Monday, June 4, 2012

Should Children Be Limited in the Amount of Chocolate They Eat?... an article I wrote back in 2010

Should Children Be Limited in the Amount of Chocolate They Eat?
Setting Limits

Ok, so we have this question asked. "Should children be limited in the amount of chocolate they eat?" Especially since we have two Holiday's rapidly approaching where chocolate is often given. (Valentine's and Easter)

Before I answer this question, I'd like you to stop and think a minute. What is in the news nearly every day? Also what is something that is on the mind of many people? What is one of the fastest growing problems in America today?

Did I hear you say, "Obesity"? If I didn't perhaps, you have not been watching the news, reading the news; you may be completely oblivious to this growing problem. Or you may disagree completely, not seeing anyone obese or even remotely overweight anywhere near you. *I find this highly unlikely.

Ok, now back to the question at hand, should children be restricted or limited in the amount of chocolate they consume? Should children or adults ever be encouraged to overeat, at any time?

Now chocolate may seem like a trivial matter. But really it's not. Especially as we look at the epidemic rates of obesity in this country. And the obesity related illnesses, and even deaths.

Overeating once or twice or even several times, may not have a lasting effect on anyone's heath. However, a routine pattern of overindulgence will in time have repercussions. Many of these repercussions will include undesirable, excess weight gain, obesity, health problems enhanced or complicated due to fat. Some health problems are directly related to obesity. Possibly including depression due to the results to one's health and appearance after many years of excess everything.

So the answer to this question, "should children be limited in the amount of chocolate they eat?" is in my opinion "yes".

When we teach our children to place restrictions or limits on sweets, we may help prevent many possible future problems that are directly related to overindulgence. On the other hand if we over restrict we may teach our children to hoard sweets, and to overeat these whenever sweets or chocolate is known to be in the house. This has the same effect as unlimited access to sweets, or chocolate.

We should teach our children moderation in all things including chocolate, even chocolate gifts given on various holidays, or for various celebrations, should be given in moderation. Eating to excess short term causes belly aches. An established habit of overeating causes obesity, and many health problems.

Restricting or limiting chocolates, candies and other "junk foods" may prevent many troubles for our children as they grow older. Not setting limits and encouraging overeating leads to many problems in time.

It is not a signal that we love our children more when we give or allow access to over indulgences in chocolate, sweets or any other food. It is instead a sign that we do not care that we are actively contributing to creating health problems and medical bills for our children as they age.

Teaching moderation in all things, will allow our children to live healthier lives, and happier lives.

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