Monday, June 4, 2012

Empty Boot's, Fields of Stone... a poem I wrote in 2010

Empty Boot's , Fields of Stone
Wilted Daisies

Empty boots, empty hearts, and lost souls.
Walking daily we pass the many, who have paid hard life toils.

Seeing a cardboard sign a man or woman standing in the intersection we turn away blind.
Looking away, we can't see the hopelessness, the soul that's hidden behind.

Steering clear of anyone whose trouble's seems to be massive in comparison to ours, we forget the coming Day.
Compassed with our own difficulties and struggles, for others we forget to pray.

Day, by day we look away.
Another soul soon grows cold and gray...

Empty boots fill our halls; empty souls fill our streets, silence echoes through the halls of the heart.
Running through a field of daisies soon our soul is to depart...

Cheerfully, and ignorantly we lived as though there'd be no price to pay.
Willfully and gallantly we pushed on towards Hell, grapping many along the way...

Tossing boots into a field planted in stone, we carve a name, lay a flower down.
Willfully, and gallantly travelling the broad and wide way, bowing to the deceitful clown.

Mockingly, we declared those on the narrow way to be ignorant, and of ill repute.
We did scoff, at the tears, the pleas, as we continued on our route.

Chasing a dollar, facing a crisis, we forgot to see...
For another's soul we did not plea.

Empty boots all around, panic enveloping those who played in the land of stones.
Daisy's dropping from the vases, seeing our hands covered in blood, an answer we must now own.

We stand before His throne, empty handed, and plead.
We see it was for us He did bleed.

Taking our security for granted, our free gift, we trembled at our many worldly trials
We forgot to trust Him through it all.

Good intentions we may have had.
Yet, it was on our "good intentions" unfulfilled that made Satan glad.

We stand covered in the redemptive blood, yet our hands have we covered in blood.
Having failed to lead another through the deceptive flood-

Faith a wavering, we turned to man; soon we were to be deceived.
A poor testimony we were, soon our words no soul believed.

Standing before the judgment seat we'll give an account, for each and every deed.
Battered down with life's trials, to God's word we failed to heed.

Saved for all eternity, based on our true professions of faith, we bring before His throne wilted daisies.
Our salvation secured, have we still yet to another soul's plight yielded our hearts empty.

Many workers are needed, as many fields of stones, hold empty boots, souls gone on to eternity.
Many a faithful martyr tried by fire.
Today, a "Comfortable Christian" forgets another's spiritual condition is ever so dire...

Soon the road we are all on will end.
Where my friends are you leading other's today? Are you really a true friend?

If Heaven bound, are you living today what you say you believe.
If bound for Hell and the Lake of Fire, are you sure this world you wish to leave?

My friend eternity it is real, ready or not we all have an appointment, we'll not miss.
We'll all taste the taste of this life's final kiss.

We all must die once. This it is true.
But my friend to die twice there is no hope, full rue.

Be warned be prepared, the night is coming when none may work. The fields are white.
The workers so few, empty boots lay in many a field, the night is coming fast, are you willing for another's soul to fight.

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