Sunday, May 6, 2012

This was published five days before my oldest son was killed.

Below is a link to another article on self-employment, and job security. As this was written non-exclusively, I've also included the article below the link.

This article was written five days before my oldest son passed away. I should however, say it was published five days before, because I actually wrote this a few days before it was published, as with most all of the articles I've written there has been a time delay before going life. This is partly why I've finally decided to just put the majority of my writing here on this blog.

"Your Own Business: Benefits of Self-Employment and Job Security"

What are some reasons to have your own business???

The first reason is because you will be your own boss. This can be a blessing and a curse.

Depending on how well you work by yourself. If are organized and able to manage your time well then a home business may be something you should consider.

The second reason you should consider having your own business is because this will ensure that you have a way to provide income for your home. This is something that just about everyone needs.

Unless you were born with an unlimited amount of money you need a way to support yourself, and your family.

The third reason you should consider having your own business is because you can set your own work schedule.

Allowing for more freedom in your personal life. Depending on what type of business you choose you may only have to work a few days or hours a week.

(Most home businesses will require a lot of time, but there maybe some that do not require as much time).

There are many reasons that people decide to start their own businesses. For some it is because of the frusteration of having to always be at work in order to just barely make ends meet. For others it is because of plant closings, and few if any jobs left in the area they live in. For others it is because they desire to have more freedom to choose thier work days and hours.

Anyone can decide to start their own business, but not everyone will succeed.

Whether or not someone succeeds at a business depends on many factors. One would be the type of business chosen. Another factor would be how much competion there is in a given business.

A business idea that would be a poor choice for a new home business would be to start a landscaping business in an area that already has many of these types of businesses. The reason this would be a poor choice for a person just starting out would be because they would have a lot of competion. And they would be unknown to their expected customers. Also many landscape contractors have their clients sign contracts for the season.

This would be very frusterating to someone just starting out. A better choice of business would be to specialize in one small area. Instead of landscaping as a whole, perhaps installing a decorative waterfalls. Or helping someone get started with a garden. This would still fall under landscaping, but it would give the new business owner time to get to know potential cutomers in the future. Another option would be to work under someone who has been doing this for some time.

Another option for someone who is wanting to get into the landscaping business for the summer would be to contact all the contractors in the area, offering to fill in for anyone who may need a vacation. While not really the same as owning the business. It would be helpful for someone that has not fully decided this would be a business they would like. It would also help someone learn what all is expected of a landscape contractor.

This is just one example. You can pick any number of ideas and contact people who are in this line of business and find out what the positives and negatives are. Then if possible maybe even try to be a fill in for another person, when they need or want a vacation.

This would help you to see if the business you were thinking of is really what you would like to do.
Another option for your own business is to think of something you really like to do then see how you could make that into your own unquie business. This would cut down on your competion. Until someone else thinks of a better way to do whatever business you have thought of.

This is a good reason to always do the best of your ability for any business that you decide to start. And work on improving whatever skills needed for your business.

You location can limit some business ideas you may have, but your location may also provide unquie business ideas that are not available to others.

It is good to encourage others to have their own businesses too, even if they are in the same type business as you. The reason is because when they have more business than they can handle they may remember you. Then if you are known for quality work, you may get some referrals this way. You can also return this favor to others.

Because everyone needs a vacation sometime, and customers like to see quality work from different places. And it helps you to remember that if you do good quality work you will have repeat customers, but if you don't you may loose customers.

It is good to have more than one type of home business too. Because this will help you to remain flexible in what you are doing through out the year. Perhaps you will do some form of landscaping during the summer, then during the fall maybe you will hold craft classes. Then in the winter maybe you will teach someone how to make and use snowshoes.

The only thing that limits what a person can do for a home based business, is the resources available to that person, the location, and determination. If someone is determined to have a successful business and they work at it, manage well and are organized. Most of the time it is possible to have a successful homebased business.

There are many reasons to start a homebased business, job security and more freedom are a couple of very good reasons.

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