A poem to take the Christian out of their comfort zone, intended to make the Christian think. This I wrote as a non-exclusive.
The Sedated Carnal Christian
Crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceilings so high-
Shiny brass fixtures, shine like gold as the masses die.
Plush cushioned seats, red carpeted floors.
Glass framed entry doors.
Faces pasted on pages, fine letters line the walls.
A chorus lines up in the hall.
A polished efficient pulpit for a well-heeled speaker to stand behind-
Three tiny replica's over a covered window, hiding a thought to mind.
An artificial pool soon obedience will be dipped.
A profession made, no conversion made, many words lipped.
Plastic flowers adorn the walls and tables too.
A piano's playing, beckoning for you...
Lofted and away, a sound system neatly hidden from view.
Attendance carefully posted, many members it's true.
Flags of Freedom stand beside the covered window hole.
One stands for the fleshly body, the other for the believer's soul.
Cold or hot it's no fault, the switch it's set at seventy-two.
Climate controlled, just especially for me, and you.
Kleenex on the altar, lest a tear is shed...
Many a soul walking in, walking out still dead-
Comforts we find, all around.
Were even our parking is paved ground.
Classes to the side,
Printed lessons to abide...
Ever learning, ears itching...
Teacher's slowly from the truth switching.
Indoor plumbing, private bathroom stalls.
Outhouses forgotten, private offices vacant line the halls.
A dinner hall made for friends.
A playground, a nursery, meeting all ends...
A covered porch, a covered walk, lest the rain does drip...
A handshake, a friendly grip, now, "please don't trip"
A bus parked near.
Trucks, vans and cars parked in the rear.
Hymnals placed at the ready, tithe envelopes beside.
Walls so white, reflecting the power the pride.
Bathrooms well-stocked
Hearts and minds well-locked-
Sunday best, suit and tie...
Shiny new shoes, the latest hairstyle, smiling at a comforting lie-
Chorus sings, an individual sings a stirring song.
Preaching, it's not going to be long.
Church members sitting in style, comfort all around.
Feel good sermon preached, no souls yielded ground.
Donations securely in the plate...
Soon looking at a watch, pointing to a clock...it's getting late.
Tithes envelopes filled.
Promises made, seeking help stilled.
Cash in hand.
United for missions, forgotten still another's need for a helping in hand.
An altar call, a raised hand, a promise made.
A profession made a soul found aid.
Discipleship gone by the way, a blind eye turned when a fleshly need.
Sending away, forgetting the flesh has many a need, not taking heed.
A declaration a profession made.
Turning around a new convert, see's no aid.
Faltering, stumbling along, a Bible is found.
Turning the pages, turning looking all around.
Searching for a steeple...
Striving to find like minded people-
Finding a friendly group, taking a seat...
Soon finding themselves safe and secure in a white walled tomb, fearing no heat...
Finding no conviction, hearing no witness, soon falling in to sin-
Godly fellowship broken, unaware even as the lights grow ever so dim, as through the glass doors we enter in.
Soon shaking hands, "saying how do you do"
Finding a secure cushioned pew...
A work it was done.
A soul it was won.
Isn't this a little fun?
Don't worry I'm not yet done...
Finding a familiar pew a seat it is taken.
A preacher is soon hoarse, standing all alone, a fold that will not waken.
Asleep, comforted and lulled in to a mindless fog.
Living high on the hog...blind to those lost in the fog.
The end, it is nigh, even at the door, screaming now a pastor yells.
Asleep on the pew the sheep hear no warning bells.
The Rapture, the rapture, it is coming go and tell, warn your fellow man.
Awake from your slumber, sit up straight, listen hard, prepare, go and tell all you can.
The wolves at the door, soon another behind the pulpit stands.
A smile, a wave laughing the wolf takes the sheep by the hands.
Soon another wolf is found.
No one's looking around, sitting on a pew, asleep, slumbering all around.
No one's noticed wolves in the mist.
Secure in security, forgetting another's soul is at risk.
Slumbering, and content, secure in security.
Forgetting many have not heard the way to spiritual liberty.
Soon a pastor too hoarse to speak, having preached often in vain-
Sitting on a bench, on a pew never seeing the lost and dying soul that will live in eternal pain...
Sitting on the side line, listening to those who've gone to harvest the fields...
Watching the slides, sitting content, a call, yet the heart has failed to yield.
Sitting content, blinded by many comforting shields.
Once again, rising singing a song, walking past classrooms, with many posters plastered on the walls.
A religious wolf, sits in the classes, leading a class, jesting and teasing fill the halls.
A new baby convert comes in.
Soon a leader and wolf covered in a fallen sheep's skin, leads the child into many a serious sin.
Forsaking to teach, forgetting to disciple, forsaking the assembling together, the sheep is led to the slaughter.
Once desiring the whole meat of the gospel now must be fed the infants milk.
Having not taken time to be diligent, having no time to spend with the Lord, working instead for finest silk.
Years and days pass.
Illness and ruin come, stirring the long sitting sheep, from his class.
Longing once again for youth, finding instead physical strength is gone.
Knowing now, they should have gone.
Seeing suddenly the many lost opportunities long gone away.
Seeing the error, knowing its long past the time to pray...
A carnal life, a bad testimony, turned a blind eye, as wolves filled the pews.
Seeing the folly, knowing it's long past time, to begin anew.
Safe and secure, salvation accepted, taken for granted.
Secure, in eternal security, finally knowing it was for many the blood was shed.
Asking forgiveness, seeking a renewal, making a vow, a promise this time to keep-
Soon to the last fields to go, a hand on the sickle, a hand on the play, knowing now why He did weep...
Seeing now the folly in buildings and pews and poster boards a plenty.
Seeing now the need was not a building to fill with many.
Desiring now to make up for the lost years, finally the heart yields.
Comfort all around, mistaken for a shield.
Knowing now the painted baptismal' was a vanity, a pride.
A show, a spectacle, a way for a false profession to hide-
At long last hearing the faded cry of the ones who warned, who preached a truth-
Turning seeing the wolves, knowing the wolves are going to raise the roof.
Devoting self to fasting and prayer, now asking for God's mercy, and grace...
Knowing time is short, the finish line already within sight, stretching now to win many to this race.
Believing God will renew, changing all priorities.
Gone now the life of ease...
Hurry, fast, now the candle is burning, the end is near, soon the light it will be gone.
Time wasted never regained moving forward now, knowing it won't be long.
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