Friday, June 8, 2012

Friends SurelyOne of God's Kindes Blessings... a poem from 2010

Friends Surely One of God's Kindess Blessings

Friends near and far a blessing given from God above'"
Dear friends to share our burdens, to help carry many prayers to God in love.

Friends accepting us for who we are, overlooking what we are not'"
True friends, ever dear to the heart, accepting; never expecting perfection from a fleshly shell that'll one day lie in rot --

A friend in time of need is a friend indeed.
A friend who cares is a friend we all need.

A friendship taken for granted is a dreadful fate.
True friends rare and kind are of upmost value, and never go out of date.

But my friend you know to have such a friend we must first remember to be a friend.
Because my dearest, not all know the ways of a true friend, so now take my hand as we walk around the bend.

Walking hand in hand we'll face each new day, believing only the best.
Thankful, to God for companions who bring to us blessed rest.

Rest from the weariness of this world's daily onslaught'"
A friend so dear reminds us of promises we've oft been taught.

So thankful we should be of friends given to us by God.
Now don't ever take your friends for granted whether near or far, for truly they've accepted your ways, even if a tad odd.

Friendships given us by God, families given to us too'"
But friends are given when the kin folks fill us with much rue.

We must for our dear families pray this we know it is so.
But my friend sometimes we must pray as we forever from their presence go.

Now don't mistake and say your kin you should reject accepting only your good friends.
Because my dear it is not so, you must with all kinds always work to make amends.

If offended you have others, seek forgiveness, but if it be lacking remember you've tried.
If truly you have tried, walk away if you must, but remember for your kin your heart will have cried.

But dry your tears, because in prayer you may keep those who've rejected you for no cause.
Pray as you must for salvation as it is not inherited, it must be accepted with grace regardless of who divides the sauce.

Now my friends don't just sit and stare.
For you see God knew we'd need each other, for many have for eternity never become truly aware.

You see my friend though one may be led to Christ, others may still reject.
The heart cries for the family who knows every single fault, forgiving not one error or mistake.

God only knows who'll ever fully accept "His" greatest gift.
But remember my dearest friend God in "His" providence did for the weary soul provide for a much needed lift.

A friend or two many may want it is very true, but my dear a good friend is from God alone.
If we find ourselves with but one friend we are much blessed, if we find two we are doubly blessed if we find ourselves with many true and good friends, then perhaps it is God's grace, as those we love have hearts of stone.

Knowing we needed many a reminder of "His" love he sent to us those who would care.
Remembering your frame, "He" sent you a friend or perhaps two or several, depending on the load you have to bare.

Remember my dear friend "many hands make light a heavy load".
But remember still my friend prayer is the hands that refreshes the soul as we all must oft reload.

You see my dear Christian friend we need each other, for when we accepted "His" call, we entered into a battle field.
A battlefield not of flesh and blood, but a battle field that's within the spiritual realms, have you my dear friend fully to this battle your personal gain gave yield.

Now don't worry, my dear friend this battle it is but for a limited time.
You see there are some who have forgotten that this war it's already been won, the battle's we have are all but a mime.

Dancing with a false reality the one who's forever lost, continues to cast many a troublesome stone'"
Tossing stones, grasping at lost souls, seeking to not in Hell dwell all alone.

Forgetting it was because of "his" rebellion and pride that soon into the fiery lake he will forever go.
My friend how thankful am I, that when I am cast down you've held God's promise out to me, reminding me so often of "His" love that was sown.

Now don't worry if you stumble, if your faith wavers as we pass through, for my friend even as you've carried for me many needful prayers. I still remember that many prayers refresh and renew.
As you've oft prayed for me, I pray for you, for many are the stones that have been cast out of the blue.

Stumbling blocks set to cause us to doubt, perhaps even to pout.
But remember my friend as you've prayed for me I'll pray for you without a doubt.

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