Friday, June 8, 2012

Only the Best an poem I wrote in Nov 2010

Only the Best
The American Military

Marching, marching, marching --
Watch them come, one by one, two by two, four by four, standing tall, standing straight.

Marching, marching watch them come standing steady, standing tall, standing straight.
Steady they stand, laughing eyes; they hold their places, never swerving always remaining by the gate.

A man for every place; see them on the ground, see them on the sea, see them in the air.
Working together a team effort it is required only the best will do; only the best would dare.

See the one in the air flying high overhead, searching, looking for the one who's fallen deep behind the enemy's line.
See the one looking, he's marching long, he's searching hard for that line.

See the one who blends in with the sea, air and land.
He's fast coming to lend a helping hand.

See that bridge being held, see that air field being held, see that mountain top, it's held by a ranger.
Going deeper, searching for the innocent, reaching hearts and minds, making friends well aware of the ever present danger, it is the duty of the green berets.

A well drilled team, it is a must, no other team will do; it's the American way.
Drilling daily, working together, defending what's right, lending a hand, and never fleeing from the fray.

A guard for every place, a warrior standing for you, is standing for me.
A warrior stands ever present, knowing full well the price to remain free.

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