources, you will not want to put any packing boxes, instead you will want to first use whatever resources that you have available to you. Any laundry baskets around your house may be useful for packing small items, or even clothing.

Your local grocery stores may have free boxes available just ask the store clerk, this can save you a few dollars, and help your local store clear out unwanted boxes.

After you have your packing boxes, you may find it helpful if you have a friend or two or three who can come to help you with sorting and or packing.

A friend who will come and help you, may be helpful not just with the obvious of the packing, sorting, cleaning etc. but with helping you to maintain your sanity as you face the loss of your home.
Evictions may or may not be justified, but when you rent someone else's property you will find that they will believe themselves justified reguardless.

Also an when someone sends you an unjustified eviction notice, you do not want to try to continue renting from them, by going through the courts, and asking the courts for help. Because when you do you will find that your landlord is likely to become even more picky, and will find a reason to evict you again sooner or later.

It is best to deal with those who are honest, but sometimes we learn to late, that we have made arrangements with dishonest people. So make the best of a bad situation, and just start your spring, fall, summer or winter cleaning a little early, and do a very good job.

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