Sunday, May 6, 2012

Another three dollar article, actually 3.44 to be exact. From 2007

 This was written a very short few days  before my oldest son was killed. We never traveled as a whole family again, because my son was taken from us too  soon. He was eighteen at the time of his death.

I was paid 3.44 upfront for this article, that was written as a non-exclusive.

   "Family Vacations Are Still Possible with Rising Gas Prices: Tips for Budget Traveling"

If you happen to be planning on traveling this summer despite the high cost of gasoline. You may be trying to think of some ways to save a little money as you travel.

Due to the high cost of gasoline, which seems to be going up everyday. You may either be thinking of cutting down how far you go on your summer vacation. Or maybe you are saving as much as you can now, so you will be able to afford to go on your scheduled family vacation.

Well as bad as the gas prices are. If you take some time now to decide where you want to go, and how much you are willing to spend you may be able to still go to your favorite vacation spot.

What you will want to do first is to check out some online road maps (even if you already know the way).

You have several choices, a couple I can think of right away are googlemaps, yahoo maps, and mapquest. I am sure there are probably many more.

Well after you have googled for directions to your destination, what you may want to do is to located the gas stations along the way. And find out what the prices are. If you have a cellphone you may even be able to check the prices of gas when you leave home.

Okay, besides finding the easiest and quickest route with the least amount of road delays, what else can you do to help you travel to your vacation spot?

Well for a few weeks or months in advance have each person who will be going along on the family vacation, to save back a few dollars each week. This will be the spending money for that individual.
Okay, what else will make your trip easier? Well I would suggest either having your vechical checked over by a good mechanic or your husband if he knows how. Check the tires, filters, belts, brakes,change the oil etc.

Then the day before your trip get your vechical cleaned really well, and fill up on gas. After that come home and pack what you will be taking with you into your vechical, things like your overnight bags, travel pillows etc.

If you take extra blankets along these can be draped over the back of the seat so that they do not take up any addtional room. And travel pillows can be placed next to whoever will be using them.

Okay, what else can you do to make your vacation more enjoyable and less expensive. Well after you have checked to make sure your vechical is in good running order, and you have packed everyone's overnight bags into the vechical. What you can do is to make several gallons of ice tea, koolaid or lemonaid. Put this in the frigerator to get cold overnight.

Then make up a lunch and snack bag for each person. In the morning you will want to put all perishables into your cooler with ice. Also the drinks you made the night before those will either go in a cooler or be sat somewhere in your vechical so you can get to them when wanted.

You will want to remember to take some paper towels, and disposable dishes. By taking your own snacks, drinks, and lunches, this will help you to avoid spending this as you are going down the road. You can stop and have a picnic lunch at a rest area.

Some rest areas also have walking trails now, so this would also be a good time to get out and stretch your legs. So you will be refreshed for the rest of your travel time. Also your children can burn off some pent up energy, so they can also enjoy the trip more.

The price of gas may not be going down any time soon. But by careful planning vacations this summer with your children can still be managed. Perhaps vacationing a little closer to home, taking meals, snacks and drinks with you, avoiding resorts.

Maybe take a camping trip, instead of going to Disney World. Or maybe go visit some family or friends you have not seen in a while.

Whatever you decide to do I hope you have a great summer, and spend a lot of quality time with your children.

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