Friday, June 8, 2012

You as I Have but One Enemy a poem I wrote back in 2010

You as I Have but One Enemy

Our enemies bountiful and mighty laugh as they close in all around.
Many a snare they've laid all over this hardened ground.

Dancing in pride, they laugh us to scorn, they shout with glee.
Waiting and watching for our weary steps to flee.

Watching in amazement as in quietness we lay down.
Sleeping soundly we sleep with nary a frown.

Awakened rested and content, sitting to dine on a table filled with plenty.
Our enemies un-rested and discontent stand and stare having believed themselves greater than the Almighty.

Our cup it runneth over even as through many dangers, toils and snare we go.
Trusting and believing even as the valley fills with the shadow of death, we hold onto that which we know.

Our enemies mock, still yet they marvel, at our unwavering faith, as we trust and believe.
Watching us they see for them we truly grieve.

Praying once and again, we pray for mercy knowing their soul will never rest.
If in "His" amazing grace they do not fully come to full crest.

The ocean wave's rise, and fall, but the oceans whitest rising crest is contained within a well-worn bowl.
Yet we mistakenly believe that none will miss the coming final roll.

The roll it will soon be called my friend has your name been blotted out?
Or have you finally through faith, by grace accepted the greatest gift that came for even you without a doubt.

You see my friend, although we perceive our enemies to be many, truly there is but one true enemy for every soul.
The enemy of your soul may enter, compass and control those around you this is true, but my dear friend, we must remember those we see are not are truest enemy; it is the great deceiver who will surely pay the greatest toll.

The toll, the wage of rebellion, pride, vanity and all that compasses sin, it is but this my dear friend.
It is the second death, separation forever from all those we hold dear, it is separation from God who loved us enough to pay a ransom that from the depths of the heart did rend.

Enemies we may have, enemies frequent our lives as with the lost the gospel we share.
But my friends never worry as it is with grace our own cross we all must bear.

Remember as "He" walked, we must steadily walk, remembering the prize before us.
Now a disturbance it is not needed neither is also is needed a fuss.

Walk in the prints of the one who walked ahead, who now lives within the Christian heart.
Perhaps you'll meet an enemy or two along the way, but remember it is not for us to say who from sin will truly depart.

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