Monday, June 4, 2012

Mind Reading is it Real? article I wrote back in 2010

For this article I was paid 3.01 upfront.

Mind Reading is it Real?
Secrets You Should Know

So the question, "is mind-reading real or fake?' Seriously some people are still at odds and wonder about this. So as all good people with opinions go, I'll let you in on a little secret...are you ready? Mind-reading isn't exactly real, or exactly fake.

Ok, so now you are confused, right? Well there is no need to be. I have some experience in this area. No, I do not practice mind reading, nor do I actively now engage myself in occultism practices or go out of my way to consult those who do.

Now to answer this question fairly, I will need to address a couple of things, first in order to convince someone that you can read their mind, you need to be a careful observer. You also need to have some understanding of human behavior; it helps very much if you also have some knowledge of the individual you wish to convince, that you can read their minds.

Mind reading in reality is nothing more than being a good observer and the ability to convince someone they are thinking a particular thought.

The power of suggestion is very real, the power to read minds in not. You can place thoughts into another individual's mind through the power of your words. Words are very powerful, whether they are written or spoken.

Now you may be thinking that I am just talking in circles, and that's ok. Because really in order to convince someone you can read their mind you need to get that person to talking. The more you are around someone, or the more you are around people in general, the easier it is to "read minds", or to "read minds".

Something most people do not think about or realize is this body language conveys a lot, sometimes even more than the spoken or written word. When combined together it because easy to "predict" what someone may be thinking or about to say. It is not a matter of "reading someone's mind", it is a matter of careful observation.

The greater majority of people are predicable. Also people who belong to different groups or associations have a tendency to repeat the behaviors of those around them. When you see this over a period of time, you can make a fairly good guess as to what someone may be thinking or about to say or even what someone is about to do.

Now I mentioned above I am no longer actively involved in occultism practices. You may be wondering just why I mentioned that. The reason I mentioned that is due to the fact, mind reading and or predicting the future falls into the occultism realms.

There are people who are heavily involved in the occult practices, who are fully committed to the things of Satan, some are fully committed due to ignorance, not having ever heard or been presented with a clear presentation of the gospel. Others due to the fact they are choosing darkness over light, believing they know better than God.

The only one in the entire Universe with the ability to know and predict the future or to read the thoughts of mankind is God alone. Anyone who tells you they can "read your mind" or that they can with 100 percent accuracy "predict your future" is no more than a liar at worst truly deceived at best.

Deception, deceit and gullible people filled with pride if what promotes and keeps the market fresh and growing for those involved in the occult practice of "mind reading" and "fortune telling".

Although the person may sound very convincing, and may really convince you that they are able to "read" your mind, or someone else's it is not true. It is really a person who has spent a lot of time to learn and develop the art of observation.

Sometimes it is even a person who is controlled or greatly influenced by demonic spirits. Satan has been walking to and fro in this world for a long time, he knows more about your life history, and even your family relations, and trends or traditions that follow along your family line than you may.

Why? Or how can I say this with the confidence that I am right in this matter? I can say it because Satan is like any good enemy is, he seeks to destroy and devour you in every way possible, in order for someone to do that they have to make a study of the one they want to destroy.

Satan has actively been engaged in the study of human behavior for a long time. Because of this one fact, he is able to with a good deal or accuracy to predict what someone may do and then the result there after. Just because someone tells you something that "sort of" lines up with something you are thinking or that may occur in your life does not mean this person has any special knowledge revealed to them. It only means that they have taken the time to learn human behavior and what is likely to result because of that.

Also as Satan has walked to and fro he has taken time to listen or hear what people are saying, so not only has he studied the patterns we have in our lives, and also that others have, he has listened to our words.

The Bible reminds us that the power of life and death is held in the tongue.

We can through the power of suggestion convince someone of many things, but just because we may have the ability to do so does not mean that we should.

This is especially true for anyone who professes to be saved, because when anyone who claims to believe, engages in occult practices such as this, it causes a hindrance or stumbling block to be placed in front of others. It is also an abomination before God.

It is not cute or funny to engage in things that may pave the way to Hell for others. Also if we say we are "saved believers" then we continue in things that God has said to not do, and then we are ourselves deceived.

Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

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