Monday, June 4, 2012

Searching for Alien Life Forms - Not a Complete Waste of article I wrote back in 2010

For this article I was paid 3.03.

Searching for Alien Life Forms - Not a Complete Waste of Time

Alien Life Forms
For a good number of years now men and women have searched the skies looking for "aliens".
Looking for others like themselves or at least similar, or maybe a little different, but in a form that is recognizable as a life form, that makes sense to mankind.

But as mankind has searched the skies, and looked carefully at any objects that have appeared in the night skies, this search has been in vain.

Nowhere has anyone found a complex organism such as man. So now some scientists have decided to turn and look again at their own home planet. But instead of looking for man sized "aliens", some scientists have decided to look at microbes as possible "alien life forms".

Now these scientists are not necessarily looking under rocks, and bushes for these tiny microscopic organisms instead they are looking at the end of their noses, or others noses. But not just the end of their nose but inside of the nostrils' of those suspected of harboring "aliens".

Well not really maybe they are only suggesting this is a possible alternative to the aliens many have suspected to be flying around in the skies. Now, lest you suspect I am making this up, I'd like to introduce you to a man by the name of Paul Davies, who is an award-winning Arizona State University physicist. Since he has won awards and addresses other scientists it can be safely assumed that he is a very smart man.

But this theory he has of alien life forms that may possibly be found in our noses, is in fact farfetched for anyone who believes that God create all life, and did not create life on other planets.

Personally I believe looking for aliens is a waste of time especially with the economy in the shape that it is in. I mean seriously, if we happen to continue to look for aliens, and by some chance find a demon who claims to be an alien life form, how are we to entertain this "alien".

I mean seriously many people have no jobs, and very little if any savings left. So going and hunting up another life form to care for may just become a burden, in the long run, at least, that is how I see that.

But to entertain the possibility that we may be surrounded by "alien life forms' is a form of entertaining news, at least this is something to think about that does not currently, involve sending young men and women into dangerous situations, like you will find in Iraq, Haiti, and Afghanistan. Searching for "micro alien life forms" may even prove beneficial in some ways.

Because as scientist are searching for these "aliens" they may find useful information that could be used in the treatment of disease. Perhaps they can even find information that shows sooner when the possibility of a biological attack is imminent.

But as far as searching for "alien life forms" that are or will evolve into creatures like humans or even animals, this to me is a serious waste of time. Because it takes a whole lot of faith to believe in the doctrines that make up the religion that is "Evolution."

I am not saying that a physicist like the gentleman mentioned above are not smart, because that would be untrue, instead I am saying that the evidence for "evolution" does not exist. Evolution is very much a "faith based religion" that is promoted in our schools, through our media, and our society as a whole.

The "idea" that there may be another planet somewhere that could sustain human life as we know it is a very entertaining idea, and one that many people would love to be true. Especially those of us who feel that our current planet is a little too polluted or crowded.

Scientist may one day find a way to make life on the moon or Mars habitable, but it will take a lot of work. And the focus needs to be on how to build a safe and sturdy living environment that is able to sustain life.

This will in the beginning need to be a structure that is sturdy, and very large, large enough so many plants can be grown. Later on after the first structure is complete and self sustainable, other structures would need to be built.

Doing this will take a lot of time, effort, and very smart individuals, who are mathematically and scientifically inclined, and not caught up with searching for "aliens" that may or may not exist in any form at all.


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