Friday, June 8, 2012

Redecorating Your Darling Daughter's Room an article I wrote from 2010

One of several article's I wrote, when I was trying to think of something to write one day, back in 2010.

Redecorating Your Darling Daughter's Room

So, you've read my article about decorating your darling daughter's room, while she's still a toddler.
And you've came away with the general idea that a good room cleaning, maybe a coat of paint, or a little wallpaper, maybe a new carpet or rug, and a few shelves and presto the room is redecorated.
Well, not exactly. But you are off to a good start. Clean, neat and orderly always works wonders for any room.

But to redecorate you will want to change some things, perhaps you'll want to really get new furniture, or maybe not. Maybe you just want new bed-coverings, new curtains, and a fresh coat of paint.

Ok, so you may be thinking well, what can I do to redecorate my darling daughter's room? So I am going to tell you what I think. But remember you are the one who has to decide for yourself and you'll want to get busy soon, because your toddler will grow up a whole lot faster than you think.

First take care of everything I mentioned in my first article. Next if you have a sewing machine and are crafty and able start making some things for your darling daughter's room. Things like pillows. Small pillows to go on the chairs that go with the little tea table, a pillow to go in the little rocking chair over by your darling daughter's bookshelves, pillows make nice accents for most any room.
*Don't however put a lot of pillows in a toddler's bed to sleep, as that is not wise. Placing lots of pillows on a toddler's bed can be a health hazard, especially at bedtime.

Stuffed animals, can be hung on the walls or placed on or around shelves in your toddler's room this can add color, and if your child has a lot of imagination companions to talk to, when playing.

Large soft dolls, Raggedy Ann type can be sat at your toddler's "tea table" for an instant make believe friend. This is especially good for the only child.

There are many ideas you may find for decorating your child's room, you can find them anywhere, online, magazine's, stores, catalogs, friends, etc. But if you or your child do not like the end result, you may spend a lot of effort, time and money on something that you really could have done without or waited on.

Sometimes all you really need is to do a general deep cleaning, wash everything, shake out the dust, and rearrange the room. Other times if you can, you may find yourself and your child both happier with new furnishings, pictures, blankets, accessories, paintings, carpet etc. Then again, when the economy is not good in your home, you may find you just have to make do.

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